Medicine 2024, October

Vestibular gymnastics for babies and the elderly. Vestibular gymnastics exercises

Vestibular gymnastics for babies and the elderly. Vestibular gymnastics exercises

After suffering injuries or surgical interventions, with diseases of the nervous system, brain structures may suffer, which is manifested by dizziness, a feeling of lightheadedness, and impaired coordination. With disorders of the vestibular apparatus, special vestibular gymnastics will help, which alleviates symptoms and prevents the progression of the disease

When is the best time to conceive and how to prepare for it?

When is the best time to conceive and how to prepare for it?

If a couple is planning a child, it is important not only to prepare psychologically, but also to check the condition of the body. What and when should be done before pregnancy?

Shoulder puncture: technique

Shoulder puncture: technique

Shoulder puncture is a surgical procedure in which a doctor inserts a needle into the joint capsule. A similar procedure is carried out for diagnostic purposes or according to available medical indications. The purpose of this procedure is to reduce the amount of synovial fluid in the joint

The norm of thyroid hormones in women (table)

The norm of thyroid hormones in women (table)

The article briefly describes the function of thyroid hormones, in the form of a table, the norms for the content of thyroid hormones, TSH and other indicators of the thyroid gland, including antibodies, are presented. The role in the body of all the compounds indicated in the table has been deciphered. The features of the functioning of the thyroid gland during pregnancy are given. The interpretation of the results of analyzes is given

Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction - what is it?

Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction - what is it?

The Sphincter of Oddi is an organ that regulates the entry of bile through the biliary tract from the liver into the duodenum. Also, one of its functions is the regulation of the secretion of the gallbladder, as well as the flow of pancreatic enzyme into the intestine. The activity of the gastrointestinal tract also has a huge influence on the bile duct

Meconium is a baby's original feces. How many days does meconium come out

Meconium is a baby's original feces. How many days does meconium come out

With the birth of a baby, the life of parents changes radically, and the well-being of the child and his he alth becomes the most important concern. Very often, young mothers do not know what condition is the norm for a newborn, and therefore they are constantly afraid of something. In order to be less nervous for no reason and at the same time not to miss the signs of the disease, it is necessary to study in advance the specific physiological processes of a newly born baby

Antiallergic immunoglobulin: description, instructions for use and composition

Antiallergic immunoglobulin: description, instructions for use and composition

Every person who encounters allergies in his life has his own story of its origin. In this case, he can talk about how he suddenly noticed that strange things happen to his immune system when an allergen enters his body. For example, in the United States alone, the number of people with hay fever has reached eighteen million

Thyroid hormones: source, meaning, pathology

Thyroid hormones: source, meaning, pathology

The thyroid gland plays an important role in the development of the body, affects all types of metabolism. It secretes thyroid hormones that promote physical and mental development in children, provide metabolism and energy in adults

Releasing hormones of the hypothalamus

Releasing hormones of the hypothalamus

Releasing hormones are human neurohormones that synthesize the nuclei of the hypothalamus. They inhibit (statins) or stimulate (liberins) the production of tropic pituitary hormones. The work of the endocrine glands is activated and the regulation of their secretion of hormones occurs. The higher departments of the central nervous system and the endocrine system are in close connection due to releasing hormones

Muscle hypotonia: symptoms, causes, treatments

Muscle hypotonia: symptoms, causes, treatments

Such a disease as muscle hypotension is most often diagnosed in children. Pathology is characterized by a decrease in muscle tone, sometimes combined with paresis of the limbs. Muscle hypotonia can be congenital or acquired, with the latter form affecting patients into adulthood

X-ray of the neck - features, interpretation and recommendations

X-ray of the neck - features, interpretation and recommendations

The cervical region is the most mobile and vulnerable area of the spine. It is most susceptible to damage and deformation, the natural consequence of which is a significant decrease in the degree of motor activity

Why bile stasis occurs

Why bile stasis occurs

Bile is the physiological environment of the body that takes part in the digestion of incoming food. Normally, it should enter the gallbladder and collect there, and then perform its functions

Angiotensin-converting enzyme: indications, norm, causes of increase and decrease

Angiotensin-converting enzyme: indications, norm, causes of increase and decrease

Angiotensin-converting enzyme is a biologically active substance contained in the human body and is involved in many physiological reactions. In particular, it regulates water-s alt metabolism and controls blood pressure by constricting or expanding blood vessels

