What is massage, everyone knows. However, not everyone understands what effect this procedure has on the body. There are different massage methods. It is made for a variety of purposes. As a result, his technique can vary considerably. This procedure has a certain therapeutic effect. What effect this or that type of massage has on the body will be discussed in the article.
History of occurrence
Different methods and techniques of massage have been used by mankind since ancient times. One of the first mentions of this procedure is found in the manuscripts of Ancient China, which were dated to the 5th century BC. e. At that time, massage was done for the purpose of healing from colds, as well as resisting minor illnesses.
Similar procedures were also known to the inhabitants of Ancient India. Here massage was combined with a visit to the bath. In ancient Egypt, servants kneaded the feet of their rulers. In ancient Greece, massage was used to care for the body. It helped relieve fatigue, pain,accelerated wound healing during rehabilitation, etc.
In ancient Rome, massage was considered an obligatory procedure in the ritual bathing of the nobility. In this case, oils were used. Many famous healers of that era mastered various techniques of rubbing and massaging the body.
In the Middle Ages, a developed civilization was determined in the region of the Arabian Peninsula. Here, doctors used the techniques described by Hippocrates, Galen, which were based on different massage techniques. The famous doctor of the Arab world, Avicenna, brought together the disparate knowledge of his predecessors. He described the massage techniques in detail.

At this time in Europe, massage was recognized by the church as a terrible sin, as it resembled "carnal pleasures." Such techniques in these lands were used only by rare midwives and healers. Most of them were recognized as witches.
In Russia, massage was used in combination with bath procedures. The methodology used in those days is still relevant today. For this, a broom was used, with which they whipped each other in the bath. Rubbing was also used for various injuries, rheumatic pains. In this case, various plant-based ointments were used.
During the Renaissance, massage became popular again in Europe. Healers began to turn again to the ancient techniques of massage, using it for medicinal and cosmetic purposes.
The intensive development in the 19th century of such sciences as biology and physiology led to the development of new massage methods. Not only indications were determined, but also contraindications to such manipulations. ATAt the beginning of the last century, massage was actively used in the preparation of athletes for the Olympics. Today, the attitude to massage is significantly different from the ideas of antiquity.
Features of the procedure
Modern massage techniques are so varied. That can be used for a variety of diseases and for various purposes. This type of therapy is widespread in all countries of the modern world. Massage is a combination of mechanical and reflex techniques that allow you to influence tissues and internal organs. In this case, such effects as vibration, rubbing, pressure, stroking, tapping can be exerted.
Massage can be done with hands or special tools, equipment. In this case, different oils, medicinal ointments, creams and gels can be used. The choice of technique and improvised means depends on the purpose of the massage. It can be medical, sports, cosmetic or hygienic.
There are different massage methods for children and adults. The procedure is carried out both for he althy people and patients of various medical institutions. There are many indications for performing the presented manipulations. First of all, it is worth noting that massage stimulates the immune system and speeds up metabolic processes. It allows you to keep the body in good shape.

Massage is performed for pathologies of the musculoskeletal system of a degenerative, inflammatory nature. During the rehabilitation period after fractures, dislocations, bruises and injuries, this therapy is prescribed to exclude the possibility of complications,functional disorders.
With neuralgia or neuritis, when the disease is not in the acute stage, massage is also indicated. It is recognized as an effective remedy for migraine, chronic heart failure, gastrointestinal diseases, hypotension, hypertension, asthma, bronchitis, mild forms of infectious diseases. Also, such manipulations are prescribed to remove scars from burns, cuts. During the rehabilitation period after a heart attack, massage is also indicated. With anemia, diabetes, obesity and s alt deposition, similar procedures are also carried out.
Influence of procedure
The main methods of massage are aimed at eliminating various pathologies and diseases. This method does not require the use of drugs. Therefore, when properly administered and applied, it is of great benefit. This therapy allows you to improve blood circulation and accelerates the circulation of lymph, increasing blood flow to the internal organs.
Massage helps to increase the number of erythrocytes and leukocytes in the blood, which helps to strengthen the immune system. During the procedure, the muscles relax, which allows you to remove their swelling, strengthen the ligaments.
In the presence of various types of pain syndrome, massage can relieve negative sensations without taking various painkillers. The sympathetic-adrenaline system is working properly. The body's metabolism is accelerated, which is especially beneficial in the fight against excess weight.

