Vertebrobasilar basin: description, location, functions, norm and deviations

Vertebrobasilar basin: description, location, functions, norm and deviations
Vertebrobasilar basin: description, location, functions, norm and deviations

The human body is the most complex structure in which all components must work smoothly in order to provide the functionality necessary for life. One of these structures is the vertebrobasilar basin. You can read below about what it is, what its role is, what are the consequences of possible pathologies.

Part of the vascular system

The cardiovascular system is the main transport highway that supplies all cells with oxygen and useful substances carried with the blood, and also removes waste products for metabolism, utilization and output to the outside. It consists of three main types of vessels - arteries, veins and capillaries, and in some organs they are combined by specialists into certain structures in order to characterize the pathology as accurately as possible if necessary. One of these structures is the vertebrobasilarbrain pool.

Two complexes - one job

The brain is the head of all processes on which not only all life-support processes depend, but also human life itself. If the blood supply to this organ is difficult or disrupted for any reason, then the entire body suffers, up to and including death. The system of blood supply to the brain, including the supply of blood to it, is complex, but experts distinguish two conglomerates in it, which have received characteristic names - the carotid basin and the vertebrobasilar basin. They are the two main systems involved in the delivery of blood to the brain.

vertebrobasilar basin of the brain
vertebrobasilar basin of the brain

The carotid pool is a union of two carotid arteries and adjacent small vessels. It begins in the chest area - the left one branches off from the aorta, and the right one originates from the brachiocephalic trunk. The work of this system is to provide both hemispheres of the brain, visual organs, as well as soft tissues of the head with oxygenated blood. The features that the vertebrobasilar basin has will be discussed below. Both systems are important for the proper functioning of the most important organ of the human body, the violation of vascular patency leads to a lot of problems that can end very badly.

Specific address

The vessels of the vertebrobasilar basin are a special conglomerate that supplies blood to certain parts of the brain. Judging by the general location of this vascular group, we cantalk about the neck and the base of the skull, as well as the brain itself in the region of the basilar sulcus. It is here, in the structure of the spine and in the brain, that the arteries and smaller vessels that make up the vertebrobasilar basin are located.

The structure of the vascular conglomerate

Blood vessels are a kind of channels that carry blood from the heart and lungs to every cell of the body. They differ not only in their size, but also in their purpose. Two arteries - vertebral and basilar - form the basis of this vascular complex, named after their name.

disorders in the vertebrobasilar basin
disorders in the vertebrobasilar basin

The vertebral artery is a rather complex formation - the right and left vertebral arteries originate from the subclavian artery. They both consist of the following parts:

  • the first section passes through the transverse foramen of the sixth cervical vertebra;
  • the second section goes up through the transverse foramina of the cervical vertebrae, it is braided with veins and sympathetic fibers;
  • the third section passes into the so-called sulcus of the atlas and enters the foramen magnum;
  • the fourth section penetrates the dura mater, then, connecting with the opposite vertebral artery, forms a single whole.

The blood supply to the brain is handled by such an extensive structure as the vertebrobasilar basin. The arteries united in it must work together, fully conducting blood in the brain.

The second part of this vascularassociations - basilar artery. It is also a large blood vessel that is formed by the fusion of the left and right vertebral arteries. This artery is located along the basilar groove. In fact, the vertebrobasilar basin of the brain is a single structure, which is only conditionally divided into several components.

What is the work of the vascular complex?

Blood supply of the body is a complex task solved by the cardiovascular system, depending on the functionality of the endocrine and immune systems. Providing oxygen and useful substances is the load that must be performed regularly, without serious failures that can lead to pathological changes in all body structures. Violation of the circulation of the vertebrobasilar basin leads to many problems, because the vessels included in this conglomerate supply blood to the posterior regions of the brain, as well as the pons, a structure responsible for transmitting information from the spinal cord to the brain.

vertebrobasilar basin of the brain
vertebrobasilar basin of the brain

Any problems with the blood supply to areas located in the area of access of this vascular system will certainly affect the state of he alth and deterioration of human life.