Bilirubin in the blood is an important diagnostic indicator of diseases of the digestive system

Bilirubin in the blood is an important diagnostic indicator of diseases of the digestive system

Bilirubin in the blood is one of the main indicators of the proper functioning of the liver. It is included in the diagnostic examination of any patient. An increase in its level indicates serious disorders in the digestive system

Ionized calcium: norm and deviations

Ionized calcium: norm and deviations

The article talks about substances such as calcium in general and ionized calcium in particular. It also focuses on what contributes to its decrease and increase

Oxalates in urine: causes and treatment

Oxalates in urine: causes and treatment

Oxalates in the urine of he althy people can be observed only in small quantities. An increase in these s alts most often indicates malnutrition, as they enter the body with food. Less commonly, oxalaturia is the result of intestinal pathologies, beriberi or hypervitaminosis and other diseases. If an increase in oxalate is found in the analysis of urine, then this is a harbinger of urolithiasis

Fat emulsification: definition, main steps, role

Fat emulsification: definition, main steps, role

Fats that enter the body from the outside are very important for maintaining its proper structure and normal functioning. Digestion and absorption takes place in the duodenum. It is there that water-soluble lipolytic enzymes meet with the lipids themselves. But for the interaction of the fatty and aqueous phases, intermediaries are needed - emulsifiers. And emulsification of fats is the process of mixing two phases and dispersion of large fat droplets into microscopic ones

Zabolotny Konstantin Borisovich: reviews of doctors and patients about his methods. Recovery technologies according to Zabolotny

Zabolotny Konstantin Borisovich: reviews of doctors and patients about his methods. Recovery technologies according to Zabolotny

One of the most popular nutritionists today is Zabolotny Konstantin Borisovich, reviews of doctors and patients about which are rather contradictory

Fat synthesis: general information, causes and significance

Fat synthesis: general information, causes and significance

Fats are found in both animals and plants. They are esters of trihydric alcohol (glycerol) and acids (oleic, stearic, linoleic, linolenic and palmitic). This is proved by their breakdown into acids and glycerol, as well as by the synthesis of fats from the described compounds

Kidney x-ray: preparation. X-ray of the kidneys with contrast

Kidney x-ray: preparation. X-ray of the kidneys with contrast

X-ray allows you to study the structure and structural features of internal organs. Urography - an x-ray of the kidney - is considered one of the most effective ways to examine the urinary system, according to the results of which the doctor can make a final diagnosis and prescribe treatment

Measuring body temperature: where, how and how accurate

Measuring body temperature: where, how and how accurate

Medical thermometer is the same symbol of medical practice as a snake with a bowl. Body temperature is the most important indicator of the state of the human body. A very small deviation from the norm indicates a disease. For the timely provision of medical care, the most accurate measurement of body temperature is necessary. And to achieve this is not so easy

Popliteal muscle: functions, causes of injury, help

Popliteal muscle: functions, causes of injury, help

The muscles of the lower extremities perform an essential function. They carry the load of the whole body. Each muscle element performs a specific task

Basic hip injuries

Basic hip injuries

Hip injuries are not as common. In sports, they are mainly associated with stretching of the muscles connected to it. Also, inflammation in the joint can develop as a result of a blow or a fall. Do not forget that the hip joint has a complex structure, so the pathologies associated with it can be of a different nature

The thigh is The structure and function of the thigh

The thigh is The structure and function of the thigh

What is a hip? Consider the bone, muscle, vascular and nervous structure of a body part. Let's define his diseases and pathologies, and at the same time - with the methods of diagnosis and treatment. In conclusion, here are some interesting facts about the hip

Removal of fat from the abdomen by different methods: overview, features and effectiveness

Removal of fat from the abdomen by different methods: overview, features and effectiveness

Statistics show that nearly half of women around the globe are overweight. Some of the fair sex live in harmony with their fullness, while others seek to get rid of ballast by any means

Sea s alt: reviews and applications. How effective is sea s alt for nasal irrigation and inhalation?

Sea s alt: reviews and applications. How effective is sea s alt for nasal irrigation and inhalation?

