Medicine 2024, October

Clinic of obstetrics and gynecology at MMA named after. I. M. Sechenov, maternity hospital. Reviews

Clinic of obstetrics and gynecology at MMA named after. I. M. Sechenov, maternity hospital. Reviews

Choosing a maternity hospital is not easy. We have to study the opinions of women in labor about certain institutions. What can be said about the clinic-maternity hospital. Sechenov? Where is she? What services does it offer? Can you trust this establishment?

Rhinogram: Nasal swabs for eosinophils are a good way to determine the cause of a runny nose

Rhinogram: Nasal swabs for eosinophils are a good way to determine the cause of a runny nose

A common cause of chronic runny nose in children and adults is allergies. Therefore, in order to determine the etiology of the occurrence of a runny nose, it is recommended to make a rhinocytogram, pass swabs from the nose for eosinophils

Living and dead water. Medicinal properties

Living and dead water. Medicinal properties

Official science has recognized the healing properties possessed by living and dead water. About the effect of a liquid obtained by electrolysis, and the scope of its application, see this article

He althy foot massage: how to do it right? Types of massage and technique

He althy foot massage: how to do it right? Types of massage and technique

Common foot massage techniques and benefits. The main indications and contraindications for the procedure. The impact of massage on human he alth and the choice of special oil

What is a he alth group?

What is a he alth group?

Many people have heard the phrase "he alth group", but not all of them know what it means. So what is it?

Andrey Nikolaevich Senyuk - maxillofacial and plastic surgeon

Andrey Nikolaevich Senyuk - maxillofacial and plastic surgeon

The name of the plastic maxillofacial and orthognathic surgeon, the author of scientific publications on orthofacial surgery, a qualified doctor and the head of a large clinic is known in our country and abroad. Andrey Nikolaevich Senyuk, Ph.D., is a full member of the European Association of MSF. He has written many scientific articles and publications

Clinical Embryology: What Embryologists Do

Clinical Embryology: What Embryologists Do

Clinical Embryology deals with the study of the development of the fetus from the moment of conception to the birth of a child

8 maternity hospital. Maternity hospital number 8, Vykhino. Maternity hospital No. 8, Moscow

8 maternity hospital. Maternity hospital number 8, Vykhino. Maternity hospital No. 8, Moscow

The birth of a child is one of the most important events in a family. The task of the maternity hospital is to do everything possible and impossible so that this joyful event is not overshadowed by anything

Compression stockings (men's): indications for use, sizes and contraindications

Compression stockings (men's): indications for use, sizes and contraindications

What is special about compression stockings? How to choose golfs? We determine the size and effect of supporting the leg. Who should not wear compression stockings? Rules for using the product

How often can you do an enema? Enemas: indications, benefits and harms

How often can you do an enema? Enemas: indications, benefits and harms

What is an enema and what is it for? What types of enemas are there? Indications for the appointment of the procedure. Features of setting enemas in children. How often can the procedure be carried out and what will happen if it is abused?

How to choose the right anti-varicose stockings?

How to choose the right anti-varicose stockings?

Varieties of anti-varicose stockings and in what cases they are prescribed. Product classification. How to determine the correct size? Proper product care

How does a nail grow and what does it consist of?

How does a nail grow and what does it consist of?

Why does a person need nails? Structure and features. How long do nails take to grow? Factors that slow down the growth of the stratum corneum. What can a doctor say about a patient's state of he alth by looking at the nails?

Brachiocephalic vessels: research methods

Brachiocephalic vessels: research methods

Sometimes outwardly a person looks perfectly he althy, but feels constant weakness and experiences frequent dizziness. An experienced doctor in this case will suspect insufficient blood supply to the brain and suggest examining the brachiocephalic vessels. How is such an examination carried out and what threatens a person with such a condition?

