Timely assistance in emergency situations can save a person's life. When there are no medical workers and rescue services nearby, you need only rely on yourself.
At such moments, it is important not to get confused and help the victim. But can any help be good? In some situations, the patient can only be harmed. To prevent this from happening, you need to understand how to act in various situations.
Everyone learned the rules of first aid at school. However, over the years, a large number of people forget how to act in extreme situations. Let's update this knowledge.
How to deal with difficult situations?
The law of the Russian Federation states that first aid to an injured person is not considered medical. It is provided to a person before the arrival of an ambulance or before transporting the patient to the hospital.

Any person with the necessary skills can help the victim. Practice shows that in difficult situations, manyget lost and can't figure out what to do. All actions should be performed according to a specific first aid algorithm:
- You need to take care of the safety of the patient, others and yourself. If the emergency involves a fire, then the victim is transferred to a safe place.
- If the person is unconscious, check for basic signs of life: pulse and respiration. To do this, tilt his head back and try to hear his heartbeat (or feel his breath). You can listen to the pulse by applying slight pressure with the fingertips to the area of the carotid artery or on the wrist.
- After they call specialists. On a mobile device, dial the short number 112. If you have a landline phone at hand, dial 02 (to call an ambulance) and 01 (to call the rescue service).
The victim is provided with maximum comfort and prepared for the arrival of specialists. After the events, qualified first aid is provided.
Depending on the situation and the condition of the patient, it can be artificial respiration, stop bleeding, direct heart massage and many other actions. The algorithm is different in each situation.
What abilities should a person providing assistance to victims
If an emergency occurs in a public place, any passer-by can help the victims. However, if there are representatives of law enforcement agencies nearby, employees of the state traffic inspectorate or rescueservices, it is they who should deal with the victims.
At manufacturing enterprises and educational institutions there is a medical worker for this. Since July 2016, amendments have been made to the law "On Education in the Russian Federation", according to which, knowledge of the rules for providing first aid for teachers and employees in the internal affairs bodies is considered mandatory.
If there are no such persons nearby, another person with the necessary skills can help the victim. Namely:
- he should be familiar with the basics of behavior in extreme situations;
- know the signs of damage to human vital organs;
- understand the basic principles of helping in different situations;
- be able to carry out resuscitation.
In the process of performing rescue operations, first aid kits are used. They must be available at all enterprises, government agencies and transport.
Traffic Accident Assistance
Traffic accidents happen daily. The number of victims reaches critical levels. If every witness knew the rules of conduct in this situation, then the number of deaths could be significantly reduced.
You can start providing first aid in case of an accident if it does not threaten your own he alth. Remember that a light vehicle burns out completely in 5-7 minutes, so your decisions must be competent and thoughtful.

If you witness a severe accident, your first action should be to quickly remove the victims from the car. At the same time, it is necessary not to cause even more harm to their he alth.
Passengers may suffer spinal fractures as a result of car collisions. Improper transportation in such a situation will result in the death of the victims.
To get a person out of the car, you need to take him under the armpits from the back. The head of the victim must be fixed by hand in an even position. The neck is held by the hand. The person is laid on a flat surface and his condition is examined.

Provision of first aid in case of an accident begins with the following actions:
- mind check;
- determining the presence of a heartbeat;
- breath checks.
Further assistance depends on the condition of the victims. If a person does not breathe, the pulse is not felt, and the pupils are dilated, it is urgent to carry out resuscitation measures. They come down to securing the airway, artificial respiration and chest compressions.
Providing assistance to victims at enterprises
Each employer is required to train employees how to perform first aid in the workplace. Checking the knowledge and skills of workers is supported by a personal signature in the relevant journals. Depending on the specifics of the enterprise,the most likely damage and how to help when it occurs.
The general algorithm of actions in case of emergency is as follows:
- The victim is released from the impact of a harmful factor. At this time, the emergency team is called.
- Assess his general condition. If necessary, release from pressure clothing or take out to fresh air.
- Determine the type and severity of the injury. Damaged areas of the body are carefully removed from clothing and treated in accordance with the requirements.
- Perform the necessary activities to restore body functions.
In the absence of breathing, the airways are cleared of impurities and artificial respiration is performed in combination with a heart massage. First aid for wounds is to stop bleeding. The wounds are covered with a sterile bandage until the doctors arrive.
Electric Shock Help
If a person is shocked, he must be moved away from the source of voltage. It is very important not to put yourself in danger. If a high-voltage wire has fallen on the victim, then it must be moved away with any wooden object. It is best to stand on a wooden or rubber surface.
The person must be laid on a flat base in a horizontal position. He is forbidden to move. The only exceptions are those situations when the victim is going to be transported to a safe place.
If a person is unconscious, it is important to check the activity of his respiratory function, the presence of a pulse. If he breathes on his own, but periodicallyloses consciousness, the face of the victim is periodically sprinkled with water. You can give cotton wool soaked in ammonia to sniff.

