Streptococcus in urine: causes and features

Streptococcus in urine: causes and features
Streptococcus in urine: causes and features

Today, medicine has discovered the existence of many types of bacteria, the habitat of which is the human body. Most of them are the causative agents of a huge number of different diseases with varying degrees of severity.

What is Streptococcus?

The common name streptococcus combines a special group of bacteria. When viewed under a microscope, they look like chains consisting of cells. They can be round or oval. Streptococci are ubiquitous. They can be contaminated with water and air, soil and food. In addition, some types of streptococci can be found in organisms in animals and humans. Here they spread in the intestines, respiratory tract, skin. Up to a certain point, they may not manifest themselves in any way, however, in the event of the slightest violation of the level of immunity, streptococci can begin to actively develop and increase their number. As a result, a streptococcal infection occurs, and its treatment is a long and painstaking process.

The causative agent of almost any streptococcalinfection is beta-hemolytic streptococcus. The reason for this is its ability to destroy red blood cells (erythrocytes).

As a result of their vital activity, streptococci release many poisons and toxins. They have a detrimental effect on the human body.

Types of streptococci

Due to the fact that there are many different types of streptococci, it became necessary to classify these bacteria. They were divided into several groups according to their biochemical characteristics:

  1. Streptococcus group A. The most contagious species. It is capable of causing many dangerous diseases: from tonsillitis to rheumatism. A he althy human body chooses a habitat, and is most often localized in the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Group B streptococcus. It is also called hemolytic streptococcus. This type of streptococcus deserves this name due to the fact that it is able to destroy red blood cells. Bacteria in this group can cause very serious diseases that affect the heart and joints. They are also the causative agents of sepsis in a newborn baby. If streptococcus agalactia is found in the urine of a pregnant woman, then she is immediately prescribed a course of treatment, since these bacteria can cause pathology in the development of the fetus, and in the worst case, provoke a miscarriage.
  3. Streptococcus groups C and G. These bacteria most often choose the respiratory tract as their habitat (for example, there have been cases when this type of streptococcus was found in the nose), mucous membranes that cover men's andfemale genital organs, as well as the skin. This group of streptococci can cause severe pneumonia and dangerous inflammation (perhaps even purulent) in other organs.

In addition to the above, there are a number of other types of streptococci (from A to U), most of them cause a person to develop a dangerous pathological condition. If you start the wrong or untimely treatment, a person may die.

Ways of penetration of streptococcus into the body

A person begins to develop a disease caused by a streptococcal bacterium, under the following conditions: the sick person has been in contact with the infection, and his immunity is currently weakened. However, the second component is optional, since there have been cases of infection of he althy people whose immunity was normal.

There are the following ways in which a bacterium enters the human body:

  1. Airborne. The risk of contracting an infection caused by streptococcus is often very high during the cold season, when colds are exacerbated. At this time, the number of various infections (viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc.) living in the air, and most often indoors, increases significantly. Offices, public transport, various events and other crowded places, especially at a time when acute respiratory diseases are raging, become a habitat for bacteria, from where they can easily enter the human body. Sneezing and coughing people are the main carriers of the infection, so do notit is worth being in close proximity with them for a long time.
  2. woman sneezes
    woman sneezes
  3. Air-dust way. The composition of dust usually includes small particles of tissue, paper, exfoliated skin, animal hair, pollen, as well as various representatives of infections: viruses, fungi, bacteria. Prolonged exposure to high levels of dust is another factor that increases the risk of streptococcal infection in a he althy person.
  4. Contact-household way. Infection in this way occurs during the sharing of dishes, personal hygiene items, towels, bedding and kitchen utensils with a person who is infected with a staph infection. The risk of infection increases several times in the event of an injury in a he althy person to the mucous membranes of the nose or oral cavity. Damage to the skin can also be dangerous. At work, often, infection occurs due to the use of one cup by several people, or in the process of drinking from the throat of one bottle.
  5. Sexually. Infection with the infection occurs in the process of intimacy with a person who has a streptococcal infection. Infection can occur even if a person is not sick, but simply is a carrier of these bacteria. This type of staphylococcus chooses the organs of the male and female genitourinary system as the place of its habitat and active reproduction.
  6. Fecal-oral route. In this way, you can become infected if you do not follow the rules of personal hygiene (for example, beforedo not wash your hands before eating).
  7. Medically. Infection of a person with an infection occurs most often during his examination, as well as surgical or dental intervention. The reason is not disinfected medical instruments.

The risk group for contracting streptococcal infection is:

  1. People with bad habits (smokers, drinkers or drugs).
  2. Those who do not have a he althy sleep, and there are constant stress, chronic fatigue.
  3. People who eat unhe althy or unhe althy food.
  4. Sedentary people
  5. Those who have insufficient amounts of vitamins and microelements in their body.
  6. People who abuse certain drugs, including antibiotics.
  7. Persons visiting beauty salons with a dubious reputation. In particular, this applies to procedures related to manicure, pedicure, piercing, tattoos.
  8. Those who work in high-pollution environments (such as chemical or construction industries).

