Therapeutic massage. Action on the body

Therapeutic massage. Action on the body
Therapeutic massage. Action on the body

Therapeutic massage is one of the most effective means used to get rid of various pathological processes and injuries. It provides effective assistance in restoring the normal functioning of all body systems. Therapeutic massage is included in the complex of therapeutic courses prescribed to patients in hospitals and clinics. He is assigned to vacationers in sanatoriums and dispensaries.


Therapeutic massage has a certain classification. The principle of differentiation depends on the nature of the disease. A certain type of massage is prescribed for the recovery of the patient after injuries, as well as in the presence of pathologies of the musculoskeletal system. There are appointments of this medical procedure for diseases of the respiratory system. A special type of massage is performed in case of pathology of organs related to the digestive system. In addition, the method of the treatment procedure can be changed depending on the nature of a particular disease, andalso on the causes of its occurrence and the clinical form of its manifestation. In this regard, therapeutic back massage in the presence of scoliosis differs from similar prescriptions for vertebral osteochondrosis. In addition, the method of therapeutic effects on the body varies with the various stages of any disease. In this case, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of each patient.

therapeutic massage at home
therapeutic massage at home

Methodological and technical techniques of therapeutic massage are similar to hygienic. They include stroking the skin and kneading it, as well as rubbing and vibration. The treatment process can be more effective if the classic massage procedure is supplemented with acupressure or segmental.

Manipulations should be accompanied by pleasant sensations of warmth in the patient's body, improvement of his general well-being, as well as an increase in the vitality of the person being massaged. After this treatment procedure, you can change the nervous excitability of the patient, improve the activity of almost all internal organs, as well as tissue trophism. Under the influence of therapeutic massage, almost completely lost reflexes can come into action. This type of treatment improves the functioning of the pathways, strengthening the reflex connections of muscles, blood vessels and internal organs with the brain.

Therapeutic massage has a positive effect on peripheral nerve endings. When performing this procedure, pains weaken or completely stop, the conductivity of tissue fibers improves. Massage significantly speeds up the process of nerve recoverywhen it is damaged, preventing the formation of pathological processes of a secondary nature in the muscles and joints located in the area of pathology.

The effect on the body of this type of procedure is inextricably linked with individual environmental factors. The effectiveness of the impact is significantly reduced if after the procedure, as well as during the session, the patient experiences any discomfort. In this regard, it is desirable to carry out therapeutic massage at home.

therapeutic neck massage
therapeutic neck massage

If desired, everyone can master the technique of conducting relaxing and preventive procedures. Therapeutic massage of the neck and collar area will bring relief from headaches and fatigue, stress and sleep disorders, as well as relieve irritability. Mechanical effects on the back area normalize blood circulation, stimulate the immune system and strengthen the muscular skeleton, which will help keep the spine in the correct position.
