Medicine 2024, October

Streptococcus in urine: causes and features

Streptococcus in urine: causes and features

In the external environment, we are surrounded by a huge variety of bacteria. Most of them are causative agents of serious diseases. Streptococci also belong to this majority. They enter the human body very easily, after which they begin to actively multiply and affect various organs and systems

Hip joint, MRI: indications, what shows where to do

Hip joint, MRI: indications, what shows where to do

Magnetic resonance imaging is one of the most high-frequency methods for diagnosing pathological changes in the hip joint. Due to the high information content of the obtained images and availability, qualified doctors quite often recommend undergoing tomography in order to make an accurate diagnosis, as well as assess the course of physiological processes, the structure and structure of organs, bones and soft tissues

Testosterone and estrogen: functions, norm, hormonal imbalance, treatment and consultation of an endocrinologist

Testosterone and estrogen: functions, norm, hormonal imbalance, treatment and consultation of an endocrinologist

A slight deviation from the normal level of hormones in the blood can lead to imbalance and malfunction of the reproductive and other body systems. Therefore, it is important to know the functions of hormones, normal blood levels, abnormalities, their causes and symptoms in men and women

Surgical operation, main stages and types of operations

Surgical operation, main stages and types of operations

Surgery in translation from Latin means a complex effect on the human body in order to treat organs. It is a procedure for separating and connecting tissues, i.e. accompanied by surgical trauma

Medical pre-trip inspection of drivers: procedure, log book

Medical pre-trip inspection of drivers: procedure, log book

Current legislation provides for mandatory pre-trip medical examinations of all drivers before the start of a work shift or flight. Only drivers who drive vehicles subordinate to emergency operational services, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, ambulances, traffic police, etc. are not subject to such an inspection

Glial cell. Functions and features of glial cells

Glial cell. Functions and features of glial cells

The nervous system consists not only of neurons and their processes. For 40% it is represented by glial cells, which play an important role in its life. They literally limit the brain and nervous system from the rest of the body and ensure its autonomous operation, which is really important for humans and other animals that have a central nervous system. Moreover, neuroglial cells are able to divide, which distinguishes them from neurons

Types and characteristics of pain

Types and characteristics of pain

Pain is an unpleasant sensation that is accompanied by emotional experiences caused by real, possible or psychogenic damage to the tissue of the body

What is the purpose of the Coombs test?

What is the purpose of the Coombs test?

Coombs' test is a specific laboratory test that detects antibodies present in blood plasma or on the surface of red blood cells. This procedure allows diagnosing immune hemolytic anemia, including in newborns, as well as detecting hemolytic transfusion reactions

What is the rarest eye color in humans. The influence of eye color on character

What is the rarest eye color in humans. The influence of eye color on character

The color of people's eyes plays one of the most important roles in the formation of both their character and external data. Often makeup, clothes, jewelry are selected under the eyes. From this in the future depends on the style of a person. Also, taking into account the shade of the iris that we see in the interlocutor, we can form a certain opinion about him. So, a rare eye color in people is remembered much better than some very common one

Spinal and epidural (epidural) anesthesia - what's the difference? Application, contraindications, possible complications

Spinal and epidural (epidural) anesthesia - what's the difference? Application, contraindications, possible complications

One of the most popular and safe methods of pain relief is epidural anesthesia. But she also has many contraindications. In addition, the possibility of complications with its use cannot be ruled out

What does the second blood type mean

What does the second blood type mean

Every educated person knows about blood types. However, a whole scientific concept has been developed in Japan, according to which people who have the second blood group are willingly hired for most positions that require care and responsibility. Why - read our article

How is blood purified?

How is blood purified?

Manipulations with blood are carried out for different purposes: charity and earnings (donation), improvement of the body, vital necessity (transfusion). In the event that a person decides to put the body in order, to feel better, then doctors recommend cleaning the internal environment of the body, which is formed from connective fluid tissue. When carrying out the procedure, it is worth considering all contraindications and be sure to consult a doctor

Rush of blood to the head: possible causes

Rush of blood to the head: possible causes

Every person may experience such an unpleasant sensation as a flush of heat that spreads throughout the body and focuses on the head. At the same time, the face begins to blaze, and in some cases even turns red. In order not to start the problem, you should understand your own feelings and determine ways to solve this ailment

