City Hospital 23 is a multidisciplinary medical institution providing diagnostic, preventive and curative services to the population. Today it is located in 11 buildings, and 16 main departments are classified into 10 profiles: general and purulent surgery, rheumatology, neurology, therapy, gynecology, thoracic surgery, pulmonology, rheumatology, cardiology. In addition, the 23rd hospital has fourteen support services and departments, laboratories, economic and administrative units. The pride of the medical institution is its staff: doctors of the highest and first category, doctors of medical sciences and professors, academicians. Nursing staff meets all the requirements of the Moscow He alth Department.

History of the Hospital
In the pre-revolutionary period, the 23rd city hospital (Moscow) was the Yauza department for laborers. The building in which it is now located is an architectural monument: earlier it was the estate of the Batashev family. In the post-revolutionary period, the medical facility was named"Medsantrud", well-known professors appeared in its staff, and it acquired the status of the base of therapeutic and surgical clinics of medical institutes. The therapeutic clinic worked under the guidance of Professor V. G. Kukes. It was here that chronic diseases of the liver, cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and lungs were studied, and work in the field of pharmacology was also improved. The surgical clinic de alt with the problems of general and purulent surgery, pathologies of the lungs, liver, biliary system, as well as issues of resuscitation and anesthesia. In the early 80s, on the basis of the hospital, under the guidance of academician and professor Galkin V. A., another therapeutic clinic began to work, dealing with issues of the state of the liver and gallbladder. And 1994 was marked by the opening of the Department of Therapy, the main focus of which was the study of unstable angina, acute myocardial infarction and thrombophilia.

Science base
Throughout its existence, hospital 23 on Taganka was a training base for medical schools (MU No. 2 named after Clara Zetkin, MU No. 7). Today it is the base for the Moscow Medical Academy. Sechenov I. M., namely, collaborates with the departments of propaedeutics and clinical pharmacology, therapy and general surgery. On the basis of cooperation, research work is carried out to test medicines and medical equipment, introduce innovative methods of treatment, prevention and diagnosis of diseases, as well as improve the skills of doctors, secondary and junior medicalstaff.
How is the 23 hospital? The registry works daily and keeps records of citizens to specialists on Monday-Friday and on the first half of Saturday. Patients brought to the emergency department by the ambulance team are admitted in the order of emergency medical care. They are provided with an examination of the doctors on duty in the admission department and additional consultations of specialists from other departments (if necessary). Also, patients undergo an emergency diagnostic examination (ultrasound of internal organs, X-ray, ECG, etc.), clinical and biochemical analyzes of biological fluids. The Admitting Department deals with the distribution of patients to departments.

Diagnostic database
23 The hospital has a fairly developed diagnostic base. Today, the medical institution provides free and paid diagnostic services to the population in five departments:
- The Department of Functional Diagnostics examines individual vital organs and systems, determining the level of their functionality. The medical staff uses both classical and newer methods: echocardiography, echoencephalography, electroencephalography, rheoencephalography. Thanks to these diagnostic methods, the severity of the disease is determined and further treatment is prescribed.
- The Department of Ultrasound Diagnostics has all the necessary equipment to detect pathologies at an early stage. It should be noted that ultrasound of the internal organs is carried out by specialists with the appropriateeducation and work experience.
- The Department of Radionuclide Diagnostics examines organs and systems using radiopharmaceuticals based on radionuclides. 23 hospital carries out research using topographic gamma cameras, ultrasound machines.
- The Department of Clinical and Biochemical Diagnostics examines blood, urine and other biological materials for any abnormalities.
- The department of bacteriological diagnostics is engaged in the study of sputum, which makes it possible to identify inflammatory processes, etc., caused by bacteria and pathogens.

Thanks to such a wide range of diagnostic techniques, 23 Hospital detects pathologies of the cardiovascular and endocrine system, gastrointestinal tract, bronchi, lungs and musculoskeletal system at an early stage.
Therapy department
Therapy is one of the leading areas of the medical facility. City Hospital 23 has six therapeutic departments, two of which are general and four are specialized:
- 1st therapeutic department (rheumatology) specializes in the study, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of degenerative-dystrophic and inflammatory diseases of the joints, systemic connective tissue diseases. Today, the hospital doctors successfully treat diseases such as rheumatic and gouty arthritis, vasculitis, osteoporosis, bursitis, rheumatism, Bechterew's disease, Raynaud's phenomenon and manyothers.
- 2nd Therapeutic Department (Emergency Cardiology) specializes in treatment and diagnostic measures for patients admitted to the hospital with unstable angina pectoris, hypertensive crises with complications, cardiac asthma, acute cardiac arrhythmias and conduction disorders, inflammatory heart diseases. The department operates around the clock, accepting scheduled and emergency patients.
- 3rd Therapeutic Department (Cardiology) offers a unique service "ECG by phone". A small and easy-to-use device that can be rented takes ECG readings at home. According to these data, the patient can get advice from the doctor of the department over the phone. In the normal course of business, the department deals with patients suffering from heart diseases of varying severity.
- 5th therapeutic department (pulmonology) is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the bronchi, lungs, upper respiratory tract. Asthma, pneumonia, emphysema, and respiratory tract infections are among the illnesses handled by the ward's staff.
- 10 and 11th therapeutic departments are considered general.

