Multiprofile 59 city clinical hospital has been providing consultative and diagnostic assistance for more than 50 years, and also practices inpatient treatment of citizens with various diseases. But purulent surgery and ophthalmology have received special development in the clinic. These two departments at one time were the only ones that made GKB 59 a narrow-profile medical institution.
The head of the surgical department was a professor with a world-famous name - Mayata V. S. It was thanks to him that the department developed by leaps and bounds, making progress in cardiovascular and gastroenterological surgery, as well as in the surgical treatment of patients with atherosclerosis of the vessels of the lower extremities.
The Ophthalmological Department worked under the leadership of Academician Nesterov A. P. Thanks to the work of Arkady Pavlovich 59, the hospital occupied a leading position among medical institutions in the successful surgical treatment of cataracts and glaucoma.

In the 1960s, the hospital opened cardiology and intensive care units, where for the first time methods of emergency care for patients with myocardial infarction were introduced. The 70s were marked by the opening of the trauma department. Under the leadership of Lirtsman V. M.(an outstanding traumatologist) surgical treatment of rather complex cases was carried out here: closed diaphyseal and intra-articular fractures of tubular bones, blunt injuries of the soft tissues of the extremities, subcutaneous ruptures of the Achilles tendon. It was here that hip arthroplasty was first practiced. To date, the 59th hospital has successfully used such treatments as arthroscopy, conrappulsation and radio wave surgery.
59 hospital (phone - (499) 978-22-55) receives citizens around the clock. That's how the front desk works. Thanks to a unified electronic system for registering incoming patients, operational communication has been established with other departments, which ensures the rapid provision of the necessary medical care and uniform workload of the hospital.
Patients are delivered to the emergency department by ambulance teams. Here they are met by highly qualified doctors of various specializations. Usually a team of doctors is on duty, consisting of a general practitioner, an otolaryngologist and a traumatologist. There are some peculiarities in the work of the reception department of the City Clinical Hospital 59. For example, patients with acute coronary syndrome are immediately sent to the intensive care unit for emergency care.
Since 2013, emergency surgical care has been established in the admission department, which is quite important for patients with severe injuries. There is a 24-hour X-ray room and an equipped ENT examination room in the admission department. There is also a 24-hour laboratory for analysis.biological fluids, indicators of kidney and liver function, carbohydrate metabolism and for rapid blood tests for HIV, RW, HBS and HCV. The admission department works closely with the consultative and diagnostic clinic.

Consultative and diagnostic polyclinic
In its composition, the 59th hospital has a structural unit - a consultative and diagnostic clinic. In turn, it is divided into cardiology, orthopedic and otorhinolaryngological departments, has a hospital and a registry. The polyclinic is equipped with modern technologies that allow diagnostics with high accuracy and in a short time: MRI, ultrasound of internal organs, X-ray, CT, ECHO-KG and ECG, stress tests, daily monitoring, laboratory tests. And this is not the whole range of services provided.

- You can make an appointment or get a consultation at the clinic reception by phone or in person. It is open daily from 8:30 to 18:00. The clinic accepts such specialists as an orthopedist-traumatologist, therapist, cardiologist, otolaryngologist, ophthalmologist, arthrologist, gynecologist, dermatologist, urologist, endocrinologist, neurologist on a paid and free basis.
- The Department of Cardiology is engaged in the diagnosis and complex treatment of arterial hypertension, dystonia, angina pectoris, cardiac arrhythmias, circulatory failure, and more.
- The Orthopedic Department specializes in helping patients with traumatological, orthopedic and purulent-bonepathologies. The list of diseases that are successfully diagnosed and treated by the department's doctors includes bone injuries and their consequences, degenerative-dystrophic pathologies of the spine and joints of the extremities, inflammatory and purulent processes in the joints, osteoporosis, deformity of the foot and spine.
- Otorhinolaryngology on an outpatient basis deals with the opening of abscesses and boils, applications, blowing, ear toilet in the pre- and postoperative period, removal of sulfuric plugs, radio wave disintegration and removal of foreign objects from the nasal cavity.
- The day hospital provides comprehensive treatment for patients of otorhinolaryngological and therapeutic profiles, is engaged in diagnostic studies of varying complexity, and completes the treatment of previously discharged patients.