Urine tests for staph infection

If the analysis reveals a high level of streptococci in the urine, then it is safe to say that the person is infected, and at the same time he has a disease caused by streptococcus bacteria. Bacteria can lead to tonsillitis, tonsillitis, pharyngitis, urethritis, bronchitis, pneumonia, prostatitis, meningitis, cystitis, sepsis, periodontitis and pyelonephritis.

Analysis of urine
Analysis of urine

Symptoms of bacterial presence in urine

The increased content of streptococci in the urine can cause manifestations of pathologies in various organs and systems of the human body. A person infected with streptococcal bacteria has the following symptoms:

  • urging to the toilet becomes more frequent;
  • body temperature rises or falls;
  • increased lymph nodes in the groin area;
  • skin breaks out in rashes;
  • feeling pain and burning during urination;
  • acute abdominal pain;
  • the color of urine changes, it becomes cloudy;
  • redness appears in the area affected by bacteria;
  • a whitish coating forms, resembling flakes on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity;
  • the patient suffers from bouts of nausea and vomiting;
  • lowering or rising blood pressure;
  • there are aching pains in the lower back.
  • rash on the body
    rash on the body

    Some patients complain of developing an allergic reaction. And it occurs as a result of the interaction of the body with the waste products of streptococcus bacteria. Allergy manifests itself as a rash on top covered with yellow crusts. It may contain pus. During infection with streptococcus, autoimmune processes are often provoked, which cause destruction in the joints, heart and kidneys.

If you do not start treatment of streptococcal infection in a timely manner, its further development can lead to endometritis, urethritis, vaginal candidiasis, inflammation in the bladder andprostate. Further, pus may be discharged through the urethra. In this case, the patient feels severe pain in the lower abdomen, in addition, the lumbar region, swelling and itching of the genital organs may disturb.

Streptococcus in a pregnant woman

pregnant woman at the reception
pregnant woman at the reception

During pregnancy, a woman's immunity weakens. That is why it is most susceptible to infectious diseases, which are caused, among other things, by streptococci. The most terrible consequences of a streptococcal infection can be premature birth, placental abruption, pathologies in the development of the child or his death.

Group B streptococci, or, as they are also called, hemolytic streptococci, are very widespread. They cause he alth problems in humans. However, hemolytic streptococcus poses the greatest danger to a woman during pregnancy, and more specifically to her child.

Carriers of group B bacteria are 10 to 30% of pregnant women. Since this bacterium is found during the examination of every fourth pregnant woman, it cannot be called a rarity. However, it is unacceptable to treat her indifferently. The reason is that this pathogen can be transmitted from mother to child during childbirth.

Detecting the presence of streptococcus in the body of a pregnant woman is most often possible only when conducting a laboratory analysis of urine and smear.

If streptococcus is detected in the urine of a pregnant woman, the attending physician must urgently begin treatment. If timely therapy is not available,the risk of developing the following pathological conditions of the pregnant woman and her fetus begins to grow:

  • premature discharge of fetal membranes;
  • preterm birth;
  • fetal death of a child;
  • birth of a baby later diagnosed with cerebral palsy;
  • the occurrence of problems with learning, speech functions and hearing in a child.

Symptoms of streptococcal infection

Pregnant women whose urinary tract is infected with streptococcus have the following symptoms.

Possible development of chorioamniotitis, infection in the urinary system, infection of the fetus, which is fraught with miscarriage or stillbirth.

After a delivery occurs, especially after a caesarean section, there is a huge risk that endometritis will begin to develop. Symptoms will be non-specific: high body temperature, weakness, pain in the lower abdomen, painful palpation of the uterus.

A few hours after birth, the baby may develop sepsis, and after ten days, meningitis.

If a doctor suspects that a woman's genitourinary system is infected, then the analysis will help detect the presence of streptococcus in the urine during pregnancy.

Diagnosis of infection

Streptococcal infections are often difficult to detect. Diseases with pronounced symptoms (for example, scarlet fever or erysipelas) can facilitate the task. In most cases, one shouldbacteriological tests to detect streptococci in women in the urine or swab.

doctor looking through a microscope
doctor looking through a microscope

For the effectiveness of diagnosis and treatment, the doctor needs to take samples from the source of infection. If urethritis is suspected in a pregnant woman, either a vaginal swab or culture for streptococcus in the urine is taken. To clarify the nature of the disease, the doctor may give a referral for a blood test or a screening test.

Urine analysis - norm and deviation

The result of a streptococcus urine test during pregnancy is calculated in colony forming units per milliliter (CFU/mL). The calculation is carried out by specialists in the bacteriological laboratory. Normally, streptococci in the urine should contain no more than 1000 CFU / ml. In this case, we can say with confidence that the woman is he althy, since such an amount is not dangerous to her he alth. If this indicator exceeds 100,000 CFU / ml in the bacteriological test results form, there is no doubt that the pregnant woman is infected with streptococcus. Having received such results, the doctor should immediately look for the source of infection and develop a treatment regimen. In order to determine the most effective method of treatment, pregnant women are often prescribed directions for an antibactogram. This study will help answer the question of which drugs will be most effective in fighting the infection.