If the person's breathing is heavy and intermittent, artificial respiration and heart massage should be performed. In this case, you need to constantly monitor the width of his pupils. If they are enlarged, this indicates a deterioration in the condition and a violation of blood flow to the brain.
Even if a person does not show any signs of life, he should not be abandoned. It is necessary to carry out a complex of resuscitation actions until the arrival of specialists. Only a doctor can determine if there is any point in continuing them.
What steps are taken to perform CPR
If the casu alty has short or no breaths, ventilate the lungs immediately. In such situations, it is impossible to wait for the ambulance to arrive.
Breathing may be interrupted after accidents on the water, as a result of suffocation or electric shock. Providing first aid in this situation should be quick and competent.
Artificial ventilation is carried out in several ways, but the most accessible and common is mouth-to-mouth breathing (in some cases, mouth-to-nose breathing).

How to do CPR:
- First of all, check your airway. For this victim's headturn to the side. With a finger from the oral cavity, it is necessary to remove blood, clots of mucus and foreign objects. If the tongue sunk into the throat, it is returned to its previous state.
- If the emergency does not involve the occurrence of spinal injuries, then the victim's head should be thrown back. In this case, one hand must hold the neck.
- Now pinch the nose of the victim with two fingers, inhale deeply, taking more air into your mouth. Press your lips firmly against the person's mouth and exhale the air into their lungs.
The first 10 breaths should be done very quickly. Well, if you keep within 20-30 seconds. Then the procedure is repeated about 15 times a minute.
While providing first aid, watch the victim's chest. If at the moment when you exhale the air, it rises - you are doing everything right.
What to do if a person has no pulse?
If a pulse is not detected at the stage of examining the patient, it is urgent to do a heart massage. It involves contraction of the heart muscle between the spine and chest. This helps maintain circulation during cardiac arrest.
Instructions for first aid in such situations is as follows:
- The person is placed on a flat and necessarily hard surface. Do not massage the heart on a soft bed, as this can damage the spine.
- Now you need to feel for the lower end of the sternum (xiphoid process of the sternum). It is the narrowestshort piece of bone. From the intended point recede 3-4 cm upwards. This will be the site of cardiac compression.
- The base of the palm is positioned at the point of compression so that the thumb is pointing at the person's chin or stomach. The second hand lies on top.
- The base of the palm is pressed to the intended point. You need to make sure that your fingers do not touch the chest of the victim.
- Rhythmic pressure should be strong, smooth and strictly vertical. In one minute there should be at least 110 pressures. In the process of physical impact, the human chest should bend 3-4 centimeters deep.
If the victim is a baby, then the massage is done with the middle and forefinger, with one hand. Providing first aid to schoolchildren is carried out with the base of one hand.
If you massage the heart muscle and artificial ventilation of the lungs at the same time, then every couple of breaths do about 15 pressure on the sternum.
Help victims during water accidents
Water entering the lungs and upper respiratory tract can cause death. Only competent and consistent actions can save the life of the victim.

