Stomatitis in a child's mouth: photo, home treatment

Stomatitis in a child's mouth: photo, home treatment
Stomatitis in a child's mouth: photo, home treatment

Whims of a child for no apparent reason, refusal to eat, the appearance of redness and sores in the mouth, fever - these are all symptoms of stomatitis. For immediate help, the baby needs the correct diagnosis of the pathology. Features of the treatment of stomatitis in a child depend on the cause that caused it and the type of disease. But there are several common reasons for the development of ailments - this is non-compliance with hygiene standards, slight injury to the delicate mucous membrane and a weakened immune system.

mother and child
mother and child


There are several varieties of stomatitis.

The most common are:

  1. Aphthous. Its causes may be allergens, poor functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, trauma to the oral mucosa. It is not always possible to identify the exact causes of this disease. It is often chronic, most affecting children aged six and over.years.
  2. Herpetic. It is caused by the most common type of virus, herpes. In the body, it is often in a latent state, and when the immune system is weakened, it infects the body. Mostly children from one to three years old get sick.
  3. Fungal (candidiasis). The causative agent is the fungus Candida. Babies become infected from the mother, a white coating appears in the mouth, which is called thrush. Weak immunity of the baby and the lack of formed microflora in the oral cavity contribute to the onset of the disease, chronic forms are possible. Children are most vulnerable to this disease between the ages of birth and three years.
  4. Traumatic. It develops against the background of various mechanical damage to the oral mucosa. What does stomatitis look like in children? Photos can be seen in the article.

General treatment approaches

When symptoms of stomatitis appear in children, you should consult a doctor, and at home, you should follow these rules:

  • Give the patient a separate towel, dishes, cutlery and toys. Minimize his contact with other children.
  • With stomatitis in a child, observe oral hygiene: for a baby up to a year old, treat the oral mucosa with antiseptic wipes, for children after a year, rinse their mouth after eating with antiseptic solutions. Highlight a toothbrush with soft bristles so as not to injure the gums and tongue.
  • In case of illness in newborns and infants, treat nipples, feeding bottles, pacifiers with an antiseptic.
  • Use special sprays for pain reliefand gels.
  • Food for stomatitis in a child should be gentle: have a temperature corresponding to body temperature, be neutral in taste and liquid consistency. At the same time contain enough nutrients, minerals and vitamins.
  • In the room of a sick baby, you need to regularly do wet cleaning, you should often ventilate the room.

Symptoms and treatment of fungal stomatitis

In the mouth, on the affected areas, a white or gray coating appears, similar to cottage cheese. The disease causes pain to the baby, he is naughty, refuses to eat. In severe forms, the temperature rises to 40 degrees, there is an increase in the lymph nodes. In mild cases, these symptoms are absent.

The disease begins with redness and bleeding of the mucosa. Then a plaque appears on the tongue, the inner surface of the lips, cheeks and gums, which later turns into a film. This type of stomatitis in children (photo below) is caused by fungi that multiply intensively in an acidic environment.

Fungal stomatitis
Fungal stomatitis

To reduce their number, the creation of an alkaline environment in the oral cavity will help. To do this, use a solution of baking soda, which is prepared as follows: two teaspoons of the powder are diluted in a glass of boiled water. They treat the child's mouth up to six times a day. In the pharmacy chain, aniline dye is sold for these purposes, and a solution of 2% boric acid is also suitable. Antifungal creams and gels are applied to damaged areas with stomatitis in the mouth of a child: Pimafucin, Clotrimazole, nystatin ointment. Medicines should be used only as directed by a doctor, who will determine the appropriate dosage according to the age of the child and his characteristics. For older children, antifungal drugs are used orally: Diflucan, Fluconazole. Antipyretics are used to relieve high fever.

Herpetic stomatitis, its treatment

The disease of this type is determined by redness of the mucous membrane, which develops into vesicles. They burst, forming cracks and sores. In the mouth, the child develops dryness, burning and itching. He starts to act up and eat badly. In the acute form of the disease, fever and inflammation of the lymph nodes are possible. After healing, a marble pattern appears on the mucosa. Treatment of stomatitis in children (photo can be seen in the article) of mild and moderate degree takes place at home.

mouth rinse
mouth rinse

Severe and recurrent forms require hospitalization. For treatment use:

  • herbal decoctions - sage and chamomile;
  • kalanchoe juice, propolis;
  • pharmaceutical drug fees - "Evkarom" and "Ingafitol";
  • Zovirax ointment - used at the initial stage of the rash;
  • painkillers - Stomatodin ointment, Hexoral tablets;
  • Bonafton ointment, Carotolin oil solution, rose hip and sea buckthorn oil for healing.

When using decoctions, moisten gauze or cotton swabs with a solution and wipe the affected areas 3 to 5 times a day. Older children can do their own mouthwashes.

Treatment of aphthous stomatitis

Gums, tongue, inner cheeks and lips are most commonly affected. Initially, a round tumor appears, then it is damaged and covered with a white or yellow membrane with a red rim around. When a secondary infection is introduced, the condition worsens. Fever is very rare. The child becomes drowsy, lethargic, refuses to eat.

