About half of the people in the world fungal diseases are part of their microflora. If a person's immunity decreases or the balance of chemistry in the body is disturbed, the harmful fungus enters the stage of active reproduction, forming peculiar colonies by its actions, which is why in the future oral thrush is formed in adults, which has many symptoms.

The following factors contribute to the increased activity of the fungus:
- decreased immunity and the formation of immunodeficiency;
- when a woman is in a position, her body weakens, and this entails a decrease in immunity, hormonal changes occur and metabolism is disturbed;
- the presence of chronic or hereditary diseases in a person;
- if a person quite often takes medications that have a negative effect on his immunity, this includes cytostatics andcorticosteroids;
- quite a long antibiotic treatment, Candida can easily resist your favorite antibiotic, but other bacteria die, which creates ideal conditions for fungi to develop, since they do not meet a single competitor in their path;
- lack of certain groups of vitamins in the body;
- presence of bad habits: excessive drinking, smoking or taking drugs;
- treating with radiotherapy;
- use of oral contraceptives;
- any, even the smallest injury to the oral mucosa;
- presence of artificial teeth;
- such a fungus is considered contagious and can be transmitted to another person through a kiss, through the use of a patient's toothbrush, and the bacterium can also be transmitted through dishes;
- You can also get a fungus from contact with animals, especially carefully you need to watch children playing with pets, as the disease can pass to them.

Localization of oral candidiasis depends on immunity, age, the presence of other diseases, the use of medications and a number of other factors. Directly referred to as thrush is acute pseudomembranous candidiasis, which is quite common.
However, this is only the only kind of disease provided. This form of pathology is most common, especially at a young age. In mature people, it is usually associated with other diseases, tolike cancer or diabetes.
As a rule, thrush takes root on the mucous membrane of the lips, palate, cheeks and tongue. They become dry, snow-white spots appear on them, with their appearance evoking memories of cottage cheese or curdled milk. At the initial stage of the disease, plaque is simply removed with a spatula, and an edematous flat plane is noted under it. When the disease becomes more complicated, the plaque changes its own structure, becomes impenetrable and more difficult to remove, and under it there is an erosive plane. Of the pronounced signs, one can identify severe pain when eating food, the more acute, and also a systematic burning sensation in the mouth.

Acute atrophic candidiasis
This form is characterized by a strong burning sensation, dryness. The mucous membrane turns red, and the tongue becomes oily and shiny. Snow-white spots, as a rule, are absent or are only in solid folds, they are removed with great difficulty.
Acquired hyperplastic candidiasis
This form is characterized by a strong patina. If the disease progresses for a long time, plaque is impregnated with fibrin, yellowish-gray films are observed that are quite strongly bonded to the mucous membrane.
Acquired atrophic candidiasis
This form of the disease is usually observed in those who have artificial teeth. Burning, dryness and pain in the mouth are typical, especially in the space where the prosthesis touches the mouth. This place usually turns red.

Varieties of thrush in the mouth in adults
There are three types of oral candidiasis:
- On the gums. The phenomenon is not rare. Education in mature people is considered a prerequisite for improper dental hygiene or occurs when using oral contraceptives. Smokers and those who have artificial teeth can get sick. Methods of treating pathology do not differ from others. If you wear dentures, they should be washed and brushed, then left overnight in a chlorhexidine solution. After you put your dentures back on, they should not be cleaned with fluorine-based pastes for a very long time, so as not to weaken the effect of chlorhexidine.
- Oropharyngeal thrush. This type of oral candidiasis is most common among older people because it usually occurs as a result of medication. The beneficial microflora of the oral cavity is suppressed, and pathogenic bacteria develop instead. A feature of this form of candidiasis is that it is extremely difficult to detect in the early stages. The patient's temperature remains at a normal level, there is no change in taste sensations, and the areas with plaque are very small. Most often, the presented form of thrush proceeds autonomously after completing the course of taking strong substances. In advanced cases, immunostimulants and antimycotics are used for healing.
- Candidiasis at the corners of the mouth. This form of the disease is less common. First, it is formed in the corners of the mouth in the form of smallcracks that can become large over time.
Thrush at the corners of the mouth
Prerequisites for the onset of the disease:
- presence of deep folds on the skin;
- rich salivation;
- malformed teeth that can injure the epithelium of the mouth;
- artificial teeth;
- Mistakes of the doctor during prosthetics, which led to a change in the bite of the teeth.
Methods for treating symptoms of thrush in the mouth in adults
For the treatment of pathology, pharmaceuticals are used that have a complex effect on the whole organism. These are ways to fight the fungus (medicines or imidazoles) that can eliminate candida not only in the mouth area, but throughout the body completely. In addition, during the treatment process, the doctor may prescribe substances that can fight various microbes and parasites that provoke infection.

