Enema for prostatitis: preparation for the procedure, procedure for manipulation, preparation of the enema composition, indications and contraindications

Enema for prostatitis: preparation for the procedure, procedure for manipulation, preparation of the enema composition, indications and contraindications
Enema for prostatitis: preparation for the procedure, procedure for manipulation, preparation of the enema composition, indications and contraindications

During the inflammatory process in the prostate, specialists prescribe to their patients a course of complex therapy, which includes drug treatment, as well as various procedures. Enemas for prostatitis are prescribed for almost all patients who suffer from pain, as well as discomfort in the perineal area. Thanks to this, you can not only get rid of unpleasant symptoms, but also significantly reduce inflammation concentrated in the tissues of the gland. Therapeutic solutions for enema with prostatitis should be selected individually by the urologist, based on the symptoms of the disease in the patient.

Activities and benefits

Microclysters for the treatment of prostatitis can be prescribed for various forms of this disease. The positive effect of an enema for prostatitis is achieved by usinga special solution that must be injected into the intestines. As a rule, a pear with a nozzle is used for this. The prostate is located next to the walls of the rectum. As a result, the drug easily and quickly enters the tissues of the rectum, after which it begins to fight the inflammatory process that was caused by pathogenic bacteria.

blue enema
blue enema

Enemas for prostatitis eliminate pain, prevent the future development of the inflammatory process, which is localized in the small pelvis.

Active ingredients that are part of the preparations, as well as natural plant extracts can accelerate the recovery of damaged prostate tissue. Treatment with prostatitis enemas simultaneously stimulates local immunity and cleanses internal organs of toxins.

This method of treatment is used if a man has discomfort localized in the rectum and anus. An enema from prostatitis at home can quickly eliminate spasms that appear during acute inflammation of the prostate.

The advantages of such procedures are not only in the high speed of the active components, but also in safety. It is known that most medications can provoke the development of dysbacteriosis, which is the cause of a weakened immune system. Some medications cause kidney and liver dysfunction. Reviews of an enema for prostatitis suggest that they do not have any negative effect on the internal organs, as well as on the entirebody system.

Preparation of the enema composition

For the treatment of prostatitis, you can use not only solutions based on drugs, but also decoctions of plants, as well as oil formulations. Plants can be used in the form of fees, which increases the effectiveness of the procedures. For example, calendula flowers are able to restore damage to the mucous membranes, relieve itching, which alleviates the patient's condition in the acute form of the disease. A decoction based on yarrow has strong anti-inflammatory properties, and also has a positive effect on the immune system. This herb also promotes normal bowel function.

Camomile enema for prostatitis softens the mucous membrane of the intestines and prostate. In addition, such a decoction is able to fight pathogenic microorganisms. Chamomile enema for prostatitis not only cures this disease, but also heals microcracks.

To increase the therapeutic effect, it is allowed to add copper sulfate, as well as bee products, to herbal formulations. Propolis has proven itself well in the fight against prostatitis, which has a decongestant, antispasmodic, wound-healing effect.

man holding his stomach
man holding his stomach

In a chronic or acute form of the disease, you can use an enema with oil from prostatitis. To restore the tissues of the gland, get rid of the pain syndrome, normalize blood circulation, you can use peach, sea buckthorn, eucalyptus oil. They need to be applied in smallvolume. To achieve a therapeutic effect, 30 ml will be enough.

Preparing for the procedure

The procedure itself is not difficult, so you can easily do it yourself at home. It must be remembered that the effect of such treatment will be lower if the bowel is not cleansed first. It is best to organize washing with clean water in the amount of 300 ml, which must be slightly warmed up. Thanks to this procedure, the intestines are well cleansed of impurities, and the flow of the therapeutic composition is also facilitated. The components of the solution at the same time more easily enter the tissues of the prostate gland. It is necessary to clean the intestines until the entire aqueous solution becomes transparent at the outlet.

Carrying out the procedure

When the intestines are cleansed, you can do an enema. To do this, a prepared warm composition is drawn into the pear, its amount should be 100 ml. The tip is inserted into the anus, after which the liquid is squeezed out by pressing the hand. After the procedure, experts advise the patient to lie down for half an hour. To get the most benefit from microclysters, it is recommended to do it at night. Thanks to this, the active substances of the solution have a lasting effect, and the effect becomes longer.

