Who said that Pikovit vitamins for adults are not suitable? It's a shame! Many, to the depths of their gray hairs, refuse to acknowledge the fact that they belong to the category of "adults". Some simply ignore the intake of vitamins. But how pleasant it was to drink bright, tasty vitamins, which, in addition to external attractiveness, also support he alth! In general, discrimination in such a matter should and can be canceled by prescribing "Pikovit" to adult uncles and aunts. Can adults drink it? Let's try to figure it out in the article, but we note right away that it is easier to take it - with the child at the same time.

Why do we need vitamins?
It so happened that modern man is not very disposed to eating he althy food. That is, we are sometimes ready to eat a salad, but flavored with mayonnaise or ketchup. And we eat a piece of meat with suchthe amount of spices that all its value is lost. And if you remember how much we love fast food, juicy belyashi, pies and cakes! How we salivate from smoked meats and pickles! There is no need to argue that our body is categorically lacking vitamins. But the body does not give up and stubbornly fights with the external environment, reacting to an excess of fatty and sweet with an allergic rash, spots or heartburn. And therefore, a sane person takes care in time to acquire vitamins and take care of himself.
Universal Choice
Many children choose Pikovit. Can adults take this product? Let's say right away that there are no contraindications to taking vitamins to anyone if the composition satisfies the wishes of the person. But in children's vitamins, the doses are much smaller, and therefore the effect of them will be hardly noticeable. Roughly speaking, an adult can immediately drink a handful of vitamins for babies at once, and there will be nothing bad for him, since he will barely gain the dose that is due to him by age and weight. However, the child cannot do this, since an overdose of vitamins and minerals can have an unpredictable effect. Then the baby will feel bad. He will begin toxicosis and show all the symptoms of poisoning. Sometimes an overdose of vitamins can result in rashes and allergies.
Why Pikovit?
For adults, the proven solution for improving the he alth of the child's body are those vitamins that they themselves took in childhood. And most often they like Pikovit. Why is that? Yes, it's just a multivitamin with macronutrients, which include as many as 10 of the mostimportant vitamins, calcium and phosphorus. That is, it is simply a lethal weapon in the fight against viruses and pathogenic bacteria. Let's try to disassemble "Pikovit" by components.

What's the price?
Pikovit is full of B vitamins. In particular, these are B1, B2, B6, B12, as well as pantothenic acid and nicotinamide. They are involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. But folic acid in the composition is not so active, but already in the body it turns into a biologically active coenzyme necessary for the biosynthesis of nucleic acids. This coenzyme accelerates the maturation of red blood cells and enhances their growth. Folic acid also forms and regenerates platelets.
For vision, there is retinol, or vitamin A, and for the mineralization of bones and teeth, vitamin D, or cholecalciferol, as well as calcium and phosphorus. The element most loved by children - ascorbic acid - accelerates the absorption of iron. There is no sugar in Pikovit, so you can be doubly calm for children's teeth. The sweeteners m altitol and mannitol are responsible for the sweetness. Agree, the composition is beautiful not only for children. So why not recommend Pikovit for adults?!

So, let's look at the Pikovit vitamins in the context. For adults, not only appearance is important, but also indications for admission. But even in appearance these are very cheerful tablets - biconvex rounds in a yellow, orange, green and reddish shell. Moreover, the color can be quite heterogeneous. And whatpromises to bring Pikovit into the human body? For adults, it will become a real antioxidant shield, and it will save not only the epithelium, but the mucous membranes, vision, and increase immunity at the cellular level. Due to the presence of vitamin D, the balance of calcium and phosphorus in the body will be maintained. But with a lack of calcium, rickets develops.
The exchange of carbohydrates and the normal functioning of the central nervous system provides vitamin B. It also promotes tissue regeneration, takes part in the formation of hemoglobin. C vitamins are the very monsters of the antioxidant process that help absorb iron from the intestines, neutralize toxins and strengthen blood vessels. No wonder mothers give their children the famous ascorbic acid. This is the right answer to all diseases and reliable prevention. It is clear that children need Pikovit vitamins. Can adults take this product? Of course! The presence of folic acid in the composition, which, by the way, is called necessary for pregnant and lactating women, speaks for the versatility of the remedy. This ingredient is involved in hematopoiesis and improves the synthesis of acids and proteins.

How to drink vitamins?
Children are rarely punctual about taking pills and vitamins. And adults sometimes sin with forgetfulness. Therefore, it was very right to make "Pikovit" for adults. Instructions for use, by the way, do not differ at all depending on the age of the person. If the choice falls on Pikovit syrups, then 5 ml per day is enough. The exception would be syrup forbabies up to a year. They can be given 5 ml of syrup twice a day. This fact is explained by the fact that the concentration of the active substance is much reduced.
If you take vitamins in tablets, then the dosage varies depending on the selected product line. For babies, one tablet per day may be enough, but sometimes the recommended dose reaches 7 (seven) pieces. If you have enough excess with the reception, then you can get very unpleasant consequences in the form of diarrhea and diarrhea.
It is acceptable for an adult to take more than a child, and overdose is unlikely. Even if you take the drug, exceeding the recommended dose three times, there will be an excess of vitamins A, D and E, since other ingredients do not accumulate in the body and are excreted in the urine and feces.

