What does the second blood type mean

What does the second blood type mean
What does the second blood type mean

The twentieth century turned out to be rich in all sorts of fundamental discoveries, including in medicine. Thus, the two most important discoveries - penicillin and blood groups - occurred precisely in the first half of the twentieth century. Why are these discoveries so significant? Yes, because they became powerful leaps in the development of medicine and saved many lives.

Second blood type
Second blood type

Blood groups were first discovered empirically by the scientist Landsteiner. On the basis of his and further research, a unified AB0 system was created, which is still used today. In fact, the blood type reflects certain characteristics of red blood cells, or rather the presence or absence of antigens in the membranes of these cells.

As a result of numerous studies, it was found that the most common group is the first (0): 45% of the population of our planet has it. And among Europeans, the second blood group prevails. The maximum number of its speakers was recorded in Norway.

There is a theory about the origin of groups. According to this theory, the second blood group evolvedabout 20 thousand years BC, when mankind switched to agriculture. This fact was largely reflected in the type and character of these people. In Japan, a lot of attention is paid to the characteristics of people by blood types. Up to the fact that hiring and even acquaintances with the aim of creating a family are carried out on this basis.

Second blood type, Rh positive
Second blood type, Rh positive

The second blood type gives people certain characteristics, they are:

  • social, touchy, shy, reliable, disciplined;
  • prone to alcoholism and gluttony;
  • good family men and true friends;
  • bad leaders

The Rh factor also plays an important role. It can easily provoke an Rh conflict in the mother and fetus if the mother and father have different Rh factors.

In accordance with these indicators, they even create diets. So, the second positive blood group obliges its owner to exclude such foods as milk, potatoes, tomatoes, oranges, tangerines, black tea and some others from the diet. It is recommended to consume sour-milk products and practice yoga.

Second positive blood type
Second positive blood type

There is also blood type compatibility. Not psychological, but exclusively medical compatibility is assumed. More precisely, the couple's ability to have he althy offspring. So, the second blood group (Rh positive) of the father is fundamentally incompatible with the blood of the mother of the first group with Rh negative, since during pregnancy there will be a double conflict of the motherwith the fetus: Rhesus conflict and blood type conflict. In such a situation, there is a high probability of having a child with hemolytic disease or miscarriage at any time.

In addition to medical compatibility, the concept of psychological and sexual compatibility has been developed. So, a woman and a man, if both partners have a second blood type, will make an ideal couple in all respects.

Also compiled and lists of the most common diseases. If you have a second blood group, you should be wary of diabetes, coronary heart disease, allergic diseases (up to asthma), oncology.

However, do not take for granted and something inevitable all of the above. As indicated, most of this information is only hypotheses and not hard facts. Only medical information is unambiguously reliable. Everything else should be treated as an astrological forecast: if it suits you - believe it, if not - then no. You are the master of your life!
