What is kelp? This is an algae that lives in the seas. A lot of it grows along the coast of Japan. It is used to reduce high blood pressure, weight loss, treatment of radiation sickness, and also as an ideal remedy for constipation. This unique plant was called sea ginseng in Ancient China. Citizens were advised to take it every day to prolong youth and life.

General Description
Today, seaweed is not only in neat jars that are on supermarket shelves. Pharmacies sell laminaria in tablets. Reviews of pharmacists say that it is in this form that it retains the maximum of useful substances and helps to rejuvenate the body.
This is actually a proven fact. Dried algae allow you to always have on hand a powerful supply of vitamins, as well as macro- and microelements. The composition of the marine capsule includes iodine, but this is far from all that it can please the body with. Moreover, if you do not want to spend time preparing salads, then kelp in tablets will be an ideal option. Reviews of nutritionistsemphasize that it is a source of vitamins A, B12, B2, B1, D, C, E, indispensable for the body, as well as more than forty macro- and microelements.
The composition contains such important minerals as magnesium and potassium, phosphorus and iron, bromine and sodium, zinc and many other substances useful for the body. Everyone knows that vegetables and fruits should be on the table every day. However, a simpler and cheaper way to replenish the body's reserves will be kelp in tablets. Reviews emphasize that regular intake of this inexpensive food supplement can increase immunity and slow down the aging process, improve metabolic processes, as well as the condition of the skin, hair and nails.

Using seaweed
It doesn't really matter if dried seaweed, canned salad or kelp tablets are used. Reviews of doctors emphasize that regular use of seaweed allows you to maintain the nervous system in good condition. Despite numerous stresses, you will remain calm, even when there is a serious cause for alarm. This product is especially important for a growing organism. The brain of a child needs to be nourished, and for this, the microelements that are part of the aquatic plant are extremely necessary.
He alth benefits
Surely from Soviet times you remember the taste of seaweed salad. It was cheap, and everyone could afford to take it at least every day. Today you can hear that no trace elements are preserved in canned food. And if you want to be he althy, then only dried kelp will help in this. The beneficial properties of this plant can be described for hours.
It is recommended to eat regularly with atherosclerosis, as well as for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. In addition, by regularly eating sea grass, you can avoid diseases associated with metabolic disorders. Laminaria is often prescribed by surgeons, as it successfully helps with joint diseases. Rheumatisms, arthrosis and arthritis are ailments that are completely unrelated to nutrition. However, they significantly weaken their grip if this beneficial herb is included in the diet. At the same time, the sea shares this elixir of youth and he alth absolutely free of charge, its reserves are almost inexhaustible.

How to cook kelp?
This is a very good question, since many housewives are confused when they see a price tag in the store with the inscription "dried kelp". The beneficial properties of this plant are known to many. But what to do with it, this is a separate conversation. It is actually very easy to prepare it. To do this, you must first soak the dried product. In this case, warm water and seaweed in a ratio of 8: 1 should be put in a suitable cup. That is, 800 g of water will have 100 g of seaweed. Cover the bowl with a lid and leave for an hour. From this amount you will get 500-700 g of the finished product.
Now it remains to thoroughly rinse the stems, and you can eat it. Prepare a salad with one or another dressing, add it to soup or gravy, the taste will not change from this, and the benefits of such food will become much more. In addition, if youthink that the stems are somewhat harsh, they can be boiled. To do this, place the kelp in a bowl and boil for about 25 minutes. It should be noted that heat treatment, drying and canning do not reduce the content of nutrients.

How much kelp per day should a person consume?
All sources of iodine must be used judiciously so as not to harm the body. However, this only applies to pharmaceutical tablets, where the dosage is high. Natural foods are completely harmless. And no matter how much kelp you eat, the body will calmly remove the excess. However, for treatment and prevention, it is enough to consume 2 tablespoons of this unique product a day.
At the same time, absolutely any seaweed, boiled or pickled, is suitable for taking. Therefore, it is easiest to stock up on dried kelp, which is inexpensive, but stored for a long time and, most importantly, does not lose its useful properties. Even if you don't like the taste of sea kale (kelp), you can put it in vegetable stew, add it to manti instead of green onions, and even to baked goods, after grinding it to a powder state.

