Swollen cheeks: causes and methods of getting rid

Swollen cheeks: causes and methods of getting rid
Swollen cheeks: causes and methods of getting rid

A lot has been written about the value of he alth, about the need to take care of yourself and enjoy life as much as possible. But, unfortunately, unexpected things happen. It is especially difficult to cope with unexpected changes on the face. In this case, it is necessary to apply cosmetics, sometimes in large quantities, which does not look very good on the outside. And it happens when even cosmetics can not hide the flaw. It is to this case that swelling of the cheeks belongs.

Reasons for swelling of the cheeks

Swelling of the cheek (the reasons will be discussed in detail below) is a serious sign that something in the body is functioning in an unusual mode, and you need to pay attention to it as soon as possible. Edema of the cheeks can be different in appearance, the place of greatest severity, and many other factors. Depending on all these signs, it is possible to determine what caused the onset of the inflammatory process in the body. Many reasons are known. This isthere may be some local (local) lesions or general infections.

Local infection can be associated with gum, dental, temporomandibular joint, and salivary duct problems. A problem with any of these organs causes swelling of one or two cheeks. Since the cheek is formed from adipose and muscle tissues, rich in blood and lymphatic vessels, it easily reacts to infection in adjacent tissues and organs.

When a person has a local infection, the body temperature rises, swelling occurs, sometimes with reddening of the skin, and there is constant pain of a pulsating or bursting nature and a sharp pain when touching the sore spot.

Among local infections, problems with teeth, inflammation of the salivary glands and their ducts, sinusitis, inflammation of the lymph nodes, lymphadenitis in children, neuritis, phlegmon and many more unpleasant diseases stand out.

swollen cheeks
swollen cheeks

Swollen cheek after tooth or nerve extraction

Dental problems are very dangerous, because they negatively affect the general condition of the whole organism. Swelling of the gums often occurs from caries, which can later develop into purulent inflammation - flux. Swelling of the cheek after tooth extraction is considered normal. The swelling occurs the next day after the operation and gradually descends to the lower jaw. That is, after a tooth has been removed, swelling of the cheek is a completely normal phenomenon. The pain usually goes away within 3 days. In case of suppuration, if there is an increase in pain, swelling of the cheek does not go away, it is necessarycontact a dentist. In this case, you can not hesitate to go to the hospital. If the cheek is swollen after tooth extraction, painkillers, antibiotics and various ointments that relieve inflammation are used for treatment.

Also, operations are often performed to remove the dental nerve to treat the inflammatory process in the tissues of the oral cavity. This disease is called pulpitis. After the removal of the nerve in the tooth, there is no pain sensation. After such a manipulation, did your cheek swell? Teeth, therefore, need to be de alt with further, because inflammation progresses in them. If pulpitis is not treated, the disease can become more complex with the formation of abscesses and subsequent blood poisoning.

how to get rid of swollen cheeks
how to get rid of swollen cheeks

Swelling of the cheek with inflammation of the salivary glands

Inflammation can be caused by bacteria or infections in the mouth. Most often, one of the 3 paired glands becomes inflamed:

  1. The parotid glands are the largest, located below and in front of the auricle. Such a disease in medicine is called parotitis.
  2. Submandibular salivary glands, located under the jaw in the region of the back teeth.
  3. The sublingual salivary glands are located on both sides of the root of the tongue, under the mucous membrane. The ducts through which saliva is secreted are located everywhere in our mouth, so their inflammation can occur anywhere.

Inflammation of the salivary glands, or sialadenitis, has characteristic symptoms: pain at the site of the affected gland, which radiates to other nearby organs, drynessoral mucosa, pain when opening the mouth, chewing and swallowing food, swelling of the gland and surrounding organs, purulent accumulation with the release of pus to the outside, high body temperature, accompanied by signs of poisoning of the body. This is a very serious disease that requires immediate treatment and medical supervision. In such cases, swelling of the cheek is very significant, more painful than with dental problems and may be with a fistula on the skin in which pus collects.

