Depression is considered the most common mental illness in the world. Some people do not consider this disease to be something serious. Being in this state, a person is not capable of any activity. In addition, it can overtake any person and you can’t do without the help of a specialist. It may even happen that a person dies of depression. This is such a serious disease that every fifth inhabitant of the planet suffers.
Common symptoms and signs of depression

Sad mood is found in all people and quickly passes. If depression continues for a long time, then it can be assumed that the disease has begun to develop. Moral exhaustion drags on for a long time, and does not allow a person to feel all the delights of life. Communication, hobbies, work are no longer a pleasure. With such well-being, people think that no one needs them. Sometimes depression is accompanied by a desire to die. So the person himself with a very low probability canget out of this state. Everyone should understand that one cannot do without the help of a specialist.
Sick people have common symptoms: loss of mood, memory impairment, causeless fear, panic attacks, problems with libido. If all these symptoms are observed at the same time, then there is a possibility of depression. During illness, some people are concerned about the question: is it possible to die from depression and neurosis? It is possible, but in very severe cases.
Most people believe that the disease of the soul is the result of some kind of emotional upheaval. On the one hand, this is true. Specialists under the disease understand somatic, reactive and endogenous depression. The first is an illness, most often caused by some other serious illness. Treatment begins with the elimination of the disease that caused the depression. As for the reactive type, it is a reaction to some events in life that traumatized a person. For example, the death of a loved one, parting with a soul mate, deterioration of life, and so on. Endogenous depression is a fairly rare disease. Experts believe that it appears in people who are genetically predisposed to it.
Types of symptoms
Often, people experience a strong sense of anxiety and longing. They feel forgotten, helpless, joyless. Those suffering from the disease are very irritable, dissatisfied and see no reason to live on. The most common symptoms are:
- Loss or decreased appetite.
- Sleep deterioration: nightmares, difficulty falling asleep, frequentwaking up, tired after sleep.
- Dissatisfaction with habitual actions.
- Losing interest in almost everything.
- Feeling tired, lack of strength even for the easiest work.
- Concentration problems.
- Severe chest and heart pains.
- Shortness of breath.
What is depression?

Specialists define this disease as a general disorder of the whole organism, which can reduce the ability to work and bring pain and suffering to life. In some cases, the disease leads to death. Is it possible to die from depression and neurosis? Definitely yes.
It develops due to a lot of stress, constant competition, failures, difficult financial situation. The disease disrupts the entire biochemistry of the brain. People often have a genetic predisposition to depression.
The disease can be episodic, it is not entirely necessary that this last for a long time. There are also severe forms of depression. During them, a person isolates himself from society, does not go outside and does not plan to be treated. At such moments, some people think: is it possible to die from depression? If you do not take action to recover, then it is possible. The disease is very serious.
Can you die from depression?

Some people think that the disease is not as serious as it is described. However, this statement is incorrect. So can a person die from depression? Of course yes, ifheavy enough. Causes of death include the following:
- Due to lack of attention and confusion, depressed people often get into accidents.
- Provokes depression to die, the probability of suicide during illness is about 90%.
- All protective functions of the body are weakened, because of which a person can easily fall ill. The list of diseases starts from infectious diseases and ends with oncology.
- Often, the disease is accompanied by weight loss or gain, which can greatly shorten life.
Causes of disease
At the moment, experts have not been able to establish the exact causes for the disease. However, there are some patterns that can cause it to develop:
- Strong experiences, such as loss of job, position in society, loss of a relative.
- Psychic traumas received in conscious and childhood.
- High stress on the brain.
- Long exposure to unlit rooms.
- Exposure to certain drugs, alcohol and drugs.
- Genetic factor.
- Impaired production of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine in the human brain.
Diagnosing an illness
In order for a person to determine whether he has this disease, you need to pass several tests. For example: the Hamilton scale. The test will help a person to know the severity of the disease, mild or severe depression. In addition, many specialists use the Hamilton scale. For easier diagnosis, answer 2 questions:
- Have you lost your pleasure and interest in your usual activities and hobbies?
- How often did you feel hopeless, apathetic and depressed during the month?
Also, the disease can appear due to the use of alcohol and psychoactive substances, lack of vitamins, brain tumors, Parkinson's disease.
What is the danger of the disease?