Treatment of the disease depends on the cause that caused it. If symptoms of stomatitis appear in the mouth of a child, you should consult a doctor. Ulcers can be treated with any drugs, as with other stomatitis: lugol, iodinol, boric acid solution.

Traumatic stomatitis

A bruise or swelling occurs on the injured area, then the mucous membrane turns red and swells. There is a feeling of pain, a small wound, sore or blister is formed. The first step is to eliminate the cause of the injury. With minor damage, the wound is treated with a solution of furacilin, hydrogen peroxide or herbal infusions. In case of injuries, the damaged area is more seriously treated with anti-inflammatory drugs. For severe pain, painkillers are needed. For quick healing, the mouth is rinsed and applications are made using healing agents.

Stomatitis in a two-year-old child

Stomatitis in a child at 2 years old is often of a herpetic type. The kid begins to act up, refuses to eat, complains of pain in the mouth. When viewed on the mucous membrane, redness and many bubbles of insignificant size are visible. With a mild form of the disease, the temperature may below, easily knocked down by antipyretic tablets. The acute form of the disease gives a sharp rise in temperature, an increase in lymph nodes, numerous rashes appear in addition to the oral cavity on the wings of the nose and lips. Sometimes there is vomiting and headache. Bacterial stomatitis in children (see photo below) also occurs at this age. It is characterized by the appearance of painful sores of bright red color with a white center. Sometimes, with careless handling of toys or a fall, the mucous membrane is damaged and traumatic stomatitis may develop. The sore appears after redness and swelling. It is urgent to take measures to prevent its inflammation.

Herpetic stomatitis
Herpetic stomatitis

The causative agents of stomatitis are viruses, bacteria, fungi and allergens. Moreover, it has been established that 95% of all people on the planet are carriers of the herpetic stomatitis virus. All of them are carriers of this disease, but only those who have a weakened immune system get sick. Two-year-old children are very susceptible to the disease, since they still have a weak protective reaction of the body. For quick treatment of the disease, it is necessary to determine its cause. Only a doctor can handle this. And mom should notice the signs of the disease in time.

Treatment of a two-year-old child from stomatitis

The doctor prescribes antimicrobial, painkillers, vitamin complexes and a sparing diet to the child. For treatment use:

  • Rinse. At two years old, a child may well rinse his mouth, therefore, for the treatment of stomatitis in children at home, infusions of medicinal herbs are used,with astringent, anti-inflammatory and healing action. For this, oak bark, calendula, chamomile, St. John's wort and sage are used. Raw materials are easy to purchase at the pharmacy. The infusion is prepared as follows: a tablespoon of grass is poured into a glass of water and insisted for at least an hour, the bark - about six hours. The contents are filtered and the mouth is rinsed at least four times a day. The child may be naughty and refuse treatment, then you should moisten the swab with a solution and wipe the oral mucosa. Instead of herbs, a solution of baking soda is suitable: one teaspoon of powder per 200 ml of warm boiled water.
  • Antiseptics. Rinse the mouth often in the first days of the disease. Apply a solution of furacilin (one tablet is dissolved in a glass of warm water) and potassium permanganate (pale pink solution).
  • Painkillers. Local ointments and gels are used: Kalgel, Bebident, Cholisal. Cabbage or carrot juice is used as an anesthetic for stomatitis in children at home. They lubricate the damaged oral mucosa, and for rinsing the juice is diluted with water 1: 1.
  • Antiviral. They are used from the first symptoms of the disease, the following drugs are usually prescribed: Bonafton, Florenal, Tebrofen, Acyclovir.
  • Wound healing. In order for the wounds to heal faster, they are lubricated with Solcoseryl ointment and vitaminized oil solutions, and you can also use Kalanchoe juice, propolis and sea buckthorn oil.
Ointment Acyclovir
Ointment Acyclovir

In addition to treatment, the child must be provided with proper nutrition. Give food until recovery in a pureed form. Exclude sweet and sour, food temperature should be approximately 36 degrees. Provide plenty of fluids, it helps to remove the infection from the body and make up for the lack of water in the body. We should not forget about vitamins.

Stomatitis in infants

Far from a rare question of parents - how to treat stomatitis in children under one year old? This is a common disease among infants, but difficult to diagnose in the early stages. For parents, the most important thing is to notice the onset of the disease, because the baby can only tell by crying and restless behavior that he is ill. Therefore, it is necessary to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • the appearance in the oral cavity of white plaque or sores that cause pain (their shape and color depend on the type of disease);
  • baby refuses breast and bottle due to sore mouth;
  • fever, it does not happen with all forms of stomatitis;
  • redness and swelling of the gums;
  • bleeding of the mucosa when plaque is removed;
  • bad breath;
  • increased salivation.