23 Clinical Hospital has four surgical departments: male, female, thoracic and purulent surgery, which provide treatment through surgery, as well as through laparoscopic operations.
- Department of purulent surgery specialized on providing medical carepatients suffering from various forms of purulent surgical infections. Hospital 23 (Moscow) for many years successfully performs operations for purulent inflammatory diseases of the skin and soft tissues, cellular space, cysts, gangrene, purulent arthritis and mastitis, thermal lesions, suppuration of postoperative wounds, etc.
- Department of Thoracic Surgery provides assistance to patients with injuries of the chest, as well as organs of the chest cavity and neck, with pathologies of the diaphragm, diseases of the lungs and pleura.
8th Neurological Department deals with patients with diseases of the central and peripheral nervous system. The list of major diseases includes asthenia, bulimia, insomnia, neuralgia, migraine, neurosis, neuritis and others. The treatment uses an integrated approach (medication and physiotherapy), sometimes surgery is required.
Hospital 23 makes a huge contribution to the treatment of the female half of the population. Reviews of specialists and their work prove once again that the main goal of the department is sparing methods and preservation of the reproductive function of patients. Today, the department successfully treats inflammatory processes in the uterus and appendages, pathologies of the cervix, myoma, amenorrhea and other diseases.

Radiology Department
It is worth mentioning separately the radiology of the 23rd hospital. Thanks to highly qualified staff and modern equipment, this department is free andprovides the following services to the population on a commercial basis:
- Fluoroscopy and radiography of the chest cavity and gastrointestinal tract.
- Examination of the large intestine - irrigoscopy.
- Overview and intravenous urography.
- X-rays of the bones of the skull, sinuses, Turkish saddle.
- X-ray images of the skeletal system of the body, including the spine, under the influence of loads.
- Examination of the bile ducts.
- Cholangiofistulografiya.
Endoscopic Department
Endoscopy is one of the methods of diagnosis and treatment of internal hollow organs. The department closely cooperates with other structural divisions of the hospital: gynecology, pulmonology, surgery. The endoscopy procedure is carried out by experienced doctors using a special device (endoscope) equipped with a fiber optics system. Also, endoscopes are used for surgical interventions, which are carried out through small incisions or punctures.
Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care
The department deals with patients who underwent surgery under general anesthesia. In this case, the main task of the medical staff is to constantly monitor the patient until recovery. The department also accepts patients admitted to the hospital on an emergency basis, for example, with violations of the functioning of vital organs and systems that require urgent infusion therapy. Cardioresuscitation, which is part of the unit, deals with patients with acute myocardial infarction, unstable angina, thromboembolism,conduction and rhythm disturbances. The specialists of the department are:
- Coronary angiography of the heart is an X-ray contrast study of the coronary vessels. This procedure allows you to identify the place of narrowing of the artery that feeds the heart, determine the degree and nature of the pathology.
- Angioplasty of heart vessels is a procedure aimed at changing and restoring the shape and plasticity of blood vessels, increasing their efficiency. The main indicators for conducting are peripheral vascular disease, coronary heart disease, etc.

Department of Pulmonology
For decades, the Department of Pulmonology has been engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of various diseases of the respiratory system. Some of these diseases are quite rare. The department develops and implements programs for the treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases, severe forms of bronchial asthma, pneumonia, fibrosis, sarcoidosis, bronchitis, pleurisy, pulmonary bleeding and other pathologies.
City Hospital 23 (the official website of the medical institution - offers several treatment options:
- Full hospital - for patients whose stay and treatment requires constant monitoring. The department operates around the clock, designed for 650 beds.
- Day hospital - for patients who do not need constant monitoring after procedures and examinations. The branch is open from 9:00 to 16:00. At this time, patients can undergo an instrumental examination,medication and physiotherapy, ultrasound, X-ray and other procedures indicated in the prescription list.
Coordinates of medical and preventive institution 23 hospital
- Inquiry: 8 (495) 915-38-47.
- Reception Department: 8 (495) 915-38-51