First aid is provided as follows:
- The victim is removed from the water. This must be done very carefully, as a drowning person in a panic grabs everything that is possible. He can pullyou to the bottom. You need to swim up to him from the back, grab him by the arms or by the hair. At the same time, the head is held above the surface of the water.
- On the shore, a person is placed with his stomach on his knee so that his head is lower than the whole body.
- If the victim does not show signs of life, artificial lung ventilation is urgently done. To do this, the mouth is cleaned of dirt and algae. Next, you need to perform mouth-to-mouth breathing, alternating it with a heart massage.
- When the person regains consciousness, water may come out of the mouth. To prevent it from choking, it should be laid on its side.
In this state, the victim is covered with a blanket and provides him with peace. With the restoration of respiratory function, he is no longer in danger, so you can safely wait for the arrival of the medical team.
How to help if someone is choking?
If a foreign body enters the trachea, suffocation may occur. Such a condition is identified by the following signs:
- not being able to speak;
- bluish skin of the face;
- bloating vessels in the neck;
- cough;
- breathing short.
If the trachea is completely closed, the person does not make any sounds, but only holds on to the throat. A partially blocked trachea causes coughing and irregular breathing.
The procedure for providing first aid in this case is as follows:
- You need to stand behind a choking person.
- Cover his torso with your hands, clasping your palms in a "lock". Hands should be slightly higherhis navel.
- Strongly squeeze the victim's stomach by sharply squeezing the arms at the elbows.
- Reception is repeated until the airways are completely free.
Pay attention! The chest of the victim must not be squeezed! The only exceptions are pregnant women. They are assisted by sharp pressure on the lower chest area.
If a small child chokes, then he should be placed with his stomach down on his lap. In this case, several pats are performed between his shoulder blades. When the baby clears his throat completely, he needs to be shown to the doctor.
Sunstroke Help
As a result of prolonged exposure to the sun, brain function can be disrupted. In this case, they speak of a sunstroke.
Its main features:
- general weakness;
- headache;
- dizziness;
- nausea;
- occurrence of tinnitus;
- vomit.
If a person continues to be exposed to the sun while having these symptoms, the condition worsens. Shortness of breath appears and body temperature rises. In severe cases, loss of consciousness is possible.

To provide first aid, a person needs to be taken into the shade. It is better if it is a cool place with access to fresh air. Tight clothing and shoes must be removed. If the victim is conscious, he should be given more to drink. It is advisable to put something cold on the head and in the neck area. Can be soaked inwater ordinary towel.
If a person has lost consciousness, he must be brought to his senses with the help of ammonia. The victim is being hospitalized for further examination.
Rules for first aid for bleeding
First aid for bleeding should be aimed at preventing large blood loss. The course of action in such a situation determines the type of bleeding. Depending on the type of damaged vessel, it can be:
- capillary;
- venous;
- arterial.
The first type is considered the safest. It can be stopped by applying an aseptic bandage to the wound area. If the capillaries of the limbs are damaged, then the arms and legs must be raised above the level of the body.
Bleeding of the venous type is characterized by high pressure and dark color of the blood. First aid for bleeding of this type consists in clamping the injured vein below the site of its lesion.

A tourniquet is applied to the limb and the exact time of its installation is fixed. Do not use tight bandages for more than 1 hour. The wound is covered with sterile gauze, cotton or a clean towel.
Arterial bleeding is recognized by the scarlet color of the blood and pulsating pressure. They are stopped by strongly pressing the artery against the bone.
The procedure for providing first aid in this case is as follows:
- A tourniquet is applied above the wound. It is placed on clothes or clean and softbandage.
- If the skin below the tight bandage turned pale and the bleeding stopped - you did everything right.
- Cover the wound with a clean cloth and note the timing of the tourniquet. After an hour, it must be loosened.
If help has not arrived during this time, then tighten the tourniquet again. However, now it can only be left for 20 minutes.
First aid for bleeding in difficult places
If the wound is not located on the limbs, then it is simply impossible to apply a tourniquet. In such situations, you need to know how to stop bleeding in other parts of the body.

First aid to prevent major blood loss can be done as follows:
- If the wound is in the lower part of the facial area, you need to find the artery with your fingers and press it against the jaw.
- Arteries in the temporal wounds are pinched in front of the ear.
- Bleeding from the head and neck area is stopped by squeezing the carotid artery.
- If the wound is located on the shoulder or in the armpits, the subclavian artery must be transferred.
Nosebleeds are stopped by tilting the head back and applying cold to the bridge of the nose. Cotton swabs (soaked in hydrogen peroxide) can be inserted into the nostrils.
Fundamentals of first aid for fractures
If a broken bone is suspected in a casu alty, first aid should be aimed at resting the injured area. First, thisassociated with severe pain during movement. Secondly, sharp bones can cause additional soft tissue damage.