The worst thing a person can face is thoughts of suicide. In developed countries, people often kill themselves because of depression. This is especially likely to happen in anxious people. To the question of whether it is possible to die from depression, the answer should be yes. According to statistics, about 15 sick people die per day. The worst thing is that these are people from 15 to 60 years old. That is, the disease can manifest itself in a person of almost any age. Do they die of depression? This is one of the mental illnesses that threatens life. The most effective way to prevent death is to detect depression early.
What help do you need?
It is very difficult to get rid of the disease yourself. First of all, a person is simply obliged to seek help from specialists who can successfully cure by taking certain measures. If this is not possible, then it is necessary for the person to determine whether he has a disease. There are many tests for this.
The second step is a complete rethinking of life, as well as a complete change in behavior, down to small habits. Any medication just relieves symptoms, and depressiondoesn't go anywhere. Some new hobbies and an unusual way of life can work wonders. After all, physical activity will be an order of magnitude higher, which will positively affect the nervous system. Sometimes this is how you get out of depression. The main thing is that a person listens to himself.
You can overcome the disease if you really want it. During depression, you want to die, some people in such cases need help. However, if you just visit specialists and use medications, nothing may change. The patient must want to get well.
There are a number of tips for a speedy recovery:
Sports help get out of depression. It's all about physiology. During exercise, the brain releases endorphins, and people feel better because of this.
When a person spins some thoughts in his head for a long time, they are able to load very strongly. In this case, switching attention to something will help. It can even be an object of the surrounding reality: furniture, objects, appliances. You just need to switch from bad thoughts and think about something else
Creativity is a whole section in psychotherapy. Creating something new helps to get out of depression. Thanks to this feeling, a lot of works of art have been created in the world. The whole process has a positive effect on a person's self-esteem, because he creates something new, which is not found anywhere else.
It is also important not to keep all the bad things in yourself. If a person is restrained and does not tell anyone anything, he can have many mentaldisorders and neuroses. If you keep everything inside, then the answer to the question: is it possible to die from depression, will be positive. If you want to cry - let the person cry, wants to share - you need to tell loved ones about the problem.
Improvement of the condition begins with a competent diagnosis by a specialist. If the doctor makes a correct diagnosis, this is already a chance for a full recovery. However, patients in most cases simply do not want to seek help from psychiatrists and psychologists. This can only aggravate the situation and lead her to suicide.
Treatment of the disease begins with a complex technique: biological therapy (drug and non-drug treatment) and psychological therapy. Biological therapy involves the use of tricyclic antidepressants. For each patient, the dosage and course of taking medications is selected. Their effectiveness depends on the duration. If a person has started a course of treatment, then he should not think that everything will pass on the first day of admission. It should be noted that antidepressants do not cause addiction and it is not dangerous to drink them as prescribed by a doctor.
How antidepressants work

Specialists believe that depression appears due to an imbalance of chemicals in the human brain. Drugs improve the metabolism of neurotransmitters, and also change the sensitivity of receptors. By taking medication, a person begins to feel normal. However, the problem does not go far, and to fix it, you needeffective psychotherapy.
Psychological treatment

The main task of a specialist is to find a conflict and its constructive solution. The most effective treatment is cognitive therapy, as it involves not only finding conflict, but also changing the perception of the world in a more optimistic way. With the help of behavioral therapy, psychologists eliminate the cause of depression. This is a way of life, refusal of entertainment or pleasure, not a comfortable environment, and many other reasons. The psychiatrist selects methods of treatment that allow changing the patient for the better. This is his way of life, behavior, worldview and other personal qualities.
How can the sick person be helped?

For suffering people, everything should be done as positively as possible. So that a person could not die from depression, he needs to be provided with the necessary support and assistance. It is important not to show aggression towards the patient, to be patient. It is necessary to talk with a person about something positive, to tune in only to good thoughts. People need to be handled carefully, they may not say anything, but they have a very vulnerable heart during depression.
It will be necessary to distract a person from negative emotions. Try to give him a smile, the more often you do this, the faster the person will recover. He considers himself unnecessary, he should not prove with words that this is not so. You just need to act so that he has a feeling that he is significant for this world.
Depression is very seriousa disease that needs serious treatment. After all, illness can lead to death. People do not need to delay treatment, and others should provide moral support. Any ailment will go away if there is a desire to get rid of it.