As a preventive measure, the most important thing is to follow the rules of oral hygiene, high-quality and timely treatment of colds. Depending on the severity of the inflammatory process, different methods of therapy can be undertaken (anti-inflammatory drugs, antibacterial, opening of a purulent formation, salivary diet).

swollen cheek after tooth extraction
swollen cheek after tooth extraction

Swelling of the cheeks and eyes with sinusitis

Swollen cheeks and eyes? The cause may be sinusitis. This is swelling of the maxillary sinus, which is located in the bone of the upper jaw near the nose. Most often, as a defense against infections that have entered the body, the nasal mucosa becomes inflamed, but the anatomical location of the sinus is such that nearby tissues are easily affected. Swelling of the eyes with sinusitis is very common, since the wall separating the maxillary sinus from the orbit is a film of only 1 mm thick. Along with ocular edema, swelling of the upper part of the cheek may be pronounced. Characteristic of such a phenomenon in sinusitis is a long-lasting inflammation, whichgradually increases and also slowly disappears.

If the cheek or eye is swollen, it is necessary to treat the cause - sinusitis. The primary purpose is antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, antiallergic and vasoconstrictor. It is important not to abandon treatment so that the disease does not become chronic, which is almost impossible to cure. It is also absolutely pointless to try to get rid of sinusitis yourself, at home. Such actions can harm and worsen the condition.

Swelling of the cheeks with inflammation of the lymph nodes

This is an infectious disease and, like edema, is the result of some pathological process in the body, in particular, infection. The human lymphatic system supports the body's immunity. The disease develops slowly. It starts with a painful sensation in the area of the lymph nodes, then the body temperature rises and other signs of intoxication appear, the node thickens and swells. With inflammation of the submandibular node, swelling of the cheek in its lower part is significant. Such a disease is quite difficult to distinguish from the other causes listed above. Inflammation can be simple or purulent. In the initial stages, antibiotics and local compresses can cope with the treatment, first cold, and after the release of pus - warm. In complex cases of purulent inflammation of several nodes, an operation is performed, and drainage is placed. This is the most effective treatment method.

puffy eye cheek
puffy eye cheek

Swelling of the cheek with inflammation of the facial nerve

With neuritis -inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, which provides facial sensitivity - there is distortion, illegibility of facial expressions, incomplete opening of the eyes. This is a serious neurological problem. It differs in a very strong sharp piercing pain from a pinched nerve, which usually extends to one half of the face. The development of neuritis is possible on the basis of a viral infection, reduced immunity, hypothermia in a draft. The prognosis for this disease is poor. Often, neuralgia cannot be completely cured, and its external manifestations remain for life.

Swelling of the cheek with maxillary phlegmon

This is a rare, life-threatening disease.

The term "phlegmon" means severe purulent inflammation under the skin in fatty tissue.

Phlegmon is distinguished by the possibility of spreading suppuration to neighboring spaces. Such a disease is a consequence of trauma to the trachea or esophagus, suppuration of the cervical cyst and other causes similar to the development of sinusitis.

Before reaching the maximum danger to human life, the inflammatory process of the jaw bones caused by infection, gum swelling and, at the final stage, perimaxillary phlegmon appear.

With phlegmon, a swelling of the face with a high temperature is very pronounced. Depending on where exactly the suppuration occurs, swelling can be localized in the cheekbones, under the eye, closer to the upper lip, in the central part of the cheek and near the chin. Inflammation is very painful, requires observation in a hospital and surgical intervention. It is worth remembering that outwardlya tumor in any part of the face with phlegmon appears only in the already severe stages of the disease.

Swelling can be noticed when examining the inside of the oral cavity or by probing the entire mucous membrane of the mouth.

Treatment consists in opening a purulent inflammation and installing drainage.

cheek swelling causes
cheek swelling causes

Swelling of the cheek with a cyst

If your cheeks are swollen, this may be a sign of a cyst.

It is formed on the inside of the cheek and can increase up to 2-3 cm. The cause of the occurrence can be a trauma to the mucous membrane with a table object while eating, a toothbrush and any other object that gets into the mouth. In this case, you should not hesitate to go to the doctor.