A significant role is also assigned to general strengthening therapy aimed at increasing and maintaining immunity. For this, certain groups of vitamins will be used. They initiate positive processes in the body and increase its defenses. To completely eliminate the disease, it is also necessary to take other medicines. All medicines must be prescribed by a doctor personally. In addition, the treatment of this disease involves adhering to a certain diet. It is necessary to remove sweet and flour foods, because they contribute to the reproduction of mushrooms. Spicy, sour, s alty food irritates the mucous membrane, increasing the negative signs,therefore, it should also be abandoned.
Topical therapy
In the treatment of symptoms of thrush in the mouth in adults, the photo of which is not attached for ethical reasons, topical agents play a significant role. They can help remove signs of the disease, stop the reproduction of candida, and restore tissue damaged by the fungus. These can be applications with iodine-based formulations, rinsing with alkaline mixtures and antiseptic solutions, sucking on antibiotic lozenges.
Special dental gels have shown excellent results in curing candidiasis. Great for Holisal. It has an anesthetic and anti-inflammatory effect. The anesthetic effect is observed already after 2-3 minutes and lasts up to eight hours.

Not the last role in the cure of candidiasis is a visit to the dentist in order to destroy dental diseases, malocclusion and misses in prosthetics. In addition, it is important to observe oral hygiene: brush your teeth twice a day, use mouthwash after meals. Artificial teeth at the stage of treatment must be treated with antifungal agents. On average, therapy for thrush in the mouth in mature people lasts from fourteen to twenty-one days. Therapy should be continued for the time indicated by the doctor, even if the symptoms have been eliminated. This will help to avoid a recurrence of the disease.
Treatment with folk remedies
Oral thrush is characterized by whitish-cream spots, they are seen on the inner wallscheeks and tongue. Over time, the spots turn into ulcers that hurt quite a lot, and with scanty damage, blood begins to flow from them.
A high risk of developing this pathology in a person who has artificial teeth, they can also lead to permanent irritation and inflammation. Diabetics, HIV-infected people, people with cancer and weakened immune systems should not be discounted.
However, as a leading cause of thrush in mature people, there may be excessive consumption of sugar and foods that contain it. For example, yeasts need glucose and a moist environment to thrive.

Home remedies for treating diseases in adults
Here are known treatments for the signs and symptoms of oral thrush in adults:
- Proper nutrition. The diet should contain important elements in the fight against thrush. Leafy, greenish vegetables such as spinach and broccoli are recommended. In nutrition, it is necessary to maintain a balance, it must contain a large amount of fiber. Beware of refined sugar and heavily processed foods. You don't have to cut out regular carbs like white bread or rice.
- Garlic and onion have powerful anti-fungal properties. It is necessary to use a combination of these ingredients in the manufacture of food. Eat them as a snack with the main dish.
- Food containing probiotics will help quicklyrestore the number of positive microorganisms. Such foods enable the body to renew its line of defense.
- The main product with probiotics is yogurt. It contains acidophilus, which is related to microbes, and it, in turn, helps to keep the development of a fungal infection. It is also called a cure for symptoms of thrush in the mouth in adults caused by a fungus. There are acidophilus supplements in capsule form, which must be taken several times throughout the day until the disease passes.
- A small jar of yogurt has a huge amount of he althy bacteria that can help cure disease and improve digestion. Eat yogurt with live enzymes twice a day.
Following all the recommendations and prescriptions of a doctor, you can successfully cope with the disease. It is important to take preventive measures to significantly reduce the risk of relapse. Compliance with oral hygiene, proper nutrition, a he althy lifestyle is the key to good he alth.