Iodine deficiency: symptoms in children and adults

Iodine deficiency: symptoms in children and adults
Iodine deficiency: symptoms in children and adults

When a person develops iodine deficiency, symptoms can vary. The normal functioning of all body systems depends on an important trace element. With its shortage in the internal organs, pathological conditions begin to develop. You need to monitor the iodine content in the food you take during pregnancy.

The importance of saturating the body with microelements

A feature of the human body is the dependence of endocrine regulation on two hormones of the endocrine system: thyroxine and triiodothyronine. These components affect all regulatory processes in the internal organs. Disorders begin when iodine deficiency is formed. Symptoms of micronutrient deficiency are observed during a period of decrease in overall well-being.

iodine deficiency symptoms
iodine deficiency symptoms

Iodine affects he alth as follows:

  • responsible for normal blood pressure;
  • regulates blood sugar levels;
  • affects the rhythm of the heartbeat;
  • helps the breakdown of fat cells, their removal from the body;
  • increases the intensity of tissue regeneration;
  • helps cell division.

From bad ecology, malnutrition and stress in conditionsmetropolis a person acquires iodine deficiency. Symptoms of disease states are often not associated with a lack of trace elements, but are treated for exacerbations in a single organ, which does not eliminate the cause of the ailment.

Thus, inflammation is removed only for a while, and the body continues to experience iodine deficiency, the symptoms of which appear during the next breakdown. Moreover, it is impossible to establish the patterns of the appearance of specific manifestations of a lack of an important trace element in the body. All signs are reminiscent of common diseases.

He alth deviations due to micronutrient deficiencies

Symptoms of iodine deficiency in women often appear during pregnancy. Already women in an “interesting” position often experience severe exhaustion, and the unborn baby needs a huge amount of vitamins and minerals.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency in women
Symptoms of iodine deficiency in women

With insufficient saturation of the body with iodine, a set of certain signs is observed in women, which can be recognized by any person on their own:

  • Change in the appearance of the skin. There is increased dryness of the hands and face.
  • Hair becomes dull and brittle, their intensive loss occurs.
  • Women find themselves quickly tired and irritated over trifles.
  • Nails lose their he althy shine, become brittle.
  • The overall tone of the body decreases, immunity suffers. Colds often appear.
  • Mental activity becomes difficult.
  • Women may notice that they have put on weight,despite physical training.

Without enough iodine, the female body overreacts to this. The menstrual cycle is disturbed, there may be difficulties when trying to get pregnant. In severe cases, there is a failure in the reproductive system, the risk of acquiring a state of infertility increases.

Danger to fetus

Symptoms of iodine deficiency in pregnant women are classified as critical conditions. There is a significant threat to the he alth of the unborn child. The trace element is required for the formation of internal organs, the brain, and the nervous system. Babies can be born with abnormal body structure and low birth weight.

iodine deficiency in children symptoms
iodine deficiency in children symptoms

It is recommended to eliminate the symptoms of iodine deficiency in women with a doctor. The photo shows what can happen with acute iodine deficiency in the body. The appearance of a person changes before our eyes. With a long absence of support for the body, there comes a moment of rapid deterioration in well-being. This condition is especially dangerous, up to the formation of a miscarriage.

Pregnant women experience uncomfortable conditions: periodically their legs swell, eyelids swell in the morning. Water retention in the body is due to a violation of metabolic processes in the body.

The trace element affects the he alth of the strong half of humanity

Symptoms of iodine deficiency in men are manifested in the loss of former mobility. There is an indisposition without visible deviations in he alth. There is a weakening of sexual activity, in severe cases, a lack of iodine in general can cause impotence. Many appearextra pounds with a balanced diet.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency in men
Symptoms of iodine deficiency in men

Frequent colds and anemia are the result of iodine deficiency. Excessive weight gain leads to the formation of stones in the bladder or gallbladder. The male body requires an increased content of a useful element in food. The endocrine system in adulthood fails with a deficiency, the protective barrier against infections weakens. Chronic diseases are getting worse, they have managed to accumulate throughout life.

How does the lack of an element manifest itself in babies?