We all want to be he althy and are constantly looking for those products that will help us in this difficult task. Today's article will tell you about a remedy that is suitable for the whole body. And this tool is sea s alt, reviews of which often come across our eyes

Nasal tear trough: photo before and after correction

Nasal tear trough: photo before and after correction

If a woman has begun to look noticeably older than her age, it's time to sound the alarm. There are a large number of factors contributing to a change in appearance

Ultrasound therapy: key aspects

Ultrasound therapy: key aspects

Ultrasound therapy is used in the initial stages of treating sports injuries, soft tissue injuries, accident injuries, or pain from arthritis and other joint conditions. This general method can be used for both joint and muscle pain. Its effectiveness may vary from patient to patient

Propulsion unit - what is it?

Propulsion unit - what is it?

Motor unit is a set of muscle fibers that are controlled by one nerve cell. Depending on the structure, it can be of three different types

Conducting anthropometry is Anthropometry: templates for kindergarten

Conducting anthropometry is Anthropometry: templates for kindergarten

The method of anthropometry should be understood as a whole set of measuring measures aimed at establishing parameters corresponding to certain periods of human development. A set of anthropometric measuring methods allows you to get a general idea of the functional state of the human body, its performance and degree of he alth

Treatment of osteomyelitis and the use of antibiotics to combat it

Treatment of osteomyelitis and the use of antibiotics to combat it

Treatment of osteomyelitis includes conservative and surgical therapies. However, first of all, care should be taken to prevent the development of this infectious process. Although it is possible to cure this disease, and the results of competent therapy are very impressive, the treatment of osteomyelitis itself leads to disorders in other organs and systems

Inhaler AND CN-231: instruction and description

Inhaler AND CN-231: instruction and description

Compressor inhaler (A&D CN-231) is a modern device for home use. Previously, procedures of this level of efficiency could only be carried out in a clinic or hospital, but now everyone can be treated effectively and simply at home

B.Well WC-150 nasal aspirator: specifications, reviews

B.Well WC-150 nasal aspirator: specifications, reviews

Unfortunately, it is impossible to raise a child without a cold. Therefore, in the first-aid kit for a newborn, every modern mother must have a nasal aspirator B-Well wc 150

Transfusiology - what is it?

Transfusiology - what is it?

Slightly more than a century ago, humanity did not know about the existence of different blood types. We learned about the Rh factor even later, only 76 years ago. Since then, transfusion has ceased to be deadly in nature and has become an almost ordinary procedure that allows saving the lives of a huge number of people around the world

Hip joint, x-ray: features, advantages and disadvantages

Hip joint, x-ray: features, advantages and disadvantages

Many people of all ages may experience hip disease, leading to impaired walking and support function. This pathological condition significantly reduces the quality of human life and often leads to disability. To identify diseases of the musculoskeletal system, the doctor may prescribe an x-ray of the hip joint

Anti-Müllerian hormone and its functions in the male and female body

Anti-Müllerian hormone and its functions in the male and female body

Anti-Mullerian hormone (AMH), being in the male and female body, performs completely different functions. Up to 17 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus has signs that are inherent in both sexes. And only after this period in the male body, under the influence of AMG, the reverse development of the Mullerian duct, the rudiment of the female reproductive system, begins. In a woman's body, AMH is responsible for reproductive function

Greater trochanter of the femur: anatomy

Greater trochanter of the femur: anatomy

Anatomically, the femoral head is held by the annular glenoid fossa. The femur is considered the largest in the body, it has a complex structure. It is not easy for a person who is far from medicine to understand this, but in order to understand the causes of the onset and characteristics of the course of diseases of the femur, it is necessary

What are sensitive periods of human development

What are sensitive periods of human development

Sensitive periods in a child's life are the best time to develop certain skills and abilities of a growing person. To make the best use of them, you should know when to expect them and how to prepare for them

Live polio vaccine: instructions, reviews, composition, complications. Imported polio vaccines and their names. Polio vaccine reaction

Live polio vaccine: instructions, reviews, composition, complications. Imported polio vaccines and their names. Polio vaccine reaction

The polio vaccine comes in several forms. It can prevent the development of a terrible disease. Polio vaccination starts at 3 months of age and ends at 14 years of age

Harm stretch ceilings: myth or reality

Harm stretch ceilings: myth or reality

With the advent of modern finishing materials, the harm of stretch ceilings has been increasingly discussed. Is it a myth or reality, we will discuss in this article