Most of the processes in the human body occur due to the action of biologically active substances, which include testosterone, estrogen and progesterone. They are the main hormones of the reproductive system that are produced in both sexes. Men produce more testosterone, women produce more estrogen.
Estrogens are a group of sex hormones, which include estradiol, estriol and estrone. Among them, estradiol is the most physiologically active. Other species do not have a significant effect on the body. Synthesized in the ovaries in women and testicles in men. Also produced in the adrenal cortex in both sexes.

Estrogen functions
- Estradiol. Regulates the menstrual cycle, participates in the maturation of the egg, is responsible for ovulation and prepares the uterus for the upcoming pregnancy (attachment of a fertilized egg to the wall of the uterus). Also involved in the regulation of bloodsystem, bladder function and intestinal peristalsis. Influences the development of bone tissue and its strength. Takes part in the metabolic processes of the body.
- Estriol. Produced during pregnancy, it is involved in maintaining the functions of the placenta and ensures the normal development of the fetus.
- Estron. Ensures the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics and is involved in the proper formation of the uterus.
- Estradiol. Stimulates metabolic processes in the body, participates in the normal functional state of the nervous system, regulates the production of pituitary hormones, reduces the development of heart and vascular diseases, affects the quality of spermatozoa, the ability to conceive, increases blood clotting, prevents osteoporosis, and prevents baldness.
- Estriol. Produced in small quantities. Does not affect the male body.
- Estron. It has no activity, but in combination with estradiol, it affects reproductive functions, participates in maintaining the work of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal system. Prevents the appearance of gynecomastia, tumor processes in the testicles and osteoporosis.
This is an androgenic sex hormone. It comes in two types:
- Free. It is active and has no links with blood proteins.
- General. Consists of all fractions, including free testosterone and associated with proteins - albumin and globulin.
In men it is produced by the testes, in women by the ovaries. Synthesis also takes place inadrenal cortex in both sexes. When a young man reaches puberty, the level of testosterone in the blood increases markedly. But after age 50, hormone production declines.

Testosterone Functions
- Ensures the normal development of the genital organs and the formation of secondary sexual characteristics.
- Involved in sperm production.
- Affects sexual behavior.
- Under the influence of testosterone, a change in the timbre of the voice occurs.
- The work of the sebaceous glands is activated.
- Participates in the metabolic processes of calcium, phosphorus, potassium ions.
- Affects the growth and development of bone tissue.
- Takes part in the maturation of the egg.
- Participates in the formation of mammary glands.
- Has an effect on sex appeal and attraction.
Hormone levels
Testosterone and estrogen are produced in both sexes. As a rule, the norms depend on age. In women, hormone levels depend on the phases of the menstrual cycle.

Men are normal:
- Testosterone levels in general. Up to 50 years - 11-33 nmol / l, after 50 years - ≧11 nmol / l, the active form is 3.5-12 nmol / l.
- Level of free testosterone. Up to 50 years - 8, 8-42, 6 pg / ml, after 50 - 6-30 pg / ml.
- Estradiol level - 5-53 ng/l.
- Estrol is 3-6 ng%.
Women inNormal:
- Total testosterone level before menopause - 0.31-3.78 nmol/l, postmenopausal - 0.42-4.51 nmol/l.
- Free testosterone before menopause - 0-4.2 pg/ml, post-menopause - 0.1-1.7 pg/ml.
- The level of estradiol in the first phase of the menstrual cycle is 15-160 ng/l, in the middle of the cycle - 34-400 ng/l, in the second phase - 27-246 ng/l. During pregnancy is 17000-18000 ng / l. During menopause and postmenopause - 5-30 ng/l.
- Estrone in the first phase of the cycle - 5-9 ng%, in the second - 3-25 ng%, during pregnancy increases to 1500-3000 ng%.
- Estriol is mainly determined during gestation and its level depends on the number of completed weeks of pregnancy.
Causes of hormone deficiency
Decrease in testosterone and estrogen levels in men occurs for various reasons. The most common are:
- Age-related changes. As you know, after 50 years, the synthesis of testosterone decreases. This is a natural physiological process that is irreversible.
- Wrong diet. Insufficient intake of vitamins and minerals in the body can provoke a decrease in testosterone. And the absence of protein foods in the diet, the intake of fat in small quantities and carbohydrates in excess can lower estrogen levels.
- Overweight. Excess weight inhibits testosterone production. The level of estrogen rises and further suppresses the synthesis of the "male hormone". For this reason, testosterone and estrogen levels in men are in constant imbalance.
- Sudden weight loss can lead to a drop in estrogen levels.
- Alcoholism, smoking, drug use contribute to lower testosterone and estrogen.
- Lack of physical activity leads to a decrease in testosterone production. Intense exercise lowers estrogen levels.
- Disruption of the pituitary gland, hypothalamus, testicular dysfunction have a negative impact on the hormonal background. Such pathological conditions are often congenital.
- Stress. Prolonged and frequent stressful situations can lead to a decrease in hormone levels in the body.
- Diseases of the heart, blood vessels and kidneys.