The excretory system of the skin begins to work more actively. The sensitivity of the epithelium increases. The skin becomes elastic andelastic. Cells receive sufficient nutrition with a rush of blood. This allows you to rejuvenate the skin, give it a he althy look. At the same time, during the procedure, particles of the stratum corneum are removed from the surface, which also has a beneficial effect on the epithelium. As a result, not only the skin, but the whole body is rejuvenated.
Different methods of back massage can strengthen the muscles here. A person feels a surge of strength and energy, fatigue and stressful conditions disappear. The psycho-emotional state also returns to normal. Depending on the chosen technique, you can either calm or excite the nervous system.
Due to the acceleration of metabolism, toxins are removed from the body. In this case, the correction of the figure is carried out. Cellulite disappears after regular massage.
There are many varieties of massage. The subdivision is carried out in accordance with various criteria. According to the strength of the impact, superficial and deep massage are distinguished. In the first case, a small or medium pressure is applied to the body. Deep massage involves a more serious impact. It affects not only the skin, but also the internal organs. For example, these may be special methods of massaging the heart or abdominal organs. Soft light movements tone the body. Medium movements, on the contrary, calm him down.
The pace of the massage can be slow, medium or fast. The choice depends on the purpose of the procedure. If it is designed to calm the nervous system, choose a slow pace. A quick massage, on the contrary, stimulates the body. The average pace hasneutral impact. However, it is closer to the soothing category of manipulation.
The movements of the massage therapist may be different. This can be tapping, rubbing, vibration, twisting, kneading, stretching, etc. There are also acupressure methods. The master exerts such effects manually or with the help of special equipment. There are also specific techniques, for example, with the help of legs or using cans, needles, stones. Massage can also be combined.
Carry out such manipulations most often by specialists. However, some techniques a person can apply himself. In this case, he conducts self-massage. If the procedure is performed by a specialist, he can act on different parts of the body. This can be the face, back, legs, feet, stomach, etc. Sometimes the whole body is massaged. Massage systems can refer to Eastern, European, classical schools.
Systems and equipment
New methods of massage appeared on the basis of the knowledge of this or that people. As a result, techniques from different schools are used today. Popular in our country and in the world are the Russian, Swedish, Finnish and Eastern systems. They have come a long way from the primitive techniques of the Middle Ages to modern techniques.
Each school has its own characteristics. The Russian massage system is distinguished by a clear delineation of effects on the body, depending on the area of their application. Stroking and twisting techniques predominate, the choice of which corresponds to the anatomical features of the body. Kneading and shock effects are carried out in accordance with the structuremuscles. Rubbing is also applied by this system. It is prescribed for joints. The strength of the impact and the pace of manipulation are regulated depending on the general condition of the person.

Swedish system includes several obligatory tricks. These include rubbing, moving, kneading, and stroking. The force that the master uses is greater here than in other systems. This allows you to have a deep impact on the organs. The task of the technique is to stretch the vascular and nerve bundles, rubbing seals.
Swedish massage is one of the most difficult techniques. The massage therapist uses his fingers to diagnose the patient's condition, and then decides on the strength and characteristics of the effects. The master starts the procedure from the feet, then moves along the shins, thighs, hands, forearms. At the end massage the shoulder. Methods of therapeutic massage of the Russian school involve the reverse sequence of actions.
Finnish, Eastern systems
One of the well-known techniques today is the massage of the Finnish school. It has a number of features. This school applies acupressure methods. The procedure is carried out with the help of rubbing movements with the pads of the thumbs. The variety of techniques in this system is small. This does not allow to vary the impact in accordance with the anatomical features of the human body.
Today, Finnish massage is recognized as ineffective. In this case, the master must have great endurance. The entire load falls on the thumbs of his hands. The Finnish school involves massage inthe same sequence as the Swedish system. Finnish massage is widely spread in Scandinavian countries. Today, this system is complemented by the methods of the Russian and Swedish schools.
Eastern massage technique differs significantly from the methods presented above. The master does not use oils and other additional means during the session. This allows you to achieve maximum impact on the body. The massage is done with the hands, however some techniques (Thai massage) are done with the feet.

