Typically, the only thing people really worry about is a rise in body temperature. Indeed, almost always it is one of the main symptoms of a variety of viral infectious diseases. However, if a person has a low body temperature, the reasons for this can also be very different.

The most common of these is considered to be reduced immunity. It is best to go for a consultation with an immunologist who can determine the root cause. It can be either an ordinary beriberi (for example, in the spring), or more serious diseases, such as AIDS.
If a person has recently had a disease, and his body temperature is lowered, the reasons can not be looked for. Most likely, the body simply has not had time to fully recover and recover.
Also, a chronically low temperature can be a symptom of a lack of hemoglobin. You can confirm this diagnosis by passing an ordinary general blood test at the nearest clinic.
If the patient has a low body temperature, the reasons for this may also lie in the presence of internal bleeding. If it is not strong, find it init is almost impossible at home, but it can be very dangerous for the body.

Often a low temperature is observed in hypotensive patients - people suffering from chronically low blood pressure. In this case, it is best to contact a cardiologist who can prescribe suitable drugs to stabilize it. After the course of treatment, the temperature should also return to normal.
When the body temperature is lowered for several weeks, the causes may also be the resulting neurocirculatory dystonia. Low readings on the thermometer are typical for NCD of the hypotensive type. The main causes of this disease are an unhe althy lifestyle, overwork, insufficient sleep, excessive physical activity, and an unbalanced diet.
Sometimes a low body temperature in an adult can be a symptom of endocrine disorders. In particular, we can talk about hypothyroidism or diseases of the adrenal glands. Ultrasound and hormone analysis will help determine the true cause of the ailment.

Quite often young mothers complain about low body temperature. This condition passes quite quickly, as soon as the body adapts to the new sleep pattern and begins to replenish the nutrients used up in the process of feeding the baby.
In addition to all of the above, this phenomenon may be a sign of some brain disease.
Unlike high temperature, low temperature is much more difficult to detect. In patients who have a low body temperature, the symptoms in most cases are the same: chills, a state of apathy and lethargy, coldness in the extremities. It should be understood that only a specialist can make a correct diagnosis, and self-treatment, in turn, is fraught with negative consequences for your he alth.