Today, it often happens that seemingly he althy spouses have problems conceiving a baby and then carrying it. Experts say that often the reason lies in the genetic code of partners, or rather in the chromosome sets of future parents. Most often, doctors offer the so-called karyotyping of spouses. What is it? We will answer this question in this article.
General information

Particularly responsible parents prefer to take tests in advance for pregnancy planning, in order to subsequently almost completely eliminate possible anomalies in the development of the fetus. In addition, thanks to these studies, you can be sure of the safe bearing of the baby. These analyzes include the aforementioned karyotyping of spouses. A karyotype is understood as a complete set of chromosomes with their inherent features. It is these datasubsequently, they will be responsible for the color of the eyes and hair of the baby, his height, as well as for all possible genetic abnormalities. Normally, it is believed that the karyotype of a man is 46 XY, and women - 46 XX.
Karyotyping of spouses. Advantages of the technique
- Surely everyone understands that any deviations from the norm in the future can lead to various kinds of pathologies and disorders in the development of the little man. Karyotyping of spouses is a kind of special study that allows not only to study the genetic characteristics of each spouse separately, but also to make predictions about the he alth of the baby and even find the exact cause of a possible miscarriage.
- Specialists warn that it often happens that a chromosomal anomaly practically does not manifest itself in any way in future parents, but it can still be passed on to offspring. Therefore, pregnancy planning, for which tests should be taken in advance, cannot do without this procedure.
- Future parents, in turn, should be aware that almost all diseases at the gene level are incurable. In this kind of situation, the probability of giving birth to an already unhe althy child is very high. Many parents face a choice in this situation.
- The issue of deciphering the corresponding analysis is handled exclusively by a qualified geneticist. In no case is it recommended to do this on your own, armed only with your own knowledge andfound material from the Internet.

Who is this test recommended for?
Today, many young couples believe that absolutely everyone should undergo karyotyping. However, this statement is not entirely true. The thing is that, firstly, the analysis itself is quite expensive, and, secondly, in the absence of genetic diseases in the family, you should not worry about trifles. If you still decide to play it safe, choose an exclusively experienced geneticist who can correctly decipher the analysis.