Movements during the procedure can be directed both from the edges to the center, and in the opposite direction. As a result, it turns out to free the muscles from venous blood. It also affects the joints. They become more elastic.
Oriental massage involves the use of techniques such as twisting, stretching and kneading. Stroking and rubbing may also be used. Much attention is paid to the hands and feet. Rubbing is performed with fairly strong pressure. The master in this case uses the mass of his body to exert sufficient force. Therefore, oriental massage methods involve performing the procedure on the floor or on a low lounger.
Classic and therapeutic massage
Classic massage methods deserve special attention. This is a good prophylactic that promotes the healing of the whole organism. In some sources, this technique is called hygienic, general, wellness massage. During therapy, the effect onthe whole body, from the head to the feet.
The classic type of massage involves the use of rubbing, tapping, kneading, vibration and stroking. This technique allows you to remove muscle tension, accelerate blood flow. This leads to improved tissue oxygen supply. Functions of internal organs are normalized. The skin becomes elastic, acquire a he althy appearance. The immune system works more actively, and toxins are removed from the body faster. The intensity of exposure, the pace and duration of the procedure are individual for each patient.
Therapeutic or medical massage is also one of the common types of such therapy. It is used in the treatment of various injuries and injuries, as well as various ailments. Especially often this technique is used during the rehabilitation of the patient. In combination with various medicines, massage can improve the effect of drugs.
This category of manipulations includes methods of massaging the heart, muscles, joints. The therapeutic effect allows you to get rid of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, respiratory organs. It is prescribed for gynecological diseases, musculoskeletal system, urological problems. Massage speeds up metabolism. This category of influences includes many subspecies of different techniques. They are aimed at improving the patient's condition for certain ailments.
Massage for children and sports
Methods of massage in children under one year old differ from those effects that are applicable to older children and adults. Its impact on the baby's body is great. This is a kind of classical and medicalmassage. In infancy, such effects contribute to the rapid mental and physical development of the child, strengthen the immune system. Some types of massage are aimed at correcting posture (they are performed by a qualified specialist).

Children's massage avoids the development of flat feet, strengthens the nervous system. For various diseases, specialized massage methods are prescribed. In infancy, if there are no contraindications, such effects can be carried out by parents on their own. This is a type of preventive therapy.
Sports massage is used to restore the body after exhausting workouts, heavy physical exertion. Also, similar effects are carried out before sports competitions. There are several types of sports massage. In the process of its implementation, special attention is paid to muscles, ligaments and joints. This category includes training, preliminary, restorative massage, as well as treatments for bruises and injuries.
Cosmetic massage
A special place in the presented therapeutic effect is occupied by cosmetic massage. It allows you to maintain the elasticity and he althy appearance of the epithelium. Various facial and neck massage techniques can prevent the appearance of signs of aging. The skin looks well-groomed and young. Also, the presented therapy is an effective remedy for various pathologies of a cosmetic nature.

This category includes preventive, medical-cosmetic and plastic massage. The first of these types of exposure is carried out to prevent the appearance of various defects. Therapeutic and cosmetic massage is designed to remove wrinkles, stretch marks, fat deposits. Plastic therapy methods are indicated for older people to improve skin tone.
Visceral massage
The methods of visceral massage deserve special attention. They are used not only for the treatment and prevention of diseases of internal organs and skin, but are also an effective diagnostic technique. In the process of work, the massage therapist acts on the organs through the front wall of the patient's abdomen. In doing so, he uses movements such as sliding, tapping, or pressing.
This technique allows not only to improve blood flow to the internal organs, but also, in the presence of their omission, to give the insides the correct position. Such a massage improves blood circulation not only in the abdominal cavity, but also in the head and limbs. This is an effective method of treatment and prevention of various ailments.
Having considered the various methods of massage, as well as their features, you can assess the degree of impact of a particular technique on the body. Such manipulations are best left to a professional. The he alth and well-being of a person depends on this.