Modern diagnostic methods allow you to learn about the development of pathologies at the earliest possible date. Sometimes, after the next visit to the hospital, the doctor informs the parents about the presence of an oval open window in the child, this plunges them into a state of panic and anxiety. How dangerous it is and what can be done for treatment, we will analyze in the article.
What is a patent foramen ovale?

This definition means the presence of an opening between the right and left atria of the heart. This is not always a pathological condition. An open foramen ovale is referred to in the ICD-10 as an atrial septal defect (Q 21.1). During the prenatal period, due to this feature, the child is saturated with oxygen, as well as normal blood circulation between him and his mother. This occurs due to the fact that the lungs during fetal development of the fetus do not yet perform a respiratory function. Open foramen ovale in newbornscloses almost immediately after birth or after a certain period of time. In most cases, by the first year of life, the hole is overgrown with connective and muscle tissue. If this does not happen by the age of 2 years, it is possible to speak about the presence of a small anomaly of the heart. When diagnosing pathology at five or more years, it is safe to say that this feature will remain forever.
Open foramen ovale in the heart is not a defect, but requires the supervision of a cardiologist.
Classification of pathology

Classification of this pathology of the heart is related to its size.
- Small window - has dimensions of 2-3 mm. In this case, they talk about the normal development of the heart, and the hole, most likely, will overgrow without any problems and deviations.
- Medium - window size from 4-7 mm. If a size of more than 7 mm is diagnosed, a gaping oval window is diagnosed. Treated promptly.
- Large - about 20 mm in size. Total non-closure.
To date, the causes of pathology are not fully understood. There are only suggestions of what could have contributed to her.
The most obvious reasons include:
- heredity;
- bad environmental conditions during pregnancy and stress;
- alcohol and tobacco abuse of the mother during childbearing;
- taking illegal drugs during pregnancy;
- congenital heart defects;
- connective tissue dysplasia;
- prematurity.
It happens that the oval window opens under the influence of physical activity. The risk group includes people engaged in heavy physical labor, athletes and scuba divers, people with thrombophlebitis.
Open oval window in the heart in an adult is observed against the background of its incomplete closure in childhood. The reasons for this are still unknown.

There are no clear symptoms of non-closure of the foramen ovale. There are only certain signs by which the doctor can make a preliminary diagnosis. But, as a rule, this pathology, especially in adults, is detected by chance.
Suggested symptoms of an open foramen ovale in a child's heart include:
- blue in the area of the lips or nose, which occurs during any load - crying, screaming;
- pale skin around the mouth;
- slow weight gain;
- fatigue;
- frequent diseases of the lungs and bronchi.
Older children and adults show the following signs:
- shortness of breath;
- rapid heart rate;
- severe headaches;
- frequent illnesses;
- dizziness and fainting;
- heart murmurs.
In the presence of a large open foramen ovale, symptoms such as:
- severe weakness and fatigue;
- very frequent fainting;
- blue skin even at rest;
- the child begins to lag behind in physical development.

It is not possible to diagnose pathology during a routine examination. To do this, if there is any suspicion of a disease, a series of tests are carried out that will help not only confirm the diagnosis, but also find out the degree and severity of the development of the pathology.
Diagnostic methods include:
- Laboratory blood and urine tests.
- Standard and exercise ECG.
- Echocardiography with Doppler and contrast medium. This procedure effectively detects holes and defects in the heart septum.
- Very rarely, transesophageal echocardiography is prescribed, in which you can see the exact size and location of the window. Also, various complications (aneurysms, blood clots) become visible during the procedure.
- X-ray.
- Sometimes MRI and CT may be required.

With an open oval window in newborns, you should not worry and look for ways to treat. As a rule, within a short time the hole closes and overgrows. And often it happens unexpectedly and quickly.
If the window is up to 7 mm in size, then a doctor's supervision with a systematic analysis is necessary.
If the foramen ovale is larger than 7mm, surgery may be required. Surgical intervention consists in leading a catheter into a blood vessel, which closes the window. Antibiotics are prescribed after the operation. You also need to take anticoagulants to prevent blood clots.
You can not limit children in physical activity if the attending physician has given permission for this. But it is worth refraining from loads that are associated with diving to depth or straining.
You need to eat right. If pathological processes occur in the body - viral and bacterial diseases - they should not be left to chance, as infections can lead to complications.
Sometimes medication is prescribed for disorders in the cardiovascular system and for the prevention of thrombosis.
1. Anticoagulants. The drug "Warfarin" is widely used.
2. Taking Aspirin. This drug has proven effective in the treatment of thrombosis and venous insufficiency.
Diet with an open oval window of the heart. With this disease, a special diet is recommended, rich in magnesium and potassium, which are very useful for the heart muscle. Smoked foods should be excluded from the diet and s alt intake should be limited. Replace fatty meat broths with vegetarian ones, and tea and coffee with herbal decoctions and freshly squeezed juices. Onions and garlic are also discouraged.

It happens that when the oval window is open in a child or an adult, blood clots are observed, which, in turn, can provoke the following diseases:
- stroke leading to brain damage;
- heart attack;
- impaired circulation of the brain;
- kidney infarction, in which the death of organ tissue occurs.
Whencirculatory disorders in the work of many organs and systems of the body may cause malfunctions.

The main prevention of the occurrence of an open oval window in the heart of a child will be appropriate during pregnancy.
- Proper nutrition with a significant restriction on the consumption of smoked, spicy, fried foods.
- Possible sources of exposure should be avoided.
- Expectant mother should carefully monitor her he alth, avoiding infection with infectious diseases.
- Remove all bad habits.
- Do not take drugs that are prohibited during pregnancy.
- Avoid contact with chemicals.
If, nevertheless, the diagnosis has been established, then prevention will be aimed at eliminating complications.
- First of all, you need to register with a cardiologist and systematically undergo all the necessary examinations.
- Do not engage in heavy sports, running, jumping, diving.
- A properly organized daily routine is needed.
- If possible, relieve the child of stress and anxiety.
- Keep a he althy, active lifestyle, walk more often in the fresh air.
- It is very important to drink plenty of water.
An open oval window in the heart of an adult or a child does not always lead to pathological conditions of the body. In young children, it requires only the supervision of a doctor, since after a while it can overgrow. If this is nothappened, thanks to preventive measures and the implementation of the recommendations of the attending physician, the development of pathology can be kept under control.
It is very important to remember that the main prevention should be carried out even at the stage of pregnancy, because it is then that all organs and systems of the child are laid.
The increase in the number of detections of this defect is associated with modern diagnostic methods. Many doctors do not consider an open oval window a serious pathology. For many successful athletes, such a diagnosis does not prevent them from reaching professional heights. The main thing is to have constant medical supervision and the absence of other serious diseases.