Indicators are normal

Specialists conducting research in the work of the cardiovascular system have determined that the vertebrobasilar conglomerate provides almost 30% of the blood supply to the brain. The good patency of the vessels of this system provides the necessary amount of oxygenated blood delivered to the brain. Doctors distinguish two forms of pathologicalchanges:

  • transient cerebrovascular accident in the vertebrobasilar basin;
  • acute cerebrovascular accident.

In any case, circulatory disturbance is expressed in a change towards a decrease in the amount of blood entering the brain in a certain unit of time. An indicator of the norm for this vascular conglomerate is the absence of brain disorders, expressed in a deterioration in well-being - dizziness, headaches, numbness of the limbs, visual impairment, and the like.

What could be the problem?

The defeat of the vertebrobasilar basin goes through several stages, and for transient and acute disorders, both common and various signs are characteristic. PNMK is most often characterized by painful sensations that occur in the neck and neck, dizziness, in some cases accompanied by tinnitus. Unfortunately, such symptoms are not exactly signs of problems with the blood supply to the brain through the vertebrobasilar basin; they are also inherent in many other diseases of both the vascular, nervous, and endocrine systems. Therefore, it should be remembered that adequate treatment is preceded by high-quality diagnostics.

Acute forms are much more dangerous in terms of consequences, because the statistics are disappointing - the vast majority of those who have suffered such a form of vascular insufficiency as acute cerebrovascular accident in the vertebrobasilar basin remain disabled for the rest of their lives. Only 20% of these patients are able toself-service in the future.

transient cerebrovascular accident
transient cerebrovascular accident

Impaired blood flow can occur for two reasons:

  • narrowing of the lumen of the bloodstream;
  • blockage of the vessel.

Ischemic stroke in the vertebrobasilar basin leads to disability or death due to impaired oxygen delivery to the brain tissue, the development of acute hypoxia and cell death. It is this localization of the problem that is the most frequent - almost 70% of strokes are recorded in this vascular conglomerate. Unfortunately, not only the elderly and the elderly suffer from transient ischemic attacks, but also young people and even children.

Possible causes of circulatory disorders

For people of any age, disturbances in the blood flow of the vertebrobasilar basin can develop at the very beginning with little noticeable symptoms, often not causing alertness. The reasons why such a vascular pathology as stroke can develop can be:

  • Genetic features of the organism.
  • Intrauterine anomalies of the developing vascular system, such as underdevelopment of the vertebral arteries or Kimmerle's anomaly, which is expressed in the presence of an additional bone ring around the first vertebra, which has a compressive effect on the vertebral arteries.
  • Injuries of the cervical spine.
  • Vasculitis.
  • Atherosclerosis, in which cholesterol plaques block the blood flow of the vertebrobasilar basin.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Hypertension in chronic form.
  • Antiphospholipid antibody syndrome (APS), in which active thrombosis occurs.
  • Dissection, or stratification of the arteries, due to which the membranes of the vessels are torn, blood penetrates between them, clogging the channel,
  • Intervertebral hernia of the cervical spine.
  • Displacement of the vertebrae.
  • Degenerative-dystrophic changes in the spinal column.

These pathological processes and disturbances in the structure of the spinal column, vascular bed, neuromuscular system are not the only possible causes of disturbances in the vertebrobasilar basin and in the cerebrovascular system. Each specific case requires careful diagnosis.

Diagnosis of pathologies

Stroke of the vertebrobasilar basin is a very serious violation of cerebral circulation, which, if quality medical care is not provided in time, will most likely end in death. That is why changes in the state of he alth, giving the right to suspect a stroke, require the immediate call of specialists.

vessels of the vertebrobasilar basin
vessels of the vertebrobasilar basin

To make the correct diagnosis and prevent cerebral infarction, the following diagnostic procedures must be performed:

  • General and biochemical blood test, which allows to determine potential disturbances in the properties of this basic biological fluid, manifested in atherosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, inflammation of various etiologies, and other pathologies.
  • UltrasonicDoppler ultrasound (US), which helps to determine the patency of the lumen of the main vessels of the neck and head, as well as the volumetric and linear velocity of blood flow and the quality of the walls of the arteries.
  • Transcranial Dopplerography (TCDG) is a modern way to diagnose the blood flow of intracerebral vessels using ultrasound.
  • Angiography with computed tomography or magnetic resonance imaging, which allows using a contrast agent to visualize the vessels of both the vertebrobasilar basin and the brain. This is done to identify various pathologies, vascular malformations, determine their diameter, changes against the background of atherosclerosis, and separation of the walls.