The sequence of first aid depends on the complexity of the situation and the location of the fracture. The following recommendations and rules should be taken as a basis:
- If the victim is bleeding from the mouth and ears, then most likely he has a skull fracture. In this situation, you only need to apply ice to the head.
- When there is a suspicion of a fracture of the spine, the victim should in no case be moved until the doctors arrive. This is necessary so as not to disrupt the integrity of the spinal cord.
- If there is severe pain in the collarbone area, it is said to be fractured. Apply a cold compress to the injured arm. Place the arm at a right angle to the body and tie the hand to the neck. It is advisable to put a ball of cotton wool or a rolled towel in the armpit area.
- If the victim has pain in the area of the hand, swelling of the joint is noticeable and its movement is difficult, care should be taken in case of its fracture. To do this, you need to apply a tire. Straight boards, sticks, rods, rulers and any similar items can be used here. If splinting is not an option, secure your arm with a bandage around your neck.
- Aid for fractures of the lower extremities also comes down to splinting. If the femur is injured, the splint should be of such a size that it starts from the axillaarea, and ended in the heel area. To create it, a strong board, a piece of plywood or drywall is suitable.
If a person has pain in the chest area when inhaling and exhaling, then, most likely, the integrity of the ribs is damaged. The provision of first aid comes down to tightly wrapping the chest with a bandage at the moment of inhalation.
How to give first aid for a burn
Burns vary depending on the degree of damage to the skin and the type of exposure. First-degree burns are characterized by only reddening of the skin. If blisters appear on the burnt area, then they speak of a second-degree lesion. Third-degree injuries are characterized by partial death of damaged tissues. The most difficult fourth degree is diagnosed in the case of deep death of soft tissues (down to the bone).
First aid for any category of injury is as follows:
- Clothes are removed or cut off from the burned area of the skin. Do not touch the wound itself.
- The wound is bandaged with a sterile bandage or covered with a clean towel.
- The victim needs to be kept calm and an ambulance called.
In order to anesthetize and disinfect the wound, you can sprinkle the damaged area with a solution of water and alcohol (in a ratio of 1: 1).
In the process of providing first aid (for burns), the following actions are strictly prohibited:
- lubrication of the affected area with ointments and fats;
- removing clothes stuck to the wound;
- burst bubbles.
This can aggravate the situation and increase the recovery time of the skin.
If the burn was acquired under the influence of acids, then the provision of first aid to the victims is carried out in the following order:
- The wound is washed under a plentiful stream of water for 15 minutes. Also, a solution of potassium permanganate or a 10% aqueous-s alt liquid is suitable for these purposes.
- A piece of gauze is soaked in oil and lime water. The components are mixed in a ratio of 1: 1. The resulting compress is covered with a wound and waiting for the ambulance to arrive.
If the acid gets on the mucous membrane or in the eyes, washing is done using a 5% soda solution. If the respiratory tract is affected, soda solution can be breathed. A spray gun is used to spray it.
How to help with poisoning
If a person has a noticeable malfunction in the digestive system, we can talk about poisoning the body. It can appear as:
- short-term or persistent vomiting;
- liquid stool;
- pale facial skin;
- severe pain in the stomach and intestinal area;
- high temperature.
First aid measures for poisoning depend on the type of poisonous substance. If the deterioration of he alth is provoked by poor-quality food, then the victim must be given 5 grams of activated charcoal every quarter of an hour. The drug should be taken with plenty of liquid.
Also, poisoning can occur as a result of accidental or intentional overdosemedicines. In these situations, the main thing is not to get confused and quickly remember what actions such cases require. First aid is performed in the following sequence:
- Gastric lavage. A person needs to be forced to drink about a liter of water. 10 grams of table s alt and 5 grams of baking soda are preliminarily added to the indicated volume of liquid.
- Cleansing the stomach. After drinking water, it is necessary to induce vomiting. The lavage is repeated until the fluid coming out of the stomach is clear.
- Reception of sorbents. In a glass of water, you need to dissolve several tablets of activated charcoal (1 tablet per 10 kg of the patient's weight) and give the victim a drink.
At this stage, a person needs to ensure peace and wait for the arrival of doctors. If the victim is unconscious, do not wash.

Timely assistance to the victim can save his life. If you witness an incident, try not to panic. At such moments, you need to gather all the internal forces and concentrate on helping. And a basic knowledge of helping will help you do it the right way.