Normally, heaviness in the stomach and intestines should not bother. If the body works smoothly and without failures, all processes proceed naturally, without attracting attention and without being felt. If unpleasant symptoms appear, the stomach hurts, gas formation is activated, this area feels heavy or it seems to be burning inside - it makes sense to think about the reasons and visit a doctor for an accurate diagnosis.
What is the reason for the feeling?
Heaviness and pain in the intestines indicate a malfunction of the digestive organs. In some cases, everything is explained by functional disorders due to the pathological state of organs and tissues due to the influence of external factors. The organic nature of failures in the performance of tissues and cells is possible. This is observed against the background of somatic pathological conditions.
However, most often, discomfort can be explained by the peculiarities of the diet. So that the stomach, intestines are normal,you need to eat right, following the regimen and adhering to he althy foods. Ignoring these rules and advice, a person learns very well from himself what heaviness in the intestines after eating is.

He althy Diet
If the wrong diet caused heaviness in the intestines, what should I do? The doctor will tell you the best program for the transition to a he althy diet. Ideally, a person should eat a balanced diet, absorb a moderate amount of food in small portions, quite often during the day. A he althy diet involves the full satisfaction of the body's need for protein structures, fat molecules and carbohydrates. An adequate amount of irreplaceable microscopic elements, vitamins, should come with the products. Food is a source of certain amounts of energy. They are usually measured in calories. A he althy diet provides a normal amount of energy, but does not overload the digestive tract.
Neglecting the described rules for compiling a diet, you can find out for yourself how unpleasant bloating, heaviness in the intestines. You can understand what exactly needs to be adjusted in the nutrition program if you visit a nutritionist. The most common causes of disorders are eating too much food, unbalanced foods or low nutritional value of the food consumed.
Everything is connected
The above causes of heaviness in the intestines are closely related and form a kind of vicious circle. For example, a person who eats foods with low nutritional value must constantly renewstocks of components, substances, which forces him to consume large amounts of food. This provokes overeating, at the same time, the body, quite possibly, will still suffer due to a lack of vitamins.
Even if a person can boast of good he alth, the digestive system is unable to process large amounts of food coming in a short period of time. There is a feeling of heaviness in the intestines, because the body is not able to generate enough enzymes to break down all foods, and rapid digestion becomes impossible.
Nuances and processes
If food is retained in the gastric cavity, intestinal tract, fermentation processes begin in these masses, provoking bloating. A person suffers from gas formation, heaviness in the intestines. Often, sensations are accompanied by constant hunger, it is almost impossible to get enough, every now and then it pulls to have a bite again. Since the easiest way to get food is fast food, it is with it that people “grill the worm”, without even realizing that they only aggravate their condition.
The wrong diet is not only an unsuccessful set of products, but also the culture of eating them. Currently, many are characterized by aerophagy, that is, swallowing with the nutrient components of the air masses that enter the intestinal tract. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to be silent during meals, absorb dishes in small pieces, chewing gently.

Everyone suffers
Persistent heaviness in the intestines canbe present against the background of regular stress loads and aggressive factors affecting the human psyche. It so happened that one of the generally accepted and common "medicines" for experiences is a variety of food. Trying to drown out emotional swings with food, thereby a person provokes functional disorders of the digestive system. Gradually, this can cause organic malfunctions in the digestive tract.
Diseases and their manifestations
Treatment of heaviness in the intestines, provoked by the factors described above, involves the normalization of the diet and the stabilization of everyday life, the exclusion of experiences, stress factors. The task will be somewhat more difficult if the cause of the phenomenon is a pathology, a disease that has affected the organs of the digestive system. Clarification of a specific somatic disorder is the responsibility of the doctor. It makes sense to imagine what diseases the symptom indicates in order to have sufficient motivation to visit the clinic.
Most often, heaviness in the intestine accompanies gastritis. This disease is extremely widespread among the inhabitants of various countries of the world. The term is used to denote the presence of foci of inflammation on the mucous membranes covering the stomach. The cause of gastritis is bacterial invasion. Pathology is expressed by slow digestion. Unpleasant sensations come immediately after a meal and disturb for some time. Gastritis is manifested by pain in the abdomen from above, nausea, weight loss. Some have broken stools.

Diagnoses and pathologies
Sometimesheaviness in the intestine indicates the presence of inflammatory processes in the gallbladder. Perhaps, in terms of prevalence, this pathology is second only to gastritis. A distinctive feature of cholecystitis is severe pain on the right under the ribs. Sensations come in attacks, especially strong if you eat something fatty, alcoholic, s alty. Often, a period of exacerbation is accompanied by fever.
Colitis, enteritis are pathological conditions that also manifest themselves, among other things, as heaviness in the intestines. The terms denote inflammatory processes localized in the large, small intestinal tract. The problem is accompanied by bloating, increased gas formation, soreness of the zone suffering from pathological processes. The chair is broken.
What else is possible?
Sometimes heaviness in the intestines is explained by pancreatitis. This term refers to inflammatory processes localized in the pancreas. They lead to a violation of the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract, which is accompanied by increased gas formation, discomfort, and soreness of the zone. Pancreatitis is characterized by a number of non-specific manifestations - pressure rises, shortness of breath worries, the skin acquires an unhe althy yellowish tint.