What is the saliva test called? Analysis Methods

What is the saliva test called? Analysis Methods

Human saliva is a reliable source that reflects all the processes in the body. Based on the analysis of this material, you can do a DNA test, find out what infections a person has, get complete information on how to lose weight, and much more

Blank surgery to remove ovarian and uterine cysts

Blank surgery to remove ovarian and uterine cysts

When an abdominal operation is prescribed to remove an ovarian cyst. What are cysts. What is an ovarian cyst removal surgery. What is abdominal surgery to remove the uterus

Iodine mesh: how to apply, what helps, reviews

Iodine mesh: how to apply, what helps, reviews

We have received many unique recipes as a gift from previous generations. One of the most famous is iodine mesh, whose medicinal properties are very widely known. Is this remedy really effective or is it a well thought out placebo?

Opportunistic pathogens. Ureaplasma urealiticum

Opportunistic pathogens. Ureaplasma urealiticum

Ureaplasmas urealiticum are considered the smallest microorganisms that have the ability to reproduce and exist independently. They are intermediate between bacteria and viruses

Get regular Pap smears

Get regular Pap smears

Gynecologist smear for cytology, the presence of atypical cells, Pap test - all this is a Pap smear. This analysis ranks first in gynecology among preventive tests. With its help, an assessment of the structure of the cells of the cervix is u200bu200band a diagnosis of cancer is carried out. It is also used to detect malignant papillomavirus in women after the age of thirty

IgM antibodies (immunoglobulin M) in the diagnosis of infections: meaning, indications, interpretation of results

IgM antibodies (immunoglobulin M) in the diagnosis of infections: meaning, indications, interpretation of results

Antibodies or immunoglobulins protect an individual from viruses and pathogens. Analyzing their level in the bloodstream, assess the state of immunity and the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy. A high concentration indicates the presence of a pathological process, and a low concentration indicates a weak immune system

Femtosecond laser: description, types, application features and reviews

Femtosecond laser: description, types, application features and reviews

Let's talk today about what a femtosecond laser is. What are the basic principles of its work and how does it help correct vision?

Laparotomy - is it a common surgical operation or a dangerous intervention?

Laparotomy - is it a common surgical operation or a dangerous intervention?

Every day, thousands of people undergo surgery. If we are talking about the abdominal cavity, then this is necessarily a laparotomy. But are there really no alternatives to huge incisions and terrible scars?

Guideline - what is it? Guideline in medicine

Guideline - what is it? Guideline in medicine

Guideline - what is it? Recently, this term has become increasingly used in everyday life. When literally translated from English, guideline means "line indicator, guide, guide"

What is biochemistry? What does biochemistry study

What is biochemistry? What does biochemistry study

What is biochemistry? Biological or physiological biochemistry is the science of the chemical processes that underlie the life of an organism and those that occur inside the cell

Clinic "New Life": treatment and patient reviews

Clinic "New Life": treatment and patient reviews

The reproductive he alth clinic was founded in 1998 on the basis of a multidisciplinary medical center. Now she enjoys prestige among other clinics due to the use of progressive methods of treatment and the efficient work of employees. In Moscow, the clinic "New Life" can be found at the address: Soviet Army Street, 7

Degrees of alcohol intoxication: description, characteristics

Degrees of alcohol intoxication: description, characteristics

The presence of various stages of intoxication is of interest to many citizens. This affects, for example, the ability to drive vehicles. Sometimes there are situations when it is necessary to find out exactly how drunk or sober the subject is. For this, indicators of the degree of alcohol intoxication in ppm are calculated. A special device is successfully used, which is actively used by police services, doctors and ordinary citizens

HIV dissidents and the history of the AIDS denial movement

HIV dissidents and the history of the AIDS denial movement

Today, not everyone knows who an HIV dissident is. Such a person carries a certain danger to society. There are many cases when it was these people who not only posed a threat to others, but also caused the death of both adults and children. Our article provides information that will help protect yourself and your loved ones

Correction of the leg. Legs of different lengths. Crooked legs

Correction of the leg. Legs of different lengths. Crooked legs

One of the important components of an ideal figure are beautiful legs. However, nature has not rewarded everyone with good external data. Legs can also have a number of shortcomings, which is why women sometimes become constrained and withdrawn

Bandaging: the overlay technique. Soft bandage bandage

Bandaging: the overlay technique. Soft bandage bandage

In medicine, a bandage is a special device by which a dressing or compress is attached to a certain part of the body