Cheek swelling due to injury

Any injury can cause swelling without the formation of a cyst. When the injury is minor, most often, the swelling goes away the next day. The constant friction of a chipped tooth against the surface of the cheek can also cause injury. Bacteria accumulate in the resulting wound, causing inflammation.

In any case, if your cheeks are swollen, you need to see a doctor so that he can determine the cause, the severity of the disease and prescribe treatment based on this. This is a guarantee that it will be effective.

While waiting for a doctor's appointment, immediately after injury, apply ice to the affected area and hold it for a while.

Swelling of the cheek from an insect bite

Swelling of the eyes, swollen cheeks, lips, nose and other nearby tissues have also changed in size - this occurs after the stings of bees, wasps,bumblebees and other insect species.

The first aid in such cases will be the removal of the sting from the skin and compresses from aloe or soda solution. You should take an anti-allergy drug inside.

pain swelling of the cheeks
pain swelling of the cheeks

Swelling of the cheek with common infections

General infection is characterized by an all-shingling character, affects all body systems.

Mumps is an infectious disease. It provokes swelling of the salivary glands, both on one side and on both sides at once, which is why the cheek also swells. Puffiness with parotitis does not affect the eyes in any way, but descends from the cheek to the neck.

A patient with parotitis, popularly called "mumps", must ensure quarantine conditions, as the disease is easily transmitted by talking, coughing and through shared objects with he althy people.

If your cheeks are swollen, it may be caused by infectious mononucleosis. The disease is similar to a sore throat and requires professional diagnosis by a doctor.

Leffler bacteria infects the tonsils, causing inflammation with fever, changes in their appearance and plaque. This process is characterized by toxic diphtheria of the tonsils. The swelling is located under the lower jaw, but may spread wider to the cheek and neck. To prevent the disease, vaccination with diphtheria serum is carried out. Antibiotic treatment will not bring any results.

The human salivary glands are susceptible to infection by various infections, a possible among them is the tubercle bacillus. Tuberculosis of the salivary glands developsslowly, swelling does not appear immediately, but after a while.

One of the causes of cheek swelling in common infections is allergies. An allergic reaction may occur in case of intolerance to any eaten product, to a medicine or hygiene product, to a material used in dentistry.

If the swelling is small, it will be enough to take an anti-allergic medicine, after which the swelling quickly disappears. If there is a rapid strong growth of the tumor, it is most likely that this is Quincke's edema. Need to seek help immediately. Help should be provided in the first 15-20 minutes in the form of an injection with special hormonal drugs.

In the rarest case, swelling of the cheek occurs with tumors. It can be lymphogranulomatosis, lymphosarcoma, a malignant neoplasm in the salivary glands. In this case, the disease does not appear immediately in the form of edema. More revealing will be the multiple symptoms of cancer in the human body.

cheek eye swelling
cheek eye swelling

Cheek swelling: treatment

Cheek swelling is not a specific disease. It is always a manifestation or consequence of some inflammatory process in the body. But how to remove cheek swelling? Therapy will be different depending on each individual case.

Do not try to find the answer on your own to the question of how to relieve cheek swelling. You cannot self-medicate. You need to see a doctor. But, if a doctor's appointment is not possible immediately after the onset of discomfort and swelling, some actions can be taken. After dental proceduresrinse the mouth with s alt or soda solutions. You can purchase at the pharmacy remedies that eliminate inflammation with a decoction of chamomile, St. John's wort or sage. Such procedures relieve pain.

In case of injuries, it is necessary to alternate the use of cold and warm compresses and the application of slices of raw potatoes. Among pharmaceutical products, you can use Troxevasin and Butadion ointments.


  • do not use a hot compress if the swelling is caused by purulent inflammation;
  • only a doctor should prescribe antibiotics after examination;
  • you can not press, touch, knead the swollen cheek;
  • do not take hot food and drinks.

Swelling of the cheeks can be triggered by many diseases. They are based on infection. Monitor your general condition, body temperature. Minor swelling can cause serious illness with irreversible consequences.