Treatment of a pregnant woman

A positive streptococcus test requires immediate treatment. Most often, streptococcus is found in the urine of pregnant women.agalactia. In the fight against them, antibacterial drugs are used. They are administered intravenously or with a drip. Only antibiotics make it possible to protect the fetus and, subsequently, the newborn child from the infection that his mother is infected with.

If streptococcus is present in the urine, treatment begins in the third trimester of pregnancy or during childbirth. However, in some cases, therapy began at 12 weeks. The best antibacterial drugs that can cure streptococcal infections are the penicillin series of antibiotics. These include ampicillins, benzylpenicillins and macrolides. These medicines are considered the safest for the mother and her unborn child. A rash is possible if the mother has an individual intolerance to penicillin.

In addition, in the fight against the presence of streptococcus in the urine of a pregnant woman, the streptococcal bacteriophage is sometimes used - an immunobiological drug effective in treating this kind of infection.

If you do not start treatment on time, the consequences can be the most deplorable. Once infected, the infant begins to suffer from meningitis, pneumonia, and blood poisoning.

Streptococcus in a child

Often, infection of a child with streptococcus bacteria occurs by airborne droplets. However, other ways of infection are not excluded:

  • as a result of dental surgery;
  • placental infection during pregnancy or childbirth.
  • child at the dentist
    child at the dentist

If streptococcalbacteria enter the child's body through the skin or urethra, the place of their localization will be the bladder. There have been cases when bacteria entered the urethra from the colon. Once in the channel, the bacteria move through the bladder and beyond. This movement of microorganisms is characteristic of the female sex, the reason is the anatomical features.

Symptoms of a staph infection in a child

You can detect streptococcus bacteria in a child at any age. The onset of infection is characterized by:

  • drowsy,
  • fever,
  • vague breathing problems.

Symptoms late in infection:

  • nasal congestion,
  • lack of appetite,
  • cough,
  • high temperature
  • convulsions.
  • child's temperature
    child's temperature

However, infection with bacteria is often not accompanied by any striking symptoms. That is why doctors recommend laboratory diagnostics.

Diagnosis and treatment of a child

To detect streptococcus in the urine of a child, experts have developed special tests that help detect pathogens within half an hour. The traditional methods for diagnosing streptococcal infection include urine culture analysis. If streptococcus is found in the urine of a baby, a suspicion immediately arises of a disease with urethritis or nephritis.

This disease is treated with antibiotics. In order not to harm the child's body with such strong medicines, doctors prescribe additionaldrugs that restore microflora. Self-activity in such treatment is not welcome. If the child's body is severely depleted of toxins that secrete streptococcus bacteria, the doctor prescribes bed rest and the rejection of physical activity.

Typically, the treatment lasts about two weeks. Prevention of the disease from an infection caused by streptococci is the observance of the rules of personal hygiene. Even if streptococcus is found in a child, timely and proper treatment will protect him from possible complications.

Streptococcus in men. Causes and symptoms

The presence of streptococcus in a man's body brings him the same problems as a woman.

The symptoms of a streptococcal infection in men depend on what disease they caused. Most often in the strong sex there is an infection that develops in the genitourinary system. Its pathogens lead to balanoposthitis and balanitis. This infection is transmitted through sexual contact. It is characterized by the following symptoms:

  1. The occurrence of erosions, films, bright red bubbles on the mucous membranes of the penis and in the folds of the groin is the initial stage.
  2. Itching and burning sensation in the genital area - middle stage.
  3. Formation of cracks, microerosions and microscopic papules on the foreskin is a chronic stage.

Symptoms of the presence of streptococcus in the urine of a man include:

  • nausea;
  • high temperature;
  • feeling weak;
  • frequent and painful urination;
  • purulent discharge from the urethra.

Diagnosis and treatment of streptococcal infections in men

In order to detect hemolytic streptococcus in the urine of a man, a whole range of activities is carried out, which includes:

  • clinical urinalysis;
  • prostate smear laboratory test;
  • bacteriological culture of urine;
  • other laboratory research methods.

If, according to the result of a bacteriological study, streptococcus is still detected in the urine of a man, then serious treatment is prescribed aimed at the complete destruction of the infectious source.

medicinal product
medicinal product

The basis of treatment is still the same group of penicillin antibiotics. In addition to them, the patient should take drugs aimed at strengthening the immune system. During the treatment period, a man should strictly follow the doctor's instructions. These include:

  • proper nutrition;
  • lack of exercise;
  • leading a he althy lifestyle;
  • observance of hygiene rules.

All medicines are prescribed only by a doctor, therefore, in order to avoid complications, self-medication should be abandoned.