Stomatitis in babies can be caused by the following reasons:

  • different types of infection - viral, bacterial, fungal;
  • underdeveloped immune system;
  • various severe diseases - diseases of the endocrine system, HIV, diabetes mellitus;
  • effects of antibiotic treatment;
  • poor oral care;
  • infection during childbirth from an infected mother;
  • geneticpredisposition;
  • non-compliance with the rules of sterilization of nipples, bottles, toys;
  • lack of general hygiene in the home.

The disease most often occurs due to a weak immune system, lack of essential vitamins and minerals in the body, the presence of other viruses and any overload of the nervous system.

Causative agents of stomatitis and diagnosis in children under one year old

Depending on the pathogen that caused stomatitis in infants, it can be of the following types:

  • Herpetic. This virus most often affects children from one to three years old.
  • Aphthous. May appear in babies as a result of a lack of vitamins, food allergies, genetic predisposition, overwork, emotional stress.
  • Candidiasis. This is the most common form of stomatitis in children in the mouth (photo below) under the age of one year, called thrush. The causative agent is the Candida fungus, which is present in the body of almost every person, so it is difficult to protect the baby from this infection.
  • Allergic. Appears as a result of an allergic reaction of the body to various allergens: food, medicines, polluted air.
Thrush in the chest
Thrush in the chest

What type of stomatitis and what treatment to prescribe, the doctor understands in each case. The task of parents is to notice the disease in time and seek medical help. For a correct diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the following tests:

  • smear from the oral mucosa;
  • blood test.

In severe cases of the disease, the patient is referred for a consultation with specialists: an allergist, a gastroenterologist, an endocrinologist.

Treatment of stomatitis in infants

To eliminate the disease, several groups of drugs are used that are intended for different purposes and are used in combination, taking into account the form and type of the causative agent of stomatitis:

  1. Antiviral. Used in the treatment of stomatitis in the mouth in children caused by a viral infection. For babies, ointments with an antiviral effect are often prescribed: oxolinic (used two to three times a day), tebrofen (smeared 3-4 times a day), Acyclovir (used every eight hours, but no more than 3 times a day).
  2. Antifungal. Assign: "Candide" (clear, colorless liquid), "Nystatin" (drops or water-based suspension), "Levorin" (aqueous suspension).
  3. Painkillers. To relieve unpleasant painful sensations so that the baby can eat calmly, they prescribe: "Propolis" - a spray, is used up to five times a day, "Kamistad" - a gel is used no more than three times a day, has antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Not recommended for infants under three months.
  4. Healing. To accelerate the healing of damaged mucosa, infants are prescribed Solcoseryl ointment.
  5. Traditional medicine. For the treatment of stomatitis in children at home, to help medications, a soda solution is used to heal wounds and restore the mucosa. To do this, dissolve one teaspoon of the powder in a glasswarm boiled water and gently wipe the mouth with a gauze swab. Wounds can be treated with infusion of calendula or blueberries.
Treatment of stomatitis
Treatment of stomatitis

When treating stomatitis in babies, it is necessary to treat toys with boiling water, keep the mouth clean, strengthen the body's defenses, and give vitamins.

Quick treatment of stomatitis in children at home

As noted earlier, the causative agents of stomatitis are fungi, viruses or bacteria, which are fought in different ways. Therefore, one cannot do without a doctor's examination and laboratory tests for bacterial culture, herpes and candidiasis, taking a smear from a child. It is impossible to independently determine and choose how to treat the disease. At home, it is enough to correctly follow all the doctor's recommendations after an accurate diagnosis of the child. For all types of the disease, severe soreness is characteristic at the site of the appearance of sores and cracks. However, when treating stomatitis in children at home, it is necessary not only to reduce pain, but also to reduce the duration of the course of the disease. We must try not to allow the infection to spread to large areas and go deeper. To do this, you should clearly follow all the instructions of the attending physician, carefully carry out the prescribed procedures, and strictly observe hygiene. For a speedy recovery, good nutrition also plays an important role. If all the recommendations are followed, the disease will quickly recede.

Stomatitis in children: reviews

This disease is very common, so inThere are many reviews on the internet. Here are some of them:

  1. After suffering herpetic stomatitis, the treatment of which was successful, there were only traces of wounds on the tongue. In the future, after SARS in the oral cavity, each time the red spots are overgrown in a circle with a white coating, then they are covered with a film, drooling appears, the disease returns again.
  2. Often use folk remedies in conjunction with drugs. With a mild form of stomatitis, a solution of furacilin, an infusion of chamomile, sage, oak bark is used to cleanse the oral cavity, and then lubricated with oxolinic ointment.
  3. Some parents use the drug "Vinilin", otherwise it is called Shostakovsky's balm. It has an antimicrobial and wound healing effect. When applied, allergic reactions may occur, so the child should be monitored during treatment. It should be noted that the drug is intended for children over 14 years of age.

As you can see from the reviews, the problem of childhood stomatitis often worries moms and dads, and many are looking for effective methods of treatment.

Each parent with a baby should be able to identify stomatitis in a child. To do this, you should periodically examine his oral cavity and know the signs of the manifestation of the disease. But only a doctor can make a diagnosis, determine the cause of the disease and prescribe medications. You should not treat your baby yourself.
