What does a lack of vitamin K lead to? What foods contain vitamin K? Vitamin K deficiency: consequences

What does a lack of vitamin K lead to? What foods contain vitamin K? Vitamin K deficiency: consequences
What does a lack of vitamin K lead to? What foods contain vitamin K? Vitamin K deficiency: consequences

Vitamin K is not the most popular micronutrient, although it is important in blood clotting. The human body receives it with animal and plant products. Thanks to a balanced diet, it will be possible to prevent beriberi.

what does vitamin K deficiency lead to?
what does vitamin K deficiency lead to?

The diet should be such that all the necessary trace elements enter the body. You also need to know what a lack of vitamin K leads to. Like other trace elements, the body needs it, so its deficiency is not acceptable.


Why do we need vitamin K? It is connected with useful properties. Vitamin K is a group of trace elements similar in structure, from K1 to K7. The name comes from the English word koagulation, which translates as "clotting". It enters the body in two forms:

  • like vitamin K1 or phylloquinone - found in bright green vegetables;
  • like vitamin K2 or menaquinone - synthesized by microorganisms in the process of intakeanimal food.

Useful properties

Biochemists have identified the following beneficial properties of vitamin K:

  • participation in the formation of prothrombin, which is needed for blood clotting;
  • production of the protein osteocalcin, which protects against fractures, strengthens bones;
  • participates in the absorption of calcium;
  • normalizes kidney function;
  • reduces the risk of diabetes;
  • preserves youthful skin.
what foods contain vitamin k
what foods contain vitamin k

Vitamin K is considered anabolic, provides the body with energy. The component is fat-soluble, remains in the liver in small quantities. It affects blood sugar levels. With the penetration of low-quality products into the body, toxins accumulate in the liver. The substance is destroyed by sunlight and in alkaline solutions. It is necessary to consume vitamin K in moderation. Everyone needs to know what foods contain it. It can also be replaced with sources in the form of tablets or ampoules.


Because of its beneficial properties, everyone needs vitamin K. What foods contain it? Component is in:

  • vegetable and animal oils;
  • fresh juices;
  • walnuts;
  • cereals and cereals;
  • vegetables;
  • cabbage, spinach, broccoli, lettuce;
  • fruits and dried fruits;
  • cheese and goat milk.
lack of vitamin K in the body
lack of vitamin K in the body

Vitamin K is rich in beef, cod, pork,veal, chicken meat. If you regularly consume these foods, then you will never face a vitamin K deficiency. These sources are considered the most useful. There is vitamin K in tablets, solutions. The dose can only be prescribed by a doctor, you should not do it yourself. Uncontrolled intake of such funds can cause negative consequences. This also applies to those cases when vitamin K is taken in ampoules. You also need to carefully read the instructions for use.

Vitamin K deficiency

Children from birth may be deficient in vitamin K in the body, since there is little of it in mother's milk. Moreover, if a woman had an unhe althy diet during pregnancy, then newborns may have pathologies, including a lack of various vitamins. This can manifest itself as internal bleeding, hemorrhage.

Meat is an essential food, but vitamin K is low. It is in the liver, depending on the nutrition of the animal. But now they are using such feeds that are unlikely to be useful. In the gut, absorption of vitamin K occurs in different ways, it requires fats and the secretion of bile.

vitamin k ampoules
vitamin k ampoules

With sausages and deep-fried dishes, this essential element does not enter the body. What does a lack of vitamin K lead to? Because of this, hemorrhagic syndrome may appear. There are intradermal and subcutaneous hemorrhages, internal bleeding, bleeding gums.

Signs of deficiency

What does a lack of vitamin K lead to? Outward signs includethe following:

  • high fatigue;
  • weakness;
  • digestion disorders;
  • painful periods;
  • anemia;
  • bleeding gums;
  • bruising;
  • bleeding due to minor injuries.

If there are at least some of these signs, you need to reconsider your lifestyle and nutrition. Perhaps this is due to a lack of vitamin K.

Reason for shortages

Why vitamin K deficiency occurs. The consequences of a negative nature can be associated with the following reasons:

  • cholelithiasis and liver ailments;
  • taking antibiotics that destroy intestinal microflora;
  • long-term intravenous nutrition.