And who should drink them?
If you bought "Pikovit" for adults, how to take vitamins? And who should take them? It is hardly worth drinking a hundred different vitamins uncontrollably and hoping for the magical effect of all the means at once. If you take vitamins for prevention, then you should still experience some symptoms, such as: lack of appetite, overwork, increased physical or mental stress, a monotonous or inadequate diet. In addition, Pikovit vitamins for adults can be taken to increase the body's resistance to infections, increase the effectiveness of antibiotics and facilitate the recovery period.

They're not that harmless
Even vitamins may not be suitable for everyone. This does not mean that you need to limit yourself in useful supplements. You just have to sweat in search of the perfect remedy to raise your immunity. In particular, if we are talking about "Pikovit Fort" for adults. These are biconvex round orange tablets. They contain m altitol and mannitol, aspartame, glycerol and even castor oil. The corrigent with the aroma of mandarin touches especially. At the same time, sweetness of taste is not to be expected. The taste of "Pikovit forte" is even bitter, however, like many multivitamins. A sharp change in state after taking is not observed, but many adults notice that the feeling of chronic fatigue disappears. That is, you can still get tired from work, but after a hard day there will be strength to go with the children to the hill or to the skating rink.
Under the ban "Pikovit" for all those who have hypersensitivity to the components of the drug, a possible hypervitaminosis. It is also better to give Pikovit vitamins to children under 4 years of age with caution.
But pregnant and lactating women should beware of taking vitamins solely for prevention purposes.
Children under 14 are allowed to take 1 tablet daily. Vitamins can be absorbed or chewed. If there are side effects, they are visible almost immediately. It's a skin rash or itching. This type of vitamin has age restrictions. So, it should not be taken even up to seven years. People with phenylketonuria are also at risk.
Special Instructions
It turns outPikovit vitamins are quite universal. How to take adults? The dosage may be adjusted according to the individual characteristics of each individual. In principle, there is nothing to worry about if parents and children take the same kind of vitamins. It is also very convenient, since children will never forget or refuse another vitamin, and adults will be able to attract a child with their example, which, as you know, is contagious.
But you need to know a few points that you should pay attention to when taking vitamins. For example, at this time it is possible to stain the urine yellow. This is a harmless phenomenon, which is explained by the presence of riboflavin in the preparation. But high doses of glycerol may not be so peaceful. Because of them, a person can feel a headache and experience problems with the gastrointestinal tract, which are commonly called diarrhea. In addition, Pikovit contains azo dyes that can provoke an asthmatic reaction. You need to know that the drug contains lactose, sucrose, glucose and sorbitol, and therefore the drug is not recommended for children with intolerance to these ingredients.
It is worth talking about the interaction with other drugs. Since the vitamin contains calcium, it delays the absorption of antibiotics from the tetracycline group and other antimicrobial agents. If you have to combine the intake of such drugs and vitamins, then you need to observe at least the time interval between them from 2 hours or longer. And vitamin C in the composition enhances the effect of antimicrobial agents, but similarlyincreases the possibility of side effects.

People are talking
In general, what do we know about the pharmaceutical company that developed Pikovit? It is known that it produces a whole line of vitamin and mineral preparations, created taking into account the preferences, needs and age of the potential audience. Products are produced in different forms, but the emphasis is still on children, as they get sick more often than adults. This fact is due to the special structure of the lymphoid tissue and the frivolity of babies regarding their own he alth. Therefore, vitamins have a perfectly balanced composition, relevant for taking both under heavy loads and for preventive purposes.
But after all, adults would also need a drug that has a positive effect on well-being, which improves mood and gives strength. The main factor behind is the fact that almost everyone remembers Pikovit vitamins from childhood and is accustomed to trusting them. This is a pleasant habit that can be carried over from childhood to adulthood.
So, Pikovit vitamins can be considered from all sides. "How to take it for adults" is a simple question, because there is no special trick here. Very weak products of the line can be taken up to 7 tablets per day, but if we are talking about adult vitamins, then it is better to limit ourselves to the recommended doses, and this is 2 tablets per day.
It should be reminded that it is not recommended to drink vitamins with hot tea, soda or alcohol. If you do not want to waste time on resorption (although this is verysimple), then you can drink a pill with clean water, compote or cooled tea.
And of course, I would like to know how people evaluate "Pikovit" for adults. Feedback from other people is the most important factor of choice for those who need an immune booster. It turned out that most of the reviews are positive. Mothers say that they give their children vitamins from the age of one and are satisfied with the result. There is no allergic reaction, kids like the taste of syrup, lozenges and even tablets. Many parents emphasize the fact that their children are allergic, but they also liked Pikovit.
And adults get positive emotions from taking vitamins. The feeling of chronic fatigue disappears, the mood becomes better, the feeling of apathy disappears. The taste of the syrup can be somewhat specific, but it is not forbidden to dilute Pikovit in compote or fruit drink, add it to porridge or smoothies.
In the morning, there is a charge of vivacity for the whole day, and therefore working days are fruitful and rich. The lion's share of people taking vitamins notice a significant improvement in the quality of sleep. If you arrange at least a seasonal course of taking vitamins, then the feeling of weakness, lethargy disappears, depression disappears. And you can spend less time on sleep during such a period; a couple of hours is enough to restore strength. But immunity cannot be restored and strengthened in one fell swoop. Judging by the reviews, no multivitamin has such an effect. So you won't get sick any less. But vitamins help well during the recovery period and strengthen he alth.human.