Sylvius aqueduct: structure and function

Sylvius aqueduct: structure and function
Sylvius aqueduct: structure and function

Sylvius aqueduct was known in ancient times. Already in those days, scientists interested in studying human anatomy knew about the circulatory system and the heart, the digestive system. But most of the mysteries so far are fraught with the brain. That in ancient times, that now, when medicine has the latest technology.

Sylvius aqueduct
Sylvius aqueduct

Origin of the term

Hippocrates theorized that blowing your nose is bad for the body, as part of the brain is lost during this action. In this regard, having learned and got the opportunity to dissect corpses, scientists began to devote a lot of time to studying the brain.

Brain table
Brain table

The brain consists of many components: the shell, the fence, the pale ball, the nuclei, the tire, the circle. The aqueduct of the midbrain is located among its formations. Earlier in the seventeenth century there was a famous scientist named Francis Silvius. He was just doing brain research. It is to him that the merit belongs to the discovery and description of such a department as the Sylvius aqueduct, which was later named after him.

Liquor: meaning and circulation

Probably almost everyone knows about the disease called meningitis. Atsuspicion of him, doctors are selected by performing a puncture for analysis of cerebrospinal fluid - cerebrospinal fluid. There is only about half a cup of such liquid in the human body. But it is very important for maintaining normal pressure levels in the brain.

Midbrain aqueduct
Midbrain aqueduct

In simple terms, the spinal cord is immersed in the cerebrospinal fluid. Inside it there is another channel with the same liquor. The canal ends at the foramen magnum, where it widens into the lateral ventricles.


Very often there are questions about the brain. A table of its structural elements helps explain their functionality.

Divisions of the brain Functions
Medulla oblongata Regulates heart rate, breathing, blood pressure
Bridge Responsible for eye movement and facial expressions
Midbrain Reflex head movement
Diencephalon Managing the functioning of internal organs
Cerebellum Responsible for clear coordination

It is the midbrain that is responsible for visual and auditory reflexes. And its central part regulates unconscious stereotypical movements: tilts and turns of the head, torso.

In terms of complexity, the midbrain loses to other parts of the brain. Therefore, it is the least studied.

Departments of the midbrain - this is the roof, tire, legs. Inside lies a narrow channel calledplumbing of the brain. It is designed to connect the ventricles of the diencephalon and rhomboid brain.

The midbrain is responsible in the human body for orienting reflexes, posture, vision, hearing, chewing and swallowing movements, muscle tone.

Sylvius aqueduct

As mentioned earlier, there is a canal in the brain that connects the third and fourth ventricles to each other. This is the aqueduct of Sylvius, which is an integral part of the central canal. A pipeline in cross section may look like a triangle, rhombus or ellipse. Its length does not exceed two centimeters.

Why was the Sylvius aqueduct invented and created by nature? Its function is trophic, that is, it consists in delivering nutrients to brain cells. Without food, they can die. In addition, the brain is located around it. The table of his departments clearly shows this. These are the nuclei of the reticular formation, the oculomotor nerve. Thanks to the aqueduct of Sylvius, cerebrospinal fluid circulates in the brain, creating pressure. In total, it contains a little over one hundred milliliters.

Sections of the midbrain
Sections of the midbrain

Liquor is indispensable for creating the phenomenon of depreciation, balance. In addition, it serves to form a hydrostatic sheath and ensures that the nerve roots are positioned in such a way that the tension of the vessels decreases. Liquor is also indispensable for providing tissues with nutrition. With its help, nutrient cells are delivered to them. And after the process of their processing, the liquor removes waste substances. Included in its composition of the system of cellular immunityprotect against germs.

Plumbing is extremely important for maintaining normal intracranial pressure. If the fluid is lost, then the pressure will drop, which will immediately affect the form of intolerable headache, nausea, vomiting, and decreased vision. If there is a loss of cerebrospinal fluid, then an urgent magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) procedure is necessary.

Thus, the role of the aqueduct of Sylvius in the brain is indispensable. It is thanks to him that a person feels good, his intracranial pressure remains normal, and brain cells can eat normally and, therefore, function.
