How to take an analysis for ureaplasma in men: recommendations for preparing a study, useful information from specialists

How to take an analysis for ureaplasma in men: recommendations for preparing a study, useful information from specialists
How to take an analysis for ureaplasma in men: recommendations for preparing a study, useful information from specialists

In the article, we will consider how they take an analysis for ureaplasma in men.

Ureaplasmosis is a common disease of the male urogenital area. However, few are aware of its presence, since it can only be diagnosed through a special examination. How do they take an analysis for ureaplasma in men? How to properly prepare? All answers are later in the article.

how to take an analysis for ureaplasma in men
how to take an analysis for ureaplasma in men

Ureaplasma: what is it?

Ureaplasmosis is a disease that is hidden in men, few people know about its presence. We will talk about the impact of pathology and its essence, as well as the features of preparation for analysis.

The complexity of inflammatory and infectious diseases of the genital area of men lies in the fact that they have almost no pronounced symptoms. Therefore, the patient often does not suspect that they are. The absence of symptoms at the same time does not reduce the significance of threats to the state of the body, therefore, it cannot be ignored.the alleged presence of the disease, it is necessary to act in a timely manner, performing diagnostics and further treatment.


The presence of ureaplasma for the natural male microflora is normal. These are bacteria that live on the mucous membrane of the urinary tract and genital organs of men. Normally, these microorganisms are not active.

how to pass an analysis for ureaplasma for a man
how to pass an analysis for ureaplasma for a man

Analysis in men for ureaplasma urealiticum is carried out much less frequently than for ureaplasma parvum.

Typically, transmission occurs in two ways: through contact with an infected woman or from a mother if she has such microorganisms.

Ureaplasmosis in general is observed in men less frequently than in women.

Symptoms of ureaplasmosis

The disease has a list of the following symptoms: pain during urination; burning and itching in the genital area; there may be discharge, usually mild, the color is transparent.

Such symptoms are easily confused with other inflammatory processes of the urogenital area, and therefore there are frequent cases of ureaplasmosis flowing into the chronic stage from the acute one. With a chronic nature, the disease does not manifest itself in any way, but one has only to catch a cold or disrupt the state of the immune system in any way, as the pathology returns again.

Many people wonder what tests a man should take for ureaplasma.

ureaplasma in men analysis norm
ureaplasma in men analysis norm


When microorganisms are found in the human body in a latent form, start pathogenicthe process is possible if the general microflora of the male body is disturbed, including the microflora of the mucous membrane of the genital organs and urinary tract. Such a violation can be provoked by:

  • violation in the schedule of rest and nutrition, which reduces the quality of life, the body of a man becomes more susceptible to infections;
  • antibiotics and hormonal drugs can also become a source of illness.

Since the settlement of microorganisms occurs throughout the mucous membrane of the genitourinary system, pathology can begin in any of its departments. At first, it is an inflammatory process, but at the same time it is a harbinger of more serious diseases: urethritis; urolithiasis; arthritis epididymitis; prostatitis. If the case is more serious, it can worsen the quality of sperm and cause complete male infertility.

So, let's figure out how they take an analysis for ureaplasma in men.

testing for ureaplasma in men
testing for ureaplasma in men

Diagnostic Methods

When ureaplasma microorganisms are hidden, it is difficult to assume that an examination and a treatment course are required. However, at the first sign, you should consult a specialist.

The doctor at the first appointment will examine the patient and prescribe the necessary tests. A diagnosis can only be made after a laboratory test and its results. Laboratories currently use one of three methods:

  • Applying bacteriological material obtained by scraping from the urination canal is the most reliable diagnostic method,however, it will take at least a week to complete.
  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) - this method is based on molecular analysis, allows you to determine the presence of pathogens; has high accuracy, speed and lower cost compared to the previous method.
  • ELISA and PIF - the least accurate diagnostic method, which is aimed at determining antibodies to ureaplasma. In other words, he assumes that if a person has a disease, antibodies to pathogens will be present in the blood, as the disease is fought. Normally, in the analysis for ureaplasma in men, there are no antibodies.

The main disadvantage of this method is low accuracy.

After a laboratory test, the doctor at a second appointment will say with confidence whether there is a ureaplasma microorganism, whether they are a source of inflammation. Then a treatment course is prescribed, which combines drugs to strengthen the immune system and antibiotics.

How to get tested for ureaplasma for a man, the doctor will tell.

analysis for ureaplasma in men
analysis for ureaplasma in men

Specific analysis

Diagnostic accuracy will be the higher, the more correctly the man prepares for the tests. When conducting a study by the bacteriological method, it is necessary to ensure the purity of the smear from the urination canal. When taking blood, you should also take care that it does not contain impurities of alcohol, drugs and other substances, as they violate the overall picture.

Fence proceduredirectly carried out as follows: a scraping of the mucous membrane is made from the walls of the urination canal. Scraping is taken by a doctor. To do this, a special probe must be inserted into the urethra. A swab can also be used as an instrument. Usually the depth of insertion reaches three centimeters. To collect a sufficient amount of biomaterial for analysis, the doctor will make several translational movements with the instrument, thus scraping particles of mucus from the walls of the canal.

This procedure is quite unpleasant, but the sharp sensations of pain, as a rule, do not happen. It is important to collect a sufficient amount of biomaterial, since pathogens are located inside the cells of the mucosa, and not on it itself. Insufficient numbers will result in inaccurate results.

After removing the probe, some discomfort and a slight burning sensation are felt, but within a couple of hours they pass.

Getting ready

For undoubted reliability, before passing the test for ureaplasma, men should carry out several preparatory procedures:

  • eliminate medication for a week; if you are taking any drugs, you need to warn the doctor about this so that he takes into account their influence when evaluating the results of the study;
  • two days before the analysis, intimacy should be excluded;
  • in the evening before the material is taken, hygiene must be carefully performed.
ureaplasma urealiticum analysis in men
ureaplasma urealiticum analysis in men

Urine should be 2-3 hours before the test, but do notlater. When urinating right before the study, urine will cleanse the canal mucosa and reduce the amount of the desired biomaterial, that is, the results will be distorted.

Useful information from experts

Infections of the genitourinary system, including ureaplasmosis, significantly affect the patient's quality of life. That is why experts advise to undergo all examinations in a timely manner and, if necessary, begin treatment. A very important factor for correct diagnosis is the provision of conditions for high-quality material sampling, that is, the patient needs to properly prepare for the procedure. Only in this case the result of the study will be reliable.

To facilitate the analysis, the doctor may suggest that the man pre-massage the urethra with a special probe or the prostate through the rectum.

We examined how men are tested for ureaplasma.