Low testosterone leads to increased estrogen synthesis, which further suppresses testosterone production. As a result, there is a constant imbalance of hormones in the body.
Reasons for low hormones in women:
- Changes in hormonal levels. During menopause, testosterone and estrogen levels decrease.
- Renal failure. By reducing the efficiency of the adrenal glands, in which testosterone is synthesized, there is a violation of the production of this hormone.
- Sudden weight loss causes a decrease in estrogen production.
- Some medications can lead to hormone deficiencies.
- Removal or disruption of the ovaries can cause a decrease in testosterone and estrogen levels.
- Congenital pathologies that violatehormone production.
- Using alcohol, drugs, smoking.

Causes of excess hormones
- Drinking alcohol.
- Taking certain medications.
- Overweight.
- Cyst formation, tumor processes in the ovaries, breast cancer, uterus. As a rule, testosterone and estrogen are elevated in such pathological conditions.
- Tumor processes of the testicles.
- Cirrhosis of the liver.
- Overweight.
- Age changes.
Symptoms of hormonal disorders
Reduced testosterone and estrogen levels in women are manifested by the following symptoms:
- Irregular or non-existent periods.
- The symptoms of the premenstrual period are significantly pronounced. Periods are painful.
- Dryness and burning in the vagina.
- No desire for sexual contact.
- Unstable blood pressure.
- Weight loss.
- There are problems with the musculoskeletal system.

Excess levels of the hormones testosterone and estrogen in women cause the following symptoms:
- Puberty comes earlier.
- Increased thyroid function.
- Bleeding begins during menopause.
- Cysts and tumor processes are formed in the ovaries.
- Fatigue appears, frequent mood swings, nervousness.
- Deteriorating physical he alth.
Symptoms of low testosterone and estrogen levels in men:
- Diseases of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular system.
- Development of chronic prostatitis.
- Reduced chance of conceiving a child.
- Depressive states occur, there is no libido.
- Production of seminal fluid is disrupted.
Symptoms in which testosterone and estrogen are elevated in men:
- Appearance of puffiness.
- Muscle atrophy begins, it becomes difficult to build it up.
- Lack or decreased libido.
- The amount of hair on the body is reduced.
- The formation of a female figure begins.
In order for the treatment to be correct, it is necessary to pass an analysis for testosterone and estrogen. First, the endocrinologist determines the causes of the development of hormonal imbalance and evaluates the results of the tests. Further, depending on the level of testosterone and estrogen in the blood, selects hormone therapy. This method of treatment takes a long time, but it is considered the most effective.

Non-drug methods to normalize hormone levels include:
- Compliance with sleep and wakefulness. Sleep should last 7-8 hours. It is necessary to properly organize the daily routine.
- Proper nutrition. Food must be balanced. ATdaily diet should include foods high in vitamins and minerals.
- Quit alcohol, smoking, drugs.
- Regular sex life.
- Try to avoid stressful situations.
All of these will help you stay he althy for a long time.