However, the solutions will have to be prepared in advance. Any decoction for an enema is made according to the same scheme: 2 tablespoons of the herbal mixture are poured into 250 ml of boiling water, after which everything is kept on low heat for 10 minutes. If there is severe inflammation or acutepain, it is allowed to add a solution of "Dimexide" to the solution in a ratio of 9: 1. Before using the infusion, it must first be cooled, but it should not be cold, since in no case should the prostate be cooled during inflammatory processes.

red enema
red enema

To prepare an alcohol solution, mix 6 ml of the remedy prescribed by the doctor with 100 ml of water. Heat the mixture to 40 degrees. It should be noted that the procedures cannot be carried out very often, since alcohol provokes irritation of the mucous membrane in the rectal area.

To prepare an oil-based solution, it does not need to be mixed with herbal decoctions or water. The pear is completely filled with pure oil in the amount of 30 ml.

Bath or enema with soda

Prostatitis can be overcome with a soda solution, which is administered orally through an enema. As a rule, this method is used to combat congestive prostatitis.

Also very effective are peroxide enemas for prostatitis. However, it is more convenient to make a bath from these ingredients.

To prepare a solution, add 15 drops of hydrogen peroxide and 1 tablespoon of baking soda to 1 liter of hot water. All ingredients are thoroughly mixed, and then poured into a basin. Such a bath is taken for 15 minutes. The procedure is repeated at least 2 times a day.

An enema for prostatitis with hydrogen peroxide and soda is prepared according to the same recipe, only the ingredients should be taken in smaller quantities. The proportions will besame.

Contraindications and indications

For the enema, various medicines, medicinal herbs are used, which are indicated for this disease. Such compounds are administered rectally, therefore, they are not able to affect the gastrointestinal tract and liver.

Doctors and patient
Doctors and patient

Once in the intestines, these substances quickly begin to be absorbed, due to which an almost instantaneous result is achieved. The enema acts as an anti-inflammatory agent and antiseptic. It cleanses the intestines, and in some cases prevents the exacerbation of the disease. During this action, bowel function improves, urination is facilitated. With inflammation of the prostate gland, experts recommend performing enemas with medicinal herbs. However, there are contraindications for such a procedure.

First of all, the enema is not recommended for all patients who experience soreness or pain in the abdomen. It is also not allowed to carry out such procedures in case of an inflammatory process in the intestines or in the direct passage. Exacerbation of hemorrhoids, acute course of prostatitis, tumors in the intestines are also a contraindication to an enema. For oncological diseases, as well as for sharp pains in the groin and perineum, it is strictly contraindicated to organize such procedures.

Other treatments for prostatitis

You can also use other treatments to treat prostatitis at home. However, before using them, it is necessaryconsult with a specialist to avoid possible unpleasant consequences. Some patients may have individual intolerance to some component that is part of the folk remedy. It is worth considering separately the recipes for the preparation of medicinal compositions in more detail.

Stone Oil Spirit Compress

To prepare such a compress, you need to mix 100 ml of ethyl alcohol, 150 ml of water, 3 g of stone oil. After that, a gauze bandage is dipped into the resulting composition, applied to the crotch area. After 10 minutes, the procedure is repeated. The duration of such therapy is 4 weeks.

man sitting on bed
man sitting on bed

Black seed oil

Use this product to lubricate the lower back and scrotum every day. This remedy strengthens the immune system, eliminates cramps during urination.

Baths based on yarrow and sage

To prepare such a bath, mix 1 liter of hot water, 30 g of yarrow, 20 g of sage. The duration of this procedure should be about 20 minutes. Baths are used at least twice a day. The treatment period should be a month.

Pumpkin seed oil

Pumpkin seed oil must be mixed with hydrogen peroxide. Rub the resulting product on a daily basis into the perineal area. This procedure is repeated at least three times a day. The duration of therapy is 15 days.

A man sits on a bed and looks at the floor
A man sits on a bed and looks at the floor

MeasuresEnema Precautions

During a therapeutic enema for prostatitis, a number of specific rules must be observed, which are as follows:

  1. You should not select drugs for making a solution yourself.
  2. Be very careful when treating with oils, especially when using eucalyptus oil. The fact is that this remedy can provoke severe irritation, as well as an allergic reaction.
  3. Herbal decoctions are not always well tolerated by the human body, especially if the patient has an allergy.
  4. Before the procedure, it is imperative to carry out hygiene measures.
  5. After treatment, boil the pear and tip for 2 minutes.
  6. Don't use too cold or too hot enema solution.
  7. If a patient is diagnosed with hemorrhoids, then you need to be very careful during the procedure.
  8. Alcohol solution can cause itching and burning in the rectum, so the concentration of alcohol should not be too high.
Two blue enemas
Two blue enemas

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the use of microclysters for the treatment of acute prostatitis must be accompanied by antibiotics. And these drugs should be prescribed by a specialist after the examination.