No matter how sad it may be, but today in our country a lot of people suffer from addiction to alcoholic beverages. Filing is a special method of treating alcoholism, based on medical and psychological effects on the body. The main task of therapy is an attempt to instill in a person a dislike for alcoholic beverages and give an orientation to a he althy sober lifestyle. A special drug is injected under the skin of the patient. The injection diverges from the blood throughout the body. Thus, there is an artificial blocking of cravings for alcohol. In this review, we will take a closer look at what alcoholism filing is, how it is carried out and whether this technique is effective.
Mechanism of action

So, how is the filing done? In European countries, this method is rarely used. Foreign experts believe that this approach is somewhat unethical in relation to addicts. However, in Russia he receivedfairly widespread. It cannot be said that it has 100% success. Much depends on the patient's personal attitudes, as well as his willpower and support from loved ones.
Within a year of therapy, about 90% of all patients recover. They have a period of remission based on the desire to lead a normal life. Approximately 10% of patients relapse during the course of treatment. This problem can be combated by starting treatment again.
What drugs are used for filing for alcoholism? Usually, for this purpose, special formulations are used that affect liver enzymes. They simply block the substances responsible for the breakdown of alcohol. These drugs include Teturam, Disulfiram and Esperal.
Previously, substances were administered subcutaneously in ampoules. Hence the name of the procedure - intramuscular filing for alcoholism. Today, substances are injected directly into the blood, but the name remains the same.
How does it work?

Let's take a closer look at this. After the introduction of the binder, alcohol ceases to be completely broken down by the body, as it usually happens. The process ends with the formation of acetaldehyde. This substance is extremely toxic. Therefore, patients who have undergone the filing procedure, after taking even a small dose of alcohol, begin to feel bad.
They have:
- skin redness;
- nausea;
- fainting;
- general malaise;
- severe headaches;
- impaired vision and hearing;
- shortness of breath;
- convulsions;
- temporary paralysis of limbs.
It must be taken into account that the filing itself from alcoholism itself passes without any unpleasant symptoms. However, if the patient decides to drink even a drop of alcohol, he will immediately begin to feel unwell. At home, the symptoms cannot be blocked. In this case, the patient needs urgent help from a specialist. The doctor will help the patient get out of this state. The psychological factor plays an important role in the treatment process.
For the procedure to be effective, it is recommended to stay away from places where there is a temptation to break loose and drink. Knowing his weakness, the patient must independently protect himself from such situations.
The first filing against alcoholism is valid from one month to a year. The repeated procedure gives a longer effect: from 3 to 5 years.

There are several methods for filing. Thus, these procedures may differ in the methods of administration, as well as in the drugs used. The most effective is intravenous filing for alcoholism. But it is also the most dangerous. This procedure can only be carried out in specialized clinics under the supervision of highly qualified professionals. As a rule, drugs based on disulfiram are used for intravenous administration.
Intramuscular lining is not so dangerous. When alcohol enters the patient's body, it does not have a strongimpact. However, this form of procedure should be carried out only in a specialized medical institution. Improper administration of drugs can cause serious harm to he alth and even lead to disability. It should also be borne in mind that the effectiveness of the technique decreases with each time. And it is completely forbidden to do the filing more than three times.
How to do a binder
Many patients are interested in whether filing for alcoholism can be performed at home in St. Petersburg or other cities of Russia. It is possible, but here everything largely depends on the state of the alcoholic. The main thing is that he agrees to the procedure. This is the first and most important step. The patient must voluntarily make a decision.
Besides, it is recommended to pass a series of tests before filing. This will help determine the patient's condition, as well as eliminate possible contraindications.
When the preparatory stage is completed, you can proceed directly to the procedure. The patient is laid down. And the area in which the hemming will be carried out will be treated with disinfectants. After that, local anesthesia is administered. As a result, a “lemon peel” forms on the skin. This area will remain in this state after the procedure. The doctor then makes an incision in the back or buttock and widens the wound. The ampoule with the medicine is printed so that the patient can see it. The drug is injected into the wound. Then stitches are applied.
The standard method of filing has been described above. Sometimes the procedure is carried out in a simplified way, by introducing a simple injection.
Preparatory stage

