How is blood purified?

How is blood purified?
How is blood purified?

Manipulations with blood are carried out for different purposes: charity and earnings (donation), improvement of the body, vital necessity (transfusion). In the event that a person decides to put the body in order, to feel better, then doctors recommend cleaning the internal environment of the body, which is formed from connective fluid tissue. When carrying out the procedure, it is worth considering all contraindications and be sure to consult a doctor.

How safe is blood purification?

If a hardware impact is carried out, then there will be no such problems as with a transfusion. This is due to the fact that a person is not injected with someone else's blood, but his own is passed through a sterile system. Therefore, the probability of "catching" any virus or bacterium is quite low. Therefore, the main task of the patient is to make sure that all the instruments are from new packages, and the doctor observes the relevant sanitary standards in his work. Alsoit is recommended to check the license with the medical center that offers the procedure: it can only be issued by the Ministry of He alth.

blood purification
blood purification

What is the purpose of blood purification?

A lot of unnecessary, sometimes even toxic substances get into the body with air, poor-quality food and water. In youth, thanks to the good work of organs and systems, they are safely excreted. However, with age, there are malfunctions in the body, which are expressed in slagging and high cholesterol. Therefore, blood purification helps to maintain the functioning of organs and systems at the proper level and remove everything unnecessary from them.

Purification of blood from cholesterol
Purification of blood from cholesterol

What methods can be used to carry out this procedure?

Sometimes people resort to folk methods: diets and herbal medicine. The choice of herbs that cleanse the blood of cholesterol and other harmful substances is quite wide. These include: dandelion, burdock, wild rose. Mixtures are useful: celery and parsley, yarrow and calendula. Usually, these ingredients are used to make tea, infusion or decoction.

In medical institutions, completely different methods are used. For example, cleaning blood with a laser. This procedure consists in exposing laser photons through an optical waveguide, which are directed into any available vein. Therefore, the main influence is on the vascular bed. The procedure provides effective treatment: vasodilation occurs in the cardiovascular system, spasms are eliminated, microthrombi are resolved; turns outtonic effect on the functioning of the ovaries and thyroid gland. Also, after the procedure, respiratory function improves and bronchial dilatation is observed.

Laser blood purification
Laser blood purification

Sometimes hemosorption is carried out. This blood purification allows you to remove unnecessary substances, such as cholesterol. This procedure has a positive effect on rheumatoid arthritis, psoriasis, asthma, eczema, and allergic reactions. However, in acute infections, brain damage and malignant tumors, hemosorption is not carried out. Usually six sessions are enough to achieve the desired effect.

Another method is hemo-oxygenation. In this case, ozonized saline solution is injected into the blood through a dropper. Due to this, toxins and microorganisms are neutralized. Saturation of blood with oxygen will be useful for toxicosis, infections and poisoning, in addition, for acute respiratory viral infections. This method is good because there are no absolute contraindications for its use.