Iodine deficiency: symptoms in children and adults

Iodine deficiency: symptoms in children and adults

Iodine is responsible for a huge number of metabolic processes in the human body. With its lack, complications often occur, often referred to as severe

Lyubertsy maternity hospital (Lyubertsy, Moscow region): address, description, reviews

Lyubertsy maternity hospital (Lyubertsy, Moscow region): address, description, reviews

Lyubertsy maternity hospital, many Muscovites choose for the first meeting with their baby. Reviews about the institution can be heard mostly positive

Lower body temperature: causes and symptoms

Lower body temperature: causes and symptoms

There are many reasons why body temperature can drop below normal. And in this article we will look at the main ones

Therapeutic massage. Action on the body

Therapeutic massage. Action on the body

Therapeutic massage is one of the most effective means used to get rid of various pathological processes and injuries. It provides effective assistance in restoring the normal functioning of all body systems. Therapeutic massage is included in the complex of therapeutic courses prescribed to patients in hospitals and clinics. It is prescribed for vacationers in sanatoriums and dispensaries

Rudiment is proof of the historical development of the organic world

Rudiment is proof of the historical development of the organic world

A rudiment is an organ that has lost its main significance in the process of evolutionary development of an organism. This concept also includes structures that are reduced and have less capabilities compared to the corresponding structures in other organisms. Rudimentary organs were thought to be completely useless, but many of them still perform some minor or relatively simple functions with the help of structures, most likely intended for more complex purposes

How to remove acne on the back?

How to remove acne on the back?

Acne is not a pleasant phenomenon, it is not in vain that a person tries to get rid of them as quickly as possible. Acne on the back and on other parts of the body can occur not only in a teenager, but also in an adult

Large intestine: functions and structure

Large intestine: functions and structure

The human digestive system, which includes the large intestine, is characterized by a variety of structures and functions of its various departments. This makes it difficult to diagnose digestive disorders, which affects the timeliness and effectiveness of therapeutic agents and methods. It is no secret that with the deterioration of the ecological environment, as well as with the irresponsible attitude of the person himself to his he alth, the number of gastroenterological diseases has increased in the world

How to give an injection in the buttock?

How to give an injection in the buttock?

Intramuscular injection of most antibacterial substances, vitamins, antispasmodics, antipyretics and so on. Often, the procedure is carried out by ambulance paramedics to quickly relieve pain, lower pressure or temperature, and calm the patient. Pharmacologists from leading companies today are trying to limit the number of injections as much as possible and develop vaccines that are effective and fast when administered orally, but so far doctors are more likely to prescribe injections

Nerve nodes - what is it and what do they consist of?

Nerve nodes - what is it and what do they consist of?

Ganglia (in other words - nerve nodes) are a collection of special cells. It is made up of dendrites and axons. They, in turn, belong to the nerve cells

Shock therapy - what is it?

Shock therapy - what is it?

Shock therapy is an effective method of treating various diseases. It is used in cardiology, orthopedics, traumatology, cosmetology. Read more about this in the article

Medication "Mildronate" (intramuscularly)

Medication "Mildronate" (intramuscularly)

The drug "Mildronate" (intramuscularly) is prescribed for reduced performance, physical overstrain (including athletes)

Types of syringes and needles. Medical syringes: device and dimensions

Types of syringes and needles. Medical syringes: device and dimensions

Syringe (its name comes from the German spritzen - splash) - the name of the instrument used in engineering, cooking and medicine for the introduction and removal of various liquids or gases using piston pressure

Needles for mesotherapy: overview, types, sizes and reviews

Needles for mesotherapy: overview, types, sizes and reviews

The mesotherapy procedure is becoming popular with those people who want to quickly and efficiently get rid of unwanted problems on their body. For the correct conduct of mesotherapy, first of all, the knowledge of a specialist and medications will be required. Great importance is attached to the choice of syringes and needles for mesotherapy. Needles for mesotherapy need to be supported by specialized ones, known as “Label needles”. They differ from the usual shorter cut length

Filing for alcoholism: purpose, technology, duration, necessary drugs, indications and contraindications

Filing for alcoholism: purpose, technology, duration, necessary drugs, indications and contraindications

It must be taken into account that the filing itself from alcoholism itself passes without any unpleasant symptoms. However, if the patient decides to drink even a drop of alcohol, he will immediately begin to feel unwell. At home, the symptoms cannot be blocked. In this case, the patient needs urgent help from a specialist

Coronary sinus: norm and deviations, functions

Coronary sinus: norm and deviations, functions

The coronary sinus is the largest vein in the heart. It is the least studied compared to its arterial counterpart due to vital interventional approaches through the coronary artery. Most modern procedures in electrophysiology require a deep study of the coronary sinus and its tributaries

What is the difference between arterial and venous blood and why should everyone know this?

