The menopause is characterized by the fact that the work of the ovaries in a woman is gradually slowed down. The symptoms associated with this condition are quite unpleasant. Every third woman after menopause is prone to such a phenomenon as hot flashes, and, as a rule, suffers greatly from this.

So what are tides? How to treat them?
The so-called "hot flashes" are the main sign of the onset of menopause. This is a rather specific condition that cannot be confused with anything. In most cases, it begins a couple of years before menopause; however, there are women who suffer from it for a very long time. Hot flashes during menopause are characterized by profuse sweating and a sharp reddening of the skin of the face and décolleté. The woman seems to be “thrown into a fever”, it becomes stuffy, it is hard to breathe. This continues for about a minute. The skin turns red due to the fact that the vessels dilate; usually this condition is accompanied by strong anxious sensations, a feeling of excitement. After the flush ends, chills may begin.
How often do hot flashes occur?

This is determined by how difficult the menopause is in general. If a woman experiences up to ten hot flashes during the day, this is considered a mild course. Up to twenty per day - a state of moderate severity. If their frequency exceeds twenty per day, then the course of menopause doctors designate as severe. As a rule, hot flashes during menopause occur regularly at certain times: in the morning - from six to seven - and in the evening, from about seven to ten o'clock. In addition, their frequency is associated with a number of factors, such as anxiety, depression, abrupt climate change, severe stress, extragenital diseases. In addition, it must be remembered that their occurrence can be caused not only by postmenopausal age, but also by gynecological operations (for example, bilateral oophorectomy).
Hot flashes during menopause: how to alleviate them?

In order to fight this condition, first of all, a general positive attitude is needed. It is clear that at this time every little thing irritates and infuriates, but try to calm down. Think about the advantages of your age: you probably have adult children, a successful career, in other words, you have fulfilled yourself. In a commendable effort to show concern for others (like babysitting your grandchildren), don't forget about yourself: eat your favorite foods, do what you enjoy, limit possible stress.
In addition, hot flashes during menopause and their frequency largely depend on the diet. Try to eat likeas many fresh fruits and vegetables as possible - they contain natural phytoestrogens. Scientists have conducted a number of studies that have established that in vegetarians, hot flashes are mild or absent altogether. Therefore, try to reduce your meat intake. Try to give up strong tea and coffee - caffeine can trigger a flush. An excellent alternative to these harmful drinks is green tea, it removes toxins from the body and is perfectly refreshing. Do not get carried away with spicy, fatty, fried, exclude exotic seasonings from the diet.
Your doctor will select a good vitamin complex for you. Also, you should not neglect physical activity. Be outdoors as often as possible, but it is better to refuse to visit the beach and sauna.
That's it. We hope you have received a complete answer to the question of what hot flashes are in women.