Sanatorium "Krasny Yar" in the Perm region is a he alth resort, which is located in a picturesque pine forest. Rest here is always calm, but at the same time intense due to the fact that this wonderful place is far from the bustle of the city and industrial zones.
If you want to spend time with he alth benefits, then the Krasny Yar sanatorium in Perm is the perfect place. The amazing beauty of nature, clean air, a good location away from city noise and highly qualified specialists will ensure a good rest.

Sanatorium "Krasny Yar": description
A he alth resort is located in Perm. To be more precise, 150 kilometers from the city center, on the banks of the Sylva River.
Sanatorium "Krasny Yar" is a four-story building with a capacity of up to 110 people. For those who want to relax here in winter, there is a great bonus - skiing through a pine forest. In summer and autumn, tourists can go mushroom picking in the forest.

A feature of the sanatorium "Krasny Yar" in Perm is the possibility of using mineral waters and mud from local sources. They can treat arthritis, osteochondrosis, diseases of the muscles, joints and respiratory system. Mineral baths have a very beneficial effect on the nervous system.
Sanatorium "Krasny Yar" in Perm: how to get there?
People who decide to go to this he alth resort for the first time are wondering how to get here. In the 21st century, there are no problems with finding a particular place. You can use the Internet and even find a detailed map. Or find an explanation of the route.
But you don't have to look on the Internet for the answer to the question: "How to get to the Krasny Yar sanatorium in Perm?". You will find it here.
There are two ways available. The first is to get to the sanatorium "Krasny Yar" by train. First you need to get to the railway station "Perm 2". Next, you should use the train, the trip on which will last about three hours.
The stop at which the he alth resort bus will be waiting for you is the Shumkovo station. You need to get out on it. The bus of the sanatorium will be waiting here, which will take you to the place.
The second way is to use personal transport. Car owners can get to Krasny Yar using the navigator.
Accommodation and meals
Accommodation in the sanatorium "Krasny Yar" is available in single and double rooms. Guests are offered class apartmentsstandard and deluxe. For the convenience of tourists, the building was completely renovated in 2013. Examples of how the rooms look like in the sanatorium "Krasny Yar" in the photo below.

Prices vary from 1900 rubles to 3000 rubles per day per room, depending on the class of the room and the procedures chosen.

Guests are served 5 meals a day from a customized menu, with a fairly large selection.
The list of services includes the following procedures:
- mud treatment;
- hydrotherapy (pine and seaweed baths);
- inhalations;
- phytotherapy;
- massages;
- physiotherapy;
- physiotherapy exercises;
- speleotherapy (s alt treatments).
The sanatorium employs highly qualified specialists in the field of medicine. Among them: a cardiologist, a neurologist, a therapist, a pediatrician and others. In addition, you can seek advice from narrow specialists.
Healing procedures are carried out using natural resources. These include unique mineral waters with a high iodine content. As well as local sulphide-silt mud. Mineral waters are used for baths. Mud - for applications. They have anti-inflammatory, analgesic and resolving actions. Recovery is due not only to procedures and good doctors, but also to the unique clean forest air. In sum, all these factors have a positive effect on vacationers.guests here.
Leisure and entertainment in the resort
Entertainment activities in the he alth resort are quite well organized. Vacationers can choose what to do in their free time. Here everyone will find something to suit their interests. Among the available entertainment: a gym, a swimming pool, a sauna, table tennis, a billiard room and even a private cinema. Especially for women, there are oriental dance classes that promote flexibility and are good for he alth.

Curious guests have an additional opportunity to visit local attractions such as the Kungur Ice Cave, the Belogorsky Monastery and the Plakun Waterfall.
Local Attractions
Kungur Ice Cave is one of the hallmarks of the Urals. Its length is 5700 meters. Tourists can enjoy more than 60 lakes here. As well as the beauty of 146 "organ pipes".
The lakes inside the cave have a connection with the river Sylva. Their water is crystal clear. The inhabitants of these lakes are crustaceans and small frogs. The temperature in the cave is always low. In summer it is about -2-3ºС, in winter it is below -20ºС. For tourists in the cave there are several routes with a visit to beautiful grottoes.

Waterfall "Plakun" is located on the right bank of the Sylva River. This is a unique natural object. The name of the waterfall has its own legend. It says that once one unfortunate girl was separated from her lover. She was left hereright where the waterfall is. Since then, she has been crying from her unhappy love without ceasing. Orthodox people consider the waterfall a holy spring and often come here to cleanse themselves.
In winter, the waterfall is no less beautiful. The water in it is covered with an ice crust, about 2 m thick.
Reviews about the Perm he alth resort
People who have chosen this sanatorium for their rest and treatment do not skimp on kind words and praise. They celebrate the fact that the nature around is simply amazing. The air here is clean and always fresh.
Reviews about the sanatorium "Krasny Yar" say that this place is ideal for lovers of outdoor activities, as there are slopes for skiing. And in the summer, guests have the opportunity to go to the forest for mushrooms.
In the sanatorium, according to those who rested here, it is very comfortable. The rooms are clean and bright. The food is delicious and the menu is constantly updated. Visitors separately note the special attitude of employees towards guests. Doctors and staff are always polite and friendly. All doctors are highly qualified and ready to help at any time.
Among other things, guests note the fact that there are many sights not far from the he alth resort. You can visit the Kungur ice cave and the Plakun waterfall. Tourists write that these places amaze with their beauty. They evoke a strong impression that no words can convey. It is better to see this splendor with your own eyes.
According to the visitors of the sanatorium, "Krasny Yar" -a great place to combine pleasant and useful. Every vacationer will find something to their liking here, and thus distract from the gray everyday life. In addition, guests can improve their he alth.