What is the difference between arterial and venous blood and why should everyone know this?

Blood through the vessels of the human body moves continuously. The heart, due to its structure, clearly divides it into arterial and venous. They should not normally mix. Sometimes difficult situations arise, for example, when bleeding or fluid is taken from a vessel, in which it is necessary to accurately determine its type. This article will tell you how arterial blood differs from venous blood

Vertebrobasilar basin: description, location, functions, norm and deviations

Vertebrobasilar basin: description, location, functions, norm and deviations

Not everyone has heard about such a structure as the vertebrobasilar basin of the brain. But this structure is of great importance in providing the brain with blood saturated with oxygen and nutrients. Violations in the work of this structure can cause not only serious he alth problems, but also death. You will learn about the structure of the vertebrobasilar basin, its features, possible pathologies and methods of struggle from the article

Open oval window: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Open oval window: causes, symptoms and treatment features

Open foramen ovale is referred to in ICD-10 as an atrial septal defect. During intrauterine development, due to this feature, the child is saturated with oxygen, as well as normal blood circulation between him and his mother. This occurs due to the fact that the lungs during intrauterine development of the fetus do not yet perform a respiratory function

Bone Age: Definition and Application

Bone Age: Definition and Application

Growth is one of the main indicators that allows you to assess the development of the child as clearly as possible. In addition to the standard methods for measuring growth, there are a number of lesser known methods for estimating growth rates. One of them is the assessment of bone age. In combination with other forecasting methods, it allows you to determine the condition of the bones as accurately as possible and, if significant deviations are found, prescribe treatment

Massage methods: methods of execution, types, forms and classification

Massage methods: methods of execution, types, forms and classification

What is massage, everyone knows. However, not everyone understands what effect this procedure has on the body. There are different massage methods. It is made for a variety of purposes. As a result, his technique can vary considerably. This procedure has a certain therapeutic effect. What effect this or that type of massage has on the body will be discussed in the article

23 hospital. City Hospital No. 23. Hospital No. 23 on Taganka

23 hospital. City Hospital No. 23. Hospital No. 23 on Taganka

City Hospital 23 is a multidisciplinary medical institution providing diagnostic, preventive and curative services to the population. Excellent diagnostic base, highly qualified doctors and modern equipment make this medical institution one of the best among similar

59 hospital. 59 GKB, Moscow - address

59 hospital. 59 GKB, Moscow - address

Multiprofile City Clinical Hospital 59 has been providing consultative and diagnostic assistance for more than 50 years, and also practices inpatient treatment of citizens with various diseases

52 hospital. 52 city hospital, Moscow

52 hospital. 52 city hospital, Moscow

Today, Clinical Hospital No. 52 is one of the largest medical institutions in Moscow. According to statistics, during the year the staff provides high-tech medical care to more than 40 thousand citizens

Human joints. Types of human joints

Human joints. Types of human joints

Human bone is so hard that it can support about 10 thousand kilograms, but if the skeleton consisted of only one hard bone, our movement would be impossible. Nature solved this problem by dividing the skeleton into many bones and creating joints - places where the bones intersect

What is RF lifting?

What is RF lifting?

Today, radiofrequency lifting is very popular among those who want to rejuvenate the skin and get rid of defects. This technique has a number of important advantages and provides a truly lasting effect

First aid in emergency situations - rules, algorithm and features

First aid in emergency situations - rules, algorithm and features

Everyone learned the rules of first aid at school. However, over the years, a large number of people forget how to act in extreme situations. Let's update this knowledge

What is a nasal endoscopy? Features of the procedure

What is a nasal endoscopy? Features of the procedure

Year by year, diagnostic medical techniques are being improved to provide timely and most complete assistance to the patient. Qualified ENT specialists are increasingly using nasal endoscopy in their practice. This procedure makes it possible to establish an accurate diagnosis based on the examination data. Before the examination, the patient may have questions. To exclude unnecessary experiences, we will try to reveal the essence of the procedure