The digestive system is formed from a large number of closely related organs. In case of violation of the work of at least one of them, this affects the state of the person as a whole. Localization of unpleasant sensations does not always help to make an accurate diagnosis right away. Clarification of the state is the responsibility of the doctor. Doctorcollects the patient's complaints, draws up a picture of the course of the disease, directs the client to laboratory and instrumental studies. As a result of these activities, it is possible to determine what exactly caused the discomfort, therefore, to choose a successful course of treatment.
Options and reasons
Sometimes heaviness in the intestines is accompanied by a feeling of fullness in the stomach cavity. Additional symptoms are usually nausea and vomiting. A person is constantly thirsty. There is a possibility that the root cause of the manifestations is a violation of the well-coordinated work of the muscles, nerve fibers of the gastrointestinal tract. There is a possibility of such a condition with a long strictly limited diet, against the background of starvation. Conducting a study of the patient's body usually allows you to establish the depletion of the body.
A not very common, but extremely dangerous cause of heaviness in the intestines is a heart attack. Additionally, gas formation is activated in the gastrointestinal tract, the patient feels sick and vomits. When touched, examination of the stomach pain in this area is not detected. The patient's condition progresses rapidly, dryness of the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, tongue worries.

If heaviness in the intestines is accompanied by fever and increased gas formation, the cause is probably the presence of foci of inflammation. Sometimes symptoms accompany severe poisoning. Clarification of the state in some cases helps to identify a combination of liver, kidney, pancreas diseases. If the heaviness in the intestines is chronic, you should immediately consult a doctor.
Approach totherapy
At present, etiotropic treatment is practiced - first, the causes that provoked the pathology are established and corrected, while the symptoms are considered secondary. In some cases, it is not possible to eliminate the root cause, and for a number of diseases no drugs have been invented. In this case, relief of the patient's condition is achieved by relief of symptoms.
It so happened that heaviness in the intestines is not perceived by many as a serious problem, and in pharmacies there are many means to improve the general condition. It is worth remembering: the constant use of such drugs adversely affects the liver, gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys. In addition, the root cause, the original pathology, whose symptoms are suppressed, gradually develops and becomes more complicated.
First aid: how to relieve the condition
If there is no opportunity to visit a doctor, and the condition is extremely unpleasant, to relieve discomfort, you can take any of the drugs presented in modern pharmacies - they have a fairly large selection of over-the-counter remedies for the stomach and intestines. In addition, such drugs are indispensable if the severity in the gastrointestinal tract is due to excessive food intake and improper diet. They will help if low-quality products are ingested.
As a rule, the agent present in the first aid kit of any of our citizens is activated carbon. This drug belongs to the category of enterosorbents. Slightly more expensive Polysorb, Enterosgel, Polyphepan have similar properties.
In some cases, enzymes help to alleviate the conditionmedicines presented in pharmacies under the names "Creon", "Mezim". Festal has proven itself well. To activate the movement of food through the gastrointestinal tract, you can take "Itoprav", "Ganaton". With problems with gas formation, Simicol, Espumizan come to the rescue.

There are many options - how to decide?
The choice in favor of a specific name is made based on the characteristics of the case and which symptom dominates over the others. If it is possible to accurately determine the cause of discomfort, it is also taken into account when choosing a remedy to alleviate the condition. For example, after the absorption of large volumes of food, it is necessary to use enzyme active compounds - they stimulate the digestive process and help get rid of unpleasant heaviness. When eating harmful, unhe althy foods, simple carbohydrates, it is reasonable to use sorbents and drugs that stimulate the passage of gases in case of severity and swelling.
When often disturbing heaviness in the intestines, you should consult a doctor. The constant use of pills to relieve symptoms will only harm. Knowing the exact cause of feeling unwell, you can choose a good treatment program with minimal negative consequences for the body.
Eating rules and changing diet
To get rid of heaviness in the intestines, as a rule, it is enough to adjust the meal program and menu. The main idea of the diet is unloading the gastrointestinal tract, minimizing the ingress of harmful, heavy foods into the body. It is necessary to eat fractionally,taking breaks between meals no more than four hours. A reasonable amount of food (small portion) should be consumed during meals.

You should review the diet and balance the diet. About half of the products entering the body are normally complex carbohydrates. Approximately a quarter of nutrition is protein structures, the same amount is fatty. It is reasonable to use the medical diet recommended by doctors as a basic menu. It is adapted to the specifics of a particular lifestyle, realities, taking into account their tastes.