Current legislation provides for mandatory pre-trip medical examinations of all drivers before the start of a work shift or flight. Only drivers who drive vehicles subordinate to emergency operational services, the Ministry of Emergency Situations, ambulances, traffic police, etc. are not subject to such an inspection.
After the inspection, a mark is put on the waybill and a corresponding entry is made in the journal.
Specialists with a secondary or higher medical education, both employed by the employer and working in third-party specialized companies, have the right to conduct examinations.
Types of medical examinations provided for drivers
Driving a vehicle requires not only knowledge of traffic rules, but also driving in an absolutely sober state and the absence of diseases that can affect concentration.

Before signing an employment contract with a candidate for the position of a driver, the employer must make sure that the person has no deviations, both physiological and psychological-emotional. To do this, the candidate must undergo a preliminary medical examination, regardless of whether he gets a job in a large corporation or an individual entrepreneur. The employer must pay for the inspection.
Before the examination, a potential employee is given a referral to a specific medical facility. Such an institution may be municipal or private, with an appropriate permit for the right to conduct such surveys. The employer and the medical center work on contractual terms.

Periodic Inspection
In addition to the preliminary examination, the driver is required to undergo a periodic medical examination every two years. The responsibility for monitoring the timing of the inspection lies not only with the driver himself, but also with the employer. The time spent by the driver on mandatory medical examinations must be paid in the amount of the average monthly wage.

Pretrip Inspection
Medical pre-trip inspection is not only a mandatory requirement of the legislator, but also one of the conditions for the safety of the driver and others.
He alth workers conducting screenings determine driver's he alth, hangover and symptomsoverwork. Did the driver use alcoholic beverages or drugs before the shift, which could affect the ability to drive a vehicle. If the doctor even suspects during the period of the medical pre-trip inspection that the driver is not able to drive the car, then he is suspended from his duties. However, it should be remembered that it is possible to examine a person for the presence of drugs in the body only with the consent of such a person. As a rule, such consent is given at the time of signing the employment contract.

Who has the right to inspect
The legislator identifies three options for organizing pre-trip medical examinations:
- Doctor with a special certificate, who works in the state of the enterprise. In this case, the legal entity is not required to obtain a license.
- Third Party. The company has the right to conclude an agreement with a company that has a license to conduct medical examinations. The list of such institutions includes not only municipal enterprises, but also private legal entities specializing in this type of service.
- A carrier company has the right to independently obtain a license to conduct a pre-trip medical examination of drivers. Although such expenses are only worthwhile if the company is large and has a huge staff of drivers.
Whichever option is chosen, only medical personnel who have passed a speci altraining and received the appropriate certificate or diploma.

Survey Procedure
Most importantly, a pre-trip medical examination of drivers is mandatory for all enterprises that have drivers in their staff, even if there is one. It does not matter what kind of transport he travels, what is the distance of the trip.
He alth check is carried out before departure and counts towards the total working time.
If the survey is carried out on the territory of the enterprise, then it is necessary to equip an office with an area of at least 12 square meters. m. If the company is served by a third-party organization, which is located in another part of the city, then it makes sense to organize corporate transfers of all employees to the place of inspection and back.
During the examination, the doctor finds out the he alth of the driver, determines how ready he is to fulfill his immediate duties in driving. The pupils, skin, mucous membranes of the eyes and mouth are checked. The driver is questioned about his he alth. If the person being checked is prone to high blood pressure, then a corresponding mark is made on his card with the boundary indicators at which he can be admitted to his work duties. If necessary, an alcohol test can be carried out using a breathalyzer. The entire procedure of medical pre-trip inspection of one person is given no more than 1 minute. If the doctor has certain suspicions, then the examination may be delayed.

Documentation of inspections
All data obtained during the pre-trip medical examination of drivers is recorded in the appropriate journal and waybill.
A stamp is placed on the waybill confirming that a person is allowed to work. Information with full name is applied on the stamp. doctor who performed the examination.
As for the waybill, there is a specific form for the pre-trip medical examination of drivers, which is enshrined in Instruction No. 555. The following columns are filled in the journal:
- date;
- Full name person to be examined;
- possible complaints;
- temperature and blood pressure;
- alcotest results;
- heart rate;
- if the driver was sent to the doctor with certain complaints, then this is marked;
- signature of the doctor who performed the examination.
All entries are numbered, and the journal itself is necessarily stitched, sealed and signed by the head of the enterprise or the seal and signature of the enterprise that carries out inspections on a contractual basis. If the journal is kept in electronic form, then it must be certified with a qualified electronic signature.
In addition to keeping a journal, the enterprise must issue an order for pre-trip medical examinations. The administrative document displays information on who is entrusted with the function of conducting the survey, in which room the entire procedure is carried out. Recommendedindicate who is responsible for monitoring inspections, which official purchases the necessary equipment, examines breathalyzers, changes or repairs them.
It is also better to indicate who will replace the medical worker during his absence, illness or vacation.

Pre-trip and post-trip inspections are mandatory for everyone, and failure to do so may result in pen alties:
- A driver who has not passed a medical examination can be fined up to 1.5 thousand rubles;
- a medical worker who does not comply with the examination procedure may be fined from 2 to 3 thousand rubles;
- A fine from 30 to 35 thousand rubles may be imposed on the owner of the company and the holder of vehicles.
These fines have the right to impose not the traffic police, but the authorities for supervision and control in the field of he althcare.
Disciplinary action may also be taken against a driver who attempts to take up duty within the enterprise.
In general, the organization of pre-trip medical examinations is an important element in the life of an enterprise, especially if it has a large number of drivers in its staff. You should not treat medical examinations formally and do not forget that the human factor is present everywhere. It is necessary to monitor not only the drivers, but also the medical staff, as some people very quicklyestablish trusting relationships and, as a result, all examinations are carried out carelessly.