Now you know how the filing of alcoholism is carried out. Reviews confirm that the preparatory stage determines the success of the entire treatment. If the patient refuses therapy, then the suturing operation will not be possible.
A person who is addicted to alcohol is called an alcoholic. He can often promise relatives and friends to cope with a drunken life, to get out of this state on his own, but in most cases his words turn out to be lies. However, the patient himself sincerely believes that he is able to cope on his own. Getting rid of alcoholism is not as easy as it seems at first glance.
Inaction in this case can lead to tragedy. If there is no money for serious treatment, then it is worth trying in practice such a simple method as filing for alcoholism. The main thing is that the patient is aware of his problem. Relatives and friends need to unite and help the alcoholic to realize what condition he is in. The main thing is not to start the disease. At the last stage of alcoholism, there is no hope for recovery. Internal organs undergo irreversible changes.
In itself, the procedure of sewing in the medicine is not particularly difficult. It is important that the decision to proceed with the procedure is made by the alcoholic.
On the basis of what means is the filing of alcoholism usually carried out? Esperal, Disulfiram, and N altrexone are the most common options. Before the procedure, the doctor mustexplain to the patient that now his body will react differently to alcohol. After finishing for a couple of days, it is not recommended to actively move. Also, for 5 days after sewing, you can not take a shower. The patient must follow a special diet.
Let's consider in more detail the features of the action of various drugs:
- "N altrexone" - blocks the pleasure of drinking alcohol. Valid for six months.
- "Disulfiram" - used for intramuscular injection, has an effect on the body for three months.
What is its peculiarity and how should it pass? The duration of rehabilitation after filing can be from 6 months to a year. Duration is largely determined by the type of drug administered. The meaning of the treatment is that the person will not be able to drink alcohol after the procedure. Otherwise, he risks his he alth. The action of some drugs is based on the relief of the effect of taking alcoholic beverages. The patient simply will not feel euphoric.
Filing for alcoholism alone will not bring results. It is important that the patient receives the necessary psychological support. Only the care and participation of loved ones will help you quickly and painlessly return to normal life.
Psychological support

If you have difficulty communicating with family and friends, you can try to seek help from a professional psychologist. The specialist will help restore the lost connection and improve relations with relatives. In addition, sessions with a qualified psychologist will help to defuse the situation and reveal the true causes of alcoholism.
Does a binder cure alcoholism? Feedback from people who have already encountered a similar problem confirms that this procedure is useless without psychological rehabilitation.
Possible complications and contraindications
Not everyone can use such a treatment method as filing for alcoholism. Opinions, reviews and recommendations of specialists allow us to highlight a number of conditions in which the procedure cannot be carried out.
These include:
- old age;
- mental illness;
- disturbances in the work of the cardiovascular system;
- pregnancy;
- diabetes mellitus;
- cancerous tumors;
- kidney disease;
- infectious diseases.
In the presence of any of the diseases described above, the filing can be dangerous to the he alth of the patient. If a person cannot resist drinking after the procedure, complications can be fatal.
You should read them first. When the drug expires, the patient may want to drink. This period of time is considered the most dangerous. In the event that a person does not restrain himself and drinks, this can lead to an even more serious addiction. The patient begins to show aggression and incontinence. To avoid such problems, it is recommendedtake a course with a psychotherapist. This will consolidate the results of the treatment.

Hemming can cost differently. It all depends on the chosen technique, the drug, as well as the medical institution. In the Bekhterev Center, a filing against alcoholism costs from 2,500 rubles. The procedure for neutralizing the effect of the drug will cost the example half of this cost.
Filing is believed to be more effective than simple auto-suggestion, since special medications are used in the treatment.
The patients themselves speak very positively about such a method of treating alcoholism as filing. They claim that the treatment almost immediately gives a positive result. Many patients lose all craving for alcohol. The risk of developing severe consequences for the body repels them from drinking alcohol. Perhaps self-hypnosis plays a big role in this case, but without filing, it would be much more difficult to cope with alcohol addiction.
Patients who nevertheless decide to try alcohol after filing confirm that their he alth is deteriorating sharply. The pressure rises, breathing is confused, the person feels a serious malaise. When the procedure is repeated, there is no doubt about the effectiveness of the procedure.

Filing is an extremely effective method for dealing with alcoholism. With proper preparation, it helps to get a positive result.over a fairly short period of time. Before sewing in a patient in a state of binge, it is necessary to perform a detoxification procedure. To do this, it is recommended to refrain from drinking alcohol for at least 5 days. You should also pass a series of tests. In the Bekhterev Center (St. Petersburg) filing for alcoholism is carried out around the clock. The chemical protection procedure can be carried out both in a hospital and on an outpatient basis. As already mentioned, during filing, the capsule is immersed in the tissues of the human body. The drug can be injected into the skin of the buttocks, back or shoulder blades. The substance contained in the capsule, when in contact with alcohol, causes an inadequate reaction of the body.
But the procedure will not be successful if the patient does not independently decide for himself to get rid of the addiction once and for all. The support of family and friends is of great importance here. If necessary, use the services of a psychotherapist.