It is noteworthy that conventional magnetic resonance or computed tomography is not very informative for diagnosing pathologies of the vessels of the vertebrobasilar basin. But these examination methods allow us to identify possible factors in the etiology of the problem - structural changes in the spine and spinal cord, the development of hernias, protrusion of the intervertebral discs.

Treatment methods

Stroke of the vertebrobasilar basin is a dangerous condition that requires immediate medical attention. But even milder blood flow disorders in this vascular formation should also be subjected to quality therapy, which works in three directions:

  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • eliminate the cause of blood flow pathology;
  • prevention of ischemic brain attacks.

Any degree of cerebrovascular accident requires a comprehensiveapproach to treatment, using medicines, massage, therapeutic exercises, physiotherapy, and, if necessary, surgery.

circulatory disorders of the vertebrobasilar basin
circulatory disorders of the vertebrobasilar basin

When diagnosing a disorder in the vertebrobasilar basin, specialists use the following groups of drugs in therapy:

  • Antiplatelet agents are drugs that can prevent blood clots, the most commonly used is acetylsalicylic acid (aspirin).
  • Antihypertensive drugs that normalize blood pressure.
  • To reduce the amount of lipids in the blood. These are vitamins I3 and PP, niacin, bile acid sequestrants, fibrates.
  • Nootropic drugs (neurometabolic stimulants).
  • Vasodilators.

Also, symptomatic drugs are used in complex therapy. These can be painkillers, sedatives, antiemetics, sleeping pills, and antidepressants. Only the attending physician decides which medicines to use in each individual case, taking into account many parameters - the patient's he alth history, the course and stage of the disease, the etiology of the problem, and the individual characteristics of the body.

Is it possible to prevent problems?

CVA in the vertebrobasilar basin is a dangerous condition that can lead to death in a short time. And like any other problem, circulatory failure is still better to prevent or at least minimize the damage than to treat it on its own.condition and its severe consequences. A recurring problem requires special attention, a person should be alerted by painful sensations in the back of the head, periodically appearing dizziness and visual impairment. It is in this case that physical therapy helps - a set of exercises aimed at eliminating the stiffness of the cervical spine, normalizing the state of the blood vessels of the carotid and vertebrobasilar basins.

damage to the vertebrobasilar basin
damage to the vertebrobasilar basin

Undoubtedly, such exercises, even the simplest ones, should be recommended by a specialist. This is especially true of the amplitude of some head movements, because if one or another exercise is performed incorrectly, one can only worsen the condition, harming he alth even more. Also, as a preventive method, you should change the diet, saturating it with vitamins and microelements and removing excess sugar, fats, carbohydrates, and s alt. Quitting smoking will also help prevent the development of ischemic stroke in the vertebrobasilar basin against the background of vasospasm.

Basic principles of vascular he alth

The vertebrobasilar basin is not the only vascular conglomerate in which certain disorders can be observed that can lead to serious consequences. Any blood vessel fulfills its role in the body, and its blockage, narrowing of the lumen can cause pathology. That is why the prevention of vascular disorders should become one of the principles of maintaining one's own he alth for each person. Unfortunately, manypathologies develop even in the womb, and it is often very difficult to compensate for them with the real efforts of doctors, the patient and his relatives. But the acquired vascular problems are the fault of the person himself, who neglects his he alth, does not listen to his body. The correct daily routine, change of activities, rational nutrition, regular medical examinations, attentive attitude to one's he alth will help maintain the functionality of the cardiovascular system.

The vertebrobasilar basin is a vascular structure that feeds the brain with blood. It carries a huge load, providing oxygen and nutrients to many parts of the main organ. Violations in the blood flow of this system can cause pathological processes in many systems of the human body, deterioration of its vital activity and even death. To prevent this from happening, you need to listen to the signals that the body gives about impending problems.