Second therapeutic department
59 since 1982, the city hospital, represented by doctors of the therapeutic department, has been providing medical assistance to citizens with pathologies:
- respiratory organs (asthma, pneumonia, chronic lung disease);
- Gastrointestinal tract (gastritis, ulcer, pancreatitis, liver disease);
- kidney;
- connective tissues;
- cardiovascular system (heart defects, hypertension, ischemic heart disease).
The department also deals with cancer patients and patients with anemia. Thanks to modern equipment and qualified personnel, the department is engaged in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of rather complex and unclear pathologies of a therapeutic nature.
59 The City Clinical Hospital (Moscow) has two trauma departments in its structure, each of which is rightfully called narrow-profile:

- 8th Trauma Department, using methods such as bone grafting, osteosynthesis and endoprosthetics, successfully treats patients with the following pathologies: fractures of the clavicle, condyles, ankles, femoral neck, lower leg, shoulder, forearm, dislocations, delayed and incorrect splicing. Doctors specialize in arthroplasty (replacement) of joints, removal of pins, plates and removal of the Ilizarov apparatus after fusion, in the treatment of traumatic deformities.
- 9th Trauma Department specializes in the treatment, rehabilitation of elderly patients, as well as in reconstructive and restorative operations for complications after complex cases (fractures) and in revision arthroplasty. The doctors of the department use such methods of treatment as bone osteosynthesis with plates, pins, Ilizarov apparatus, hip and knee arthroplasty, corrective osteotomy, limb lengthening.
Purulent bone tissue surgery
Hospital 59 (Moscow) is one of the few medical institutions that specialize in the treatment of fistulas, arthritis, para-implant suppuration and other complications after joint arthroplasty. A number of effective methods are used to treat patients with such pathologies:
- Arthrodesis and joint arthroplasty.
- External osteosynthesis withusing the Ilizarov apparatus.
- Operable treatment of hematogenous osteomyelitis.
- Treatment (two-stage) paraprosthetic infections with antibiotics and further placement of spacers.
- Treatment of postoperative and post-traumatic deformities, defects and shortening of limbs.
- Revision operations.
- Surgical intervention for purulent bursitis.
- Removing screws, plates, pins.
- Skin and muscle plasty.
- Replacement of bone cavities with synthetic and biological materials.
The 12th department of purulent surgery can simultaneously accept 36 people for inpatient treatment.

59 The hospital has three cardiology departments at its disposal:
- 3rd cardio department, designed for 60 beds, specializes in the treatment of patients with cardiac ischemia, hypertension, heart failure, conduction and rhythm disorders. Treatment of these and other pathologies is carried out with the help of drug treatment and enhanced external counterpulsation. The department also conducts preoperative preparation of patients.
- 4th cardio department is designed for 50 beds. Its staff and equipment are highly specialized, the activities of the department are aimed at providing medical care to patients with myocardial infarction.
- 5th cardio department is engaged in the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Patients with heart failure, withirregular heart rhythm, arterial hypertension and other defects.
ENT Department
Engaged in conservative and surgical treatment of patients with pathologies of the ear, throat and nose. Such diseases include otitis, hearing loss, sinusitis, nasal polyposis, rhinitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis. Also, the doctors of the department successfully deal with the curvature of the nasal septum, adenoids, singing nodules, benign tumors of the larynx. One of the methods of treatment - radio wave, allows you to perform operations with minimal blood loss and in places that are practically inaccessible to traditional surgery. Such patients practically do not stay in the hospital.
59 the hospital, reviews of which are extremely positive, has two orthopedic departments in its structure:
- Orthopedic Department No. 7, using modern and effective methods of treatment, successfully fights injuries of the musculoskeletal system and their consequences, benign tumors, dislocations of the shoulder and statistical deformities of the foot.
- Orthopedic Department No. 11 specializes in the treatment of arthrosis of large joints, benign tumors, shoulder dislocations, flat feet and other foot deformities, post-traumatic limb deformities.

Operating room and resuscitation
GKB 59 has 6 operating rooms, which are classified according to the profile of operations into 4 categories:
- For orthopedic operations.
- For operationspatients with purulent bone lesions.
- For trauma type surgeries.
- For emergency operations.
As for intensive care units, the hospital has two intensive care units:
- The work of the 1st resuscitation and anesthesia department is carried out with patients after operations with anesthesia through constant monitoring or with people admitted to the hospital with violations of vital functions and requiring intensive infusion therapy.
- 6th Department of Cardio-Resuscitation treats patients with unstable angina, rhythm and conduction disorders, acute myocardial infarction, thromboembolism.
Department of Transfusiology
The branch was created not so long ago - in 2005. During its existence, the use of plasmapheresis and laser therapy has become one of the most effective concomitant methods for the treatment of skin diseases, metabolic disorders, diseases of the lungs, cardiovascular system, peripheral vessels, musculoskeletal system, neurological, autoimmune and gynecological diseases.
Institution coordinates
Where is City Clinical Hospital 59? Its address: Moscow, st. Dostoevsky, 31/33. Phones: (499) 978-58-13, (499) 972-96-84 - reception, (499) 978-22-55 - admission department.