Anticoagulants, drugs that reduce the ability of blood to clot, are considered a popular cause of shortage. In medicine, they are often used to protect against the formation of blood clots. Similar drugs are prescribed for diseases of the heart and blood vessels. They destroy vitamin K with blood thinning.

vitamin k deficiency
vitamin k deficiency

Other diseases that cause malabsorption of fats in the intestines can also cause a lack of substance. This may be due to colitis, infections, gastrointestinal disorders, dysbacteriosis, and pancreatic disorders. Hypovitaminosis appears due to chemotherapy and anticonvulsants.

If a person has a normal metabolism, vitamin K is in a normal amount. Hypervitaminosis occursrarely, but even in large quantities it does not cause negative effects. The substance is non-toxic, but with some diseases it must be prescribed and used carefully, since an increase in blood clotting is undesirable. Synthetic vitamin is used for injuries and wounds, peptic ulcer disease.


You should know not only what a lack of vitamin K leads to, but also how an excess manifests itself. This phenomenon is observed only in newborns. When it appears hemolytic syndrome. There may be the following signs:

  • kernicterus, especially in premature babies;
  • hyperbilirubinemia;
  • hemolytic anemia.

Adults do not overdose. This substance has no toxic effect, its excess is easily eliminated in a natural way.

Daily Value

The right amount of vitamin K is set for all people individually. For every kilogram of weight you need 1 mcg. For example, if a person weighs 70 kg, then he needs 70 micrograms of substances per day. Usually people get more of it. Deficiency is rare and may occur due to drug interactions.

vitamin k tablets
vitamin k tablets

Other vitamins the body needs much more, so this substance will be enough only 1 mcg per 1 kg. The lifestyle that modern people lead often causes a lack of vitamin K. For many, the intestines are not normal, often there is a violation of fat metabolism. Most people use variousmedicines.

Vitamin K Preservation

The level of this component decreases due to the action of alcohol, fizzy drinks, as well as excessive intake of vitamin E. It is poorly absorbed due to substances that are in finished products - preservatives, flavors, dyes, flavor enhancers and others additives.

But it is useful to use kefir, yogurt, fish oil. If you follow a he althy lifestyle, eat right, then there will never be a vitamin K deficiency.

Shortage Prevention

To prevent deficiency in newborns and reduce blood loss during childbirth, a vitamin K preparation is used before childbirth. If labor activity has not begun within 12 hours, then the dose is repeated. In the treatment of hypovitaminosis in newborns, the dose of Vikasol is no more than 4 mg orally and 2 mg intramuscularly.

This drug is used for various types of bleeding in surgery, constipation, epidemic hepatitis. The highest daily dose for adults is 60 mg "Vikasol". Treatment is performed with the control of prothrombin in the blood. A high rate of blood clotting is considered a contraindication.


Vitamin K has an antihemorrhagic effect. Since it dissolves in fats, it should be replenished constantly. Products with this trace element are considered useful and affordable. From them you can easily make a useful menu. A large amount of vitamin in vegetables allows you to use it not only in the required amount, but also create a suitable diet for losing weight.

flawvitamin k effects
flawvitamin k effects

Vitamin controls blood sugar. If you eat such foods, the body is saturated, and the feeling of false hunger does not bother. Green vegetables are low in calories and great for lunch or dinner with protein.

After heat treatment, this trace element does not disappear. Sometimes it even increases. This is determined by the location of the nutrient. For example, plant cells in vegetables remove vitamin K, and this loss is replenished. With the industrial processing of fruits and vegetables, as well as with preservation, the component disappears.


Vitamin K should not be taken with anticoagulants. When they interact, the level of the microelement decreases, and the rate of blood clotting decreases. During the last trimester of pregnancy, women should not consume a lot of the vitamin, as this may have a toxic effect on the fetus.

In small doses, it is consumed after childbirth. It should not be taken together with vitamin E. With the intake of antibiotics, the dose of this microelement increases. Antibacterial agents eliminate microorganisms that form a substance in the small intestine. Its absorption is impaired by barbiturates. Therefore, a he althy diet is important.

Vitamin K is necessary for the production of proteins that are used in the process of blood clotting. It also allows you to strengthen bones, improve bone growth due to the work of osteocalcin. This component affects the proper functioning of the kidneys. It is important for every person to consume freshvegetables, fruits, greens, dairy and meat products. These products not only give the body energy, but also protect against vitamin deficiencies.