Drug addiction: causes, symptoms, pathological addiction, treatment and consequences

Drug addiction: causes, symptoms, pathological addiction, treatment and consequences

Addiction is the need to do something. It can be different, including medication. It is worth learning more about drug addiction and the drugs that cause it

What is withdrawal? Symptoms and treatment of the syndrome

What is withdrawal? Symptoms and treatment of the syndrome

What is withdrawal is of interest to many patients suffering from alcohol or drug addiction. This condition provokes a deterioration in well-being and the occurrence of hallucinations, which is why it is important to eliminate the withdrawal syndrome in a timely manner

Pre-trip inspection of drivers: rules. Pre-trip and post-trip medical check-ups

Pre-trip inspection of drivers: rules. Pre-trip and post-trip medical check-ups

Pre-trip inspection has become mandatory for all drivers. This measure is able to protect the driver and passengers from traffic accidents. Also, the examination allows you to identify certain diseases in time and take the necessary measures

Blood pressure and human pulse - what is considered the norm?

Blood pressure and human pulse - what is considered the norm?

Blood pressure and human pulse are important criteria in the diagnosis of pathologies of the cardiovascular system. The article indicates the normal indicators of pulse and pressure, as well as factors that can affect them

Medical center "On Clinic Kharkiv": description, address, patient reviews

Medical center "On Clinic Kharkiv": description, address, patient reviews

This article is dedicated to one of the significant branches of the international network of medical institutions - "On Clinic Kharkiv": everything about the organization of this medical institution, patient reviews about doctors and the quality of services provided

Are elastic bands for weaving bracelets dangerous? What threatens your favorite childhood hobby?

Are elastic bands for weaving bracelets dangerous? What threatens your favorite childhood hobby?

In view of the widespread fascination with flexible multi-colored rubber bands "Fanny Lum", adults have a natural question: are elastic bands for weaving bracelets dangerous and should children be protected from exposure to poisonous plastic? This topic was thoroughly studied by British scientists, who urgently published the results of research

Probing the uterus: preparation, technique, interpretation of results, complications

Probing the uterus: preparation, technique, interpretation of results, complications

Probing the uterine cavity is the determination of the length of the organ. It is a mandatory diagnostic procedure before carrying out various manipulations - curettage of the uterine cavity, hysteroscopy, abortion, surgical interventions

Iliac arteries: structure and functions

Iliac arteries: structure and functions

The iliac artery is one of the largest paired vessels of the human body, which starts from the aorta at the level of the 4th lumbar vertebra

The vascular pattern of the liver is depleted: what does it mean, causes, diagnosis, treatment and doctors' reviews

The vascular pattern of the liver is depleted: what does it mean, causes, diagnosis, treatment and doctors' reviews

In a he althy state, liver tissue is homogeneous. In this regard, any deviation from this norm indicates the action of adverse factors or a progressive pathology. The type of compaction observed, along with its severity and prevalence, can tell an experienced doctor a lot. We will talk further about what this means, the vascular pattern of the liver is depleted

How to produce testosterone: methods, drugs and folk remedies. How to increase testosterone in men naturally

How to produce testosterone: methods, drugs and folk remedies. How to increase testosterone in men naturally

Experts call testosterone the hormone that made a man out of a man. The level of testosterone largely determines the sexual orientation and behavior of men. Sculptural modeling of muscles on broad shoulders, more active than in women, metabolism, the ability to procreate. Here is a far from complete list of the functions of testosterone in the male body

What replaces potassium permanganate: a review of drugs, features of use

What replaces potassium permanganate: a review of drugs, features of use

In 1774, Swedish chemist and pharmacist Karl-Wilhelm Scheele discovered an amazing substance - potassium permanganate. In the people it is called potassium permanganate. It received close attention and widespread use due to its antimicrobial properties. How to replace potassium permanganate for wound care and gardening? You will find the answer in the article

After a drip, my arm hurts: reasons for what to do

After a drip, my arm hurts: reasons for what to do

Drop pain is a very common complication of injection drug use. Often accompanied by hematoma, swelling, local inflammatory reaction, phlebitis. Read on for more details