Rush of blood to the head: possible causes

Rush of blood to the head: possible causes
Rush of blood to the head: possible causes

Every person may experience such an unpleasant sensation as a flush of heat that spreads throughout the body and focuses on the head. At the same time, the face begins to blaze, and in some cases even turns red. If such conditions occur extremely rarely, there is no point in worrying. But with constant rushes of blood to the head, it is necessary to find out the causes of this pathology. Most often, it is a sign of some kind of disorder in the body. In order not to start the problem, you should understand your own feelings and determine ways to solve this ailment.

Determination of hot flashes

A hot flush is a sensation that is characterized by the appearance of heat in different parts of the body. Spreading throughout the body, a rush of blood can be localized in the head. In this case, the face begins to suffer the most. There is a strong fever, the pulse rises, as well as body temperature. Externally, a rush of blood to the head can be expressed by red spots or a general reddening of the face. If this condition occurs inat night, increased sweating begins, which may be accompanied by insomnia.

rush of blood to the head in men
rush of blood to the head in men

Flushing in women

Tides usually occur spontaneously. They do not last long, but can be frequent and pronounced. The duration of one tide can vary from 30 to 60 seconds. In some diseases, they last more than one minute. Women suffer from flushing of the head between the ages of 40 and 60. This age category is the most predisposed to this pathology. Most often, it overtakes the female sex during menopause and menopause. However, this case, even more than others, requires an urgent visit to a doctor to exclude the possibility of various diseases that are manifested by a change in blood pressure.

rush of blood to the head due to menopause
rush of blood to the head due to menopause

Men's flushes

Despite the prevailing stereotype that hot flashes occur only in women, the male sex can suffer from this unpleasant condition no less than the female. Pathology most often manifests itself at an average age of 45 to 65 years. The duration of the rush of blood to the head in men is the same as in women. One attack rarely lasts longer than 60 seconds. If in women the cause of this condition often lies in the onset of menopause and a lack of estrogen, then men suffer from this pathology due to a lack of testosterone.

Decreased levels of this hormone can occur due to the intake of certain medications. It is also worth forgetting about the possible therapeutictreatment. Sometimes hot flashes can be caused by recent surgery or chemotherapy.

sudden rush of blood to the head
sudden rush of blood to the head

Main causes of illness

Most often, hot flashes that are concentrated in the head area occur due to the abuse of spicy food and medication. Women face this problem during menopause. Flushing of the face is one of the symptoms of the approaching menopause. They also often appear in people who often drink alcoholic beverages and prefer to eat harmful foods. In addition, you should take into account the following possible options for the appearance of tides:

  • Physical activity. They are able to provoke hot flashes if their own strengths in the gym are not calculated correctly. To prevent this from happening, you need to work with a coach.
  • Overweight. Obese people suffer from flushes to the head several times more often than others.
  • Sunstroke or a long stay in the sauna. To relieve unpleasant symptoms, you need to go to a cool place and get some fresh air.
  • Long stay in the cold. Cold weather forces the human body to adapt to temperature conditions. Rushing of blood to the head, in this case, is only a defensive reaction.

To reduce hot flashes in the face and neck, doctors recommend reviewing your diet, checking hormone levels, and stopping alcohol and spicy foods. If they start to bother more than a fewonce a month you need to go to the doctor's office.

consultation with an endocrinologist
consultation with an endocrinologist

Hot flashes and menopause

According to statistics, the question is: "Why does the blood rush to the head?" most often occurs in females. Sudden flashes of heat bring a lot of discomfort. Especially if a woman occupies a position that involves a permanent presence in society. Such flushes are always accompanied by redness of the face and neck, and their duration varies from 10 seconds to several minutes.

To get rid of the problem, you must first consult a doctor. Most likely, he will prescribe drugs that increase the level of estrogen in the blood. In 87% of cases, hormonal medications completely relieve the symptoms of hot flashes. In some cases, the doctor recommends normalizing blood pressure with appropriate medications.

congestion of blood to the head and intense heat in the face
congestion of blood to the head and intense heat in the face

Which doctors can help

If hot flashes develop into a constant problem, and blood rushes to the head when tilted, it is imperative to find time to diagnose this pathology. That is, you need to make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible. An endocrinologist and gynecologist will be able to determine the cause of frequent hot flashes. You can not make a diagnosis without consulting a specialist. Self-medication can bring even more harm. Since the cause of hot flashes is most often a hormonal failure, it will not be possible to solve this problem on your own.

Some prefer to be treated exclusively by folk methods, ignoring the visitdoctors. This tactic does not have a therapeutic effect on the body. With the help of home recipes, you can only temporarily relieve unpleasant symptoms. While drug treatment can completely eliminate a possible problem.

taking medication to control blood pressure
taking medication to control blood pressure

How to avoid hot flashes

When the blood rushes to the head intensely, it is always accompanied by uncomfortable sensations. It is unlikely that someone will like a strong fever, red spots on the face, excessive sweating, headache and general malaise. But this is not the whole list of symptoms of hot flashes. To prevent the development of this condition, it is necessary to find out the cause of its occurrence.

If a strong rush of blood to the head occurs due to medication, you should talk about this with your doctor and, if possible, replace them with others that are more gentle. You also need to stop eating spicy foods. With the onset of frost, it is better to spend as little time as possible on the street and dress warmly. A sharp rush of blood to the head quite often occurs after drinking alcohol. Therefore, you should completely abandon alcohol.

Following the above recommendations is not difficult at all. Therefore, for the sake of your own well-being, it is better to limit the intake of prohibited foods and try your best to lead a he althy lifestyle. Also, do not neglect the annual preventive examinations in the hospital. Regular visits to doctors will help keep your he alth under control.
