If it’s difficult for you to grab your tummy with your hands, and the gestational age is a little more than 8 months, it’s safe to say that you already have one foot in the delivery room, and you already have to learn how to breathe during childbirth and during contractions. late. It is the right pace and depth of breathing that can not only distract a young mother, but also affect the time and quality of the process of passing a child through the birth canal. For example, a deep breath and exhalation of oxygen-rich air will reduce the likelihood of hypoxia (oxygen starvation) of the baby's brain.
Carefully approaching the planning and course of pregnancy, you should not disregard the delivery itself. We need to think about breathing exercises, because the further well-being of your child, including yours, may depend on knowing how to breathe during childbirth and during labor.

Types of breathing
- Thoracic (diaphragmatic), or the so-called "female" breathing. Inhalation occurs due to the expansion of the chest, exhalation is superficial. This is the way women breathe
- Abdominal - "male" breathing. There is a feeling that the inhaled air enters the abdominal cavity, and when exhaling, the abdominal muscles relax as much as possible.
Having understood these statistics, any methods of breathing exercises will seem like nothing to you.
When how to breathe: during childbirth and during contractions
This exercise helps you relax as much as possible between intense contractions. The more often deep relaxing breathing is practiced before childbirth, the more accurately you will act in a stressful situation during the process itself. A deep breath should have a length of at least 4 seconds, and an exhalation - 6, all this helps to fill the mother's lungs with oxygen, which she shares with the baby. It is not worth practicing this exercise for longer than 5 minutes, because dizziness can occur due to the oversaturation of the brain with oxygen. After a few workouts, try changing positions, because this is how you will look for the most comfortable position during childbirth. By carefully rehearsing this method, you will never forget how to breathe during contractions.
Shallow rapid breathing ("dog-like")
It will help if the previous method is already powerless. A short rhythmic breath is quickly replaced by an intense exhalation, similar to the sniffing of a hedgehog. The number of inhalation-exhalation pairs per second should be 1-2.

Deep breathing with exhalation "in the voice"
Thisthe technique is similar in execution to deep relaxing breathing. The main difference lies in the voice “stuffing”, when, along with the exhaled air, something like a light “fuuuuhhh” escapes from the chest. Using this method, you kind of "sing" the fight. Deep breaths with different exhalations are advised to alternate in order to replenish strength between contractions.
Breathing with attempts, or "jogging"
Use this training only at the moment when the doctor or obstetrician asks for it. And before that, you must definitely breathe evenly during contractions! Here the basis is the attempt, around which the entire respiratory system is built. It also starts with a deep breath, then holding the breath, only during which you can push. It all ends with a slow long exhalation. Compliance with all of the above rules will help you make the most of the fight in your favor and speed up the delivery process.
These methods help you understand how to breathe during labor and contractions, but all the main work falls on you. Listening to your feelings, do not forget to follow the advice of doctors.