The most dangerous iodine deficiency in children, its symptoms can be detected already in the early stages of complications. Mental activity and activity of the child is significantly reduced. The process of cognition of the surrounding world becomes more difficult. A severe consequence of iodine deficiency is cretinism, which is a rather lengthy and costly treatment.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency in women photo
Symptoms of iodine deficiency in women photo

Iodine deficiency can become hereditary when a pregnant woman neglects the advice of a supervising doctor. Smoking makes a significant contribution to reducing the concentration of an important element in the body. The child has abnormalities in the following areas:

  • Physical retardation.
  • Psychological imbalance.
  • Difficulties of mental work.
  • Speech function deviations.

Possible Complications

Symptoms of iodine deficiency in adolescents are expressed as mental retardation compared to peers. A fast-growing organism depletes reservesuseful minerals. Therefore, a balanced diet and nutritional supplements are essential during the spring and autumn periods. Some children may even pass out from lack of iodine, so the condition of the body should be monitored and periodically tested.

Iodine deficiency entails changes in the structure of the thyroid gland, the so-called endemic goiter is often formed. This condition, when a protruding seal is noticeable on the neck, looks like a tumor. A decrease in the functions of an organ is called hypothyroidism, and if there is a deviation in its work, a diagnosis of euthyroidism is made.

How to detect the lack of an important micronutrient?

To independently test for iodine content in the body, you will need a vial of the product and a cotton swab. A simple experiment allows you to set the stage when complications are possible. With positive results, it is recommended to visit the clinic and begin to restore lost he alth under the guidance of a specialist.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency in the body
Symptoms of iodine deficiency in the body

With a cotton swab, a drawing is made on the forearm or behind the auricle in the form of three stripes. They try to make the first thick and saturated. The length can be about 5 cm. The second is carried out in one touch without pressure, a translucent color should be obtained. The third is displayed in a tone between the two previous ones. Further, it is recommended to go to bed, the procedure is carried out in the evening before going to bed.

The next day, the condition of the drawing is assessed. The translucent strip should disappear completely. If this did not happen, then they draw conclusions about the high content of iodine inbody. It is even recommended to reduce its consumption. The complete absence of the applied markup indicates a critical state of the body, an urgent replenishment of the trace element is required with the help of drug therapy.

In the case when there are two bands of greater saturation, they talk about the normal content of iodine in the body. If there is one thick mark left, then prophylaxis is carried out through a balanced diet. You can not take pills and vitamins, it is enough to choose rational products. This will be done by a nutritionist.

How to fill nutritional gaps?

If symptoms of iodine deficiency have formed in the body, you should first contact an endocrinologist to diagnose the condition of the thyroid gland. The work of this body directly depends on the saturation of the body with iodine, which affects all internal processes. To replenish the lost elements, food prevention methods are chosen.

Symptoms of iodine deficiency in adolescents
Symptoms of iodine deficiency in adolescents

Iodine rich foods:

  • Beets, potatoes.
  • Seaweed, parsley.
  • Iodized s alt and bread are sold in general stores.
  • Sea fish, mussels, shrimps.
  • Dairy products, eggs, cottage cheese.
  • Red meat.
  • Peas, spinach, bananas, black currants.

All plants may not contain iodine due to the massive saturation of the soil with fertilizers. It is recommended to resort to medical methods of treatment only after examination by an endocrinologist. If you already have problems with the thyroid gland, many drugs may not be suitable, and evenbecome hazardous to he alth.

What causes micronutrient deficiencies?

Iodine is consumed by the body in moments of stressful situations, when attacking infections. An active life position of a person leads to an increased consumption of an important element in the body. Digestive disorders, post-traumatic conditions also affect mineral content.

Iodine is reduced during periods of starvation, overeating and blood clots. Minerals are washed away with excessive fluid intake. Alcohol leads to dehydration of the body, smoking provokes a violation of the thyroid gland. Doctors often prescribe drugs to replenish the element: iodine-active, structum, iodonor. At the same time, patients are required to follow a diet, give up bad habits and follow a he althy lifestyle.
