Drug "Aqualor" for the nose. How to use "Aqualor" for washing the nose

Drug "Aqualor" for the nose. How to use "Aqualor" for washing the nose
Drug "Aqualor" for the nose. How to use "Aqualor" for washing the nose

Rhinopharyngeal pathology is an urgent problem of modern medicine, one of the most common reasons why people come to the doctor for help. Headache, hyperthermia, nasal congestion, runny nose, difficulty in nasal breathing, as well as a painful cough - all this negatively affects the general well-being of the patient, leads to a decrease, and sometimes even to loss of working capacity.

aqualor for the nose
aqualor for the nose

Many patients suffering from runny nose and sore throat irrigate these areas with saline (isotonic, hypertonic) solutions. The most popular remedy from this group of drugs is Aqualor for the nose. Instructions for use, composition and properties of the drug will be presented below. The Aqualor line of products is highly effective, safe, and easy to use.

Medicine composition and safety

"Aqualor" for the nose is purified (sterile) sea water, rich in such macro- and microelements:

  • calcium;
  • manganese;
  • selenium;
  • potassium;
  • sodium;
  • chlorine;
  • magnesium;
  • iodine;
  • phosphorus;
  • copper;
  • iron;
  • fluorine;
  • bromo.

The drug does not contain preservatives, dyes and other chemical additives. "Aqualor" for the nose can be used by infants, as well as women during childbearing and lactation. The medication fully complies with European standards:

  • retains sterility with prolonged use;
  • provides a continuous and, importantly, high-quality spray for washing the nasal cavity;
  • anatomic nozzles allow you to direct the aerosol through the nasal passages.

"Aqualor" for the nose exhibits antiseptic, anti-edematous and anti-inflammatory effects. The therapeutic effect is complemented by a moisturizing and cleansing action. "Aqualor" washes all parts of the nasopharynx, frees the mucous membrane from excess mucus, viruses and microorganisms.

nasal rinse
nasal rinse

Medication effectiveness

When using the drug "Akvalor" for washing the nose, you get the maximum therapeutic effect. Experimental studies conducted in different laboratories have shown that the drug alleviates the course of the common cold in both adult patients and children. It has been established that the daily use of the drug is effective in the prevention of acute respiratory infections and influenza.

Views of Aqualor

Pharmaceutical companies "Aqualor" for nasal lavage are produced in several dosage forms that differ in composition, volume and method of application. At the same time, the line of drugs contains five compositions for the nose (“Baby” - spray and drops, “Norm”, “Forte”, “Soft” and “Extra Forte” - sprays) and “Aqualor” for the throat, sprayed in the oral cavity through a special dispenser. In addition to all of the above, there are forms of the drug with enhanced action and the content of medicinal plants.

Aqualor soft

When diagnosing vasomotor or occupational allergic rhinitis, doctors usually prescribe Aqualor for the nose. Patient reviews indicate that this form of the drug is very effective in the presence of inflammatory processes of an infectious nature in the nasal cavity (sinusitis, adenoiditis, sinusitis). Aqualor Soft is an aerosol equipped with a special dispenser that provides gentle irrigation. The medicine does not contain any excipients.

aqualor nose shower
aqualor nose shower

Aqualor norms

The presented form of the drug also contains an isotonic 0.85% solution of sea s alt. The pharmaceutical agent is introduced into the nasal cavity by means of a dispenser-nozzle with a "jet" spray type. This irrigation is effective in the formation of dense plugs in the nasal cavity.

Aqualor baby

Pharmacologists have specially developed a mild composition of the drug - "Akvalor" for the nose for children. Reviews about the drug are very eloquent: the best medicine for cavity carethe baby's nose does not exist today. The nozzles of the product have restrictive rings for the safety of babies. The composition of the drug includes only natural ingredients, so it does not cause any side effects, including allergic reactions. You can buy medicine in the form of drops or spray. Drops can be used as monotherapy or in combination with other pharmaceuticals for the treatment of rhinitis of various etiologies and their complications - sinusitis, otitis media. "Akvalor" -spray, or, as it is also called, "Akvalor" - a shower for the nose, can be used for infants. Baby spray easily penetrates into the sinuses, softens dried crusts and promotes their removal. This remedy is especially useful for babies who have not yet learned how to blow their nose on their own.

nasal aqualor for children
nasal aqualor for children

Aqualor forte

The basis of the drug is hypertonic 2, 1% (21 g of table s alt in 1 liter) solution of sea water. The increased content of NaCl allows the drug to penetrate into the depth of the focus of inflammation, provides a quick cleansing of the nasal cavity from dried crusts and purulent contents. It is used in the treatment of eustachitis, sinusitis, otitis and sinusitis. It is also worth noting that Aqualor nasal spray is the best way to rinse the nose after surgery.