Kelp tablets
Finding her is not difficult at all. And kelp is released without a prescription. "Evalar" is its manufacturer. This is a dietary supplement that contains a huge amount of vitamins and minerals, not just useful, but vital. Just one tablet contains many polysaccharides and essential vitamins. These are A, B, C, E, D. Additionally, each tablet givesmacro- and microelements, sodium and potassium, manganese and magnesium, iodides, bromine and iron, cob alt, chromium and zinc, selenium and a compound of phosphorus and sulfur.
Don't pay big bucks for a synthetic multivitamin when you can take a natural product. In addition, the body receives nitrogen-containing substances, pantetic and alginic acids, carbohydrates, fats and proteins, as well as amino acids. Kelp (Evalar) is a great food supplement to help optimize your nutrition.

Issue form
Pills are sold in pharmacies in hard packs containing 100 tablets in a blister. The drug has a number of effects, including a slight decrease in blood pressure, relaxation of the intestines. In addition, doctors note a serious anti-sclerotic effect. With regular intake of kelp, a slow decrease in cholesterol is observed. Regular studies show a steady trend of positive improvements with regular intake. Moreover, the most affordable dietary supplement is kelp. The price of one package is about 120 rubles.
The therapeutic effect is primarily due to the action of the iodine contained in the capsules. It is an essential element that helps protect you from thyroid disease. But that's not all. Iodine is part of thyroxin, which activates some enzymes, and also improves the absorption of phosphorus, iron and calcium. The optimal intake of iodine for a woman is extremely important. It regulates the functionovaries, normalizes the menstrual cycle, increases vascular tone.
Very important for a person, especially in age, is the anti-atherosclerotic effect that kelp has. The price of algae tablets is very affordable. This means that you can provide your body with valuable substances even with a budget deficit. The drug effectively slows down the development of atherosclerosis, reduces the content of cholesterol in the blood and promotes its rapid removal from the body.
Very important is the laxative effect of kelp. This is achieved by irritating the receptors of the intestinal mucosa. This is due to the ability of polysaccharides to swell. This leads to an increase in fecal masses and increased intestinal motility. As a result, emptying is faster and much easier.

Indications for use
You can eat seaweed every day. This natural product has no contraindications. However, is kelp in tablets safe? Instructions for use emphasizes that the drug has a general strengthening effect on the body and is recommended as a dietary supplement for food. It is an additional source of iodine and polysaccharides. A doctor may prescribe a drug for hyperthyroidism, chronic constipation, enterocolitis and other diseases.
Despite the fact that algae (kelp) in tablets are positioned as a safe dietary supplement, their intake should also be agreed with the attending physician. Possible hypersensitivity to componentsdrug. In addition, it is recommended to prescribe such supplements with caution in diathesis and nephritis, severe renal failure. Laminaria tablets are not recommended for children under 4 years of age, as well as during pregnancy and lactation. In rare cases, side effects such as dyspepsia and intestinal atony may be observed.
Don't forget that the final appointment is made by the doctor. The manual contains only general recommendations. Adults are usually prescribed 1-2 tablets after meals, three times a day. It is recommended to drink at least a glass of water each time. Try to drink at least one and a half liters of clean water during treatment. This helps to cleanse the intestines. The course is 15-30 days, and if necessary, it can be repeated.

Customer Reviews
Kelp in tablets is a popular dietary supplement because it does not require any preparation. Unlike dry algae, it is enough just to drink it with water. With regular use, people notice a significant increase in endurance, a second wind opens up even with serious stress. The work of all organs and systems is normalized. First of all, this is noticeable in the activity of the digestive tract. The feeling of heaviness disappears, the stool normalizes. The natural metabolism is gradually restored and the weight returns to normal.