Aqualor extra forte

The basis of the drug is a sterile hypertonic solution of sea water, extracts of Roman chamomile and aloe vera are added as auxiliary substances. The unique biochemical composition of the drug provideshighly effective sanitation of the nasal mucosa and paranasal sinuses. This remedy is indicated for chronic infectious rhinitis accompanied by hyperemia, swelling of the mucous membrane and severe respiratory dysfunction, as well as for sinusitis, sinusitis, the treatment of which with other pharmaceutical preparations is contraindicated or ineffective.

aqualor nasal spray
aqualor nasal spray

Aqualor for throat

The presented remedy has an antiseptic, moisturizing, anti-inflammatory effect, removes purulent plaque, relieves hyperemia of the mucous membrane, washes away viruses and bacteria from the surface of the mucous membrane, thereby reducing microbial contamination. The drug activates the regenerative processes in the mucous membrane. The best therapeutic effect is obtained with the complex use of sterile sea water with herbal extracts (chamomile, aloe vera).


The best nasal rinse is Aqualor. The composition of the preparation includes sea minerals, due to which active lavage (washing) of the nasal cavity is ensured: mucus is removed, swelling of the mucous membrane decreases, liquid secretions decrease, soften and crusts are easily removed. Sea water is a buffer solution that normalizes the work of the ciliated epithelium, improves nasal breathing, increases local immunity, moisturizes the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity, and has an anti-inflammatory effect. "Akvalor" for the nose improves the adsorption of medicinal substances from the surface of the mucous membrane. This reduces the riskmanifestations of local complications (otitis, sinusitis, frontal sinusitis), the duration of the course of the disease is reduced.

nasal aqualor instructions
nasal aqualor instructions

Using nasal rinse medication

Spray "Akvalor" is equipped with a special nozzle that forms a direct jet, which allows not only to irrigate, but also to effectively rinse the nasal cavity. This procedure should not be performed on children under six months of age, as there is a risk of fluid entering the middle ear, which can provoke the development of inflammatory processes (otitis media).

Nasal irrigation method for two-year-olds:

  • put baby on back;
  • turn your head to the side;
  • carefully insert the tip into the nostril and press the dispenser (2-3 s);
  • put the baby upright and help blow your nose well;
  • similar manipulations are performed on the other nostril.

Nasal irrigation method for adults and children over two years of age:

  • you can flush your nose while standing or sitting;
  • bring your head to the side position;
  • insert the tip into the nasal passage;
  • rinse for a few seconds;
  • blow your nose;
  • treat the other nostril;
  • if necessary, the procedure is repeated.

The duration of use of the medicine is unlimited.

nasal aqualor reviews
nasal aqualor reviews

Indications for use

The Aqualor medicine has a wide range of applications:

  • sanation of the nasal cavity and nasopharynx;
  • acute and chronic rhinitis of various etiologies;
  • prevention of SARS and influenza;
  • runny nose (vasomotor rhinitis);
  • sinusitis;
  • frontit;
  • subatrophic rhinitis;
  • angina;
  • periodontitis;
  • otitis media;
  • gingivitis;
  • epiglottitis;
  • adenoiditis;
  • laryngitis.

Analogues of the drug

Analogues of Aqualor are the following drugs:

  • Aquamaris;
  • Nasonex;
  • Milistan;
  • Otrivin;
  • "Levocetirizine";
  • Sanorin.

Before replacing the drug with analogues, consult your doctor, carefully read the composition of the drugs, since most of them do not have the full range of useful qualities of Aqualor.

nasal rinse aqualor
nasal rinse aqualor


There are no absolute contraindications to the use of the drug, however, hypersensitivity to the ingredients it contains may be observed. This remedy can be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding. There are no side effects when using Aqualor for the nose, the instruction does not note. This is one of the few drugs on the pharmaceutical market in our country that does not harm the he alth of the expectant mother and her baby.

Special Instructions

  1. Do not use this medicine after the expiration date (three years).
  2. Store the pharmaceutical preferably at room temperature (25-30 degrees), out of the reach of smallchildren spot.
  3. Avoid getting medication into eyes.
