Almost every day a modern person has to feel a sense of anxiety, a constant fear of making a mistake somewhere and in something. He is often irritable, cannot relax, and suffers from insomnia. All these conditions are a consequence of stress, which has a psychological basis.
There are workarounds to deal with this condition. This is the support of a close environment, a specialist (psychologist or psychotherapist) or medication. Medicines that are used in such cases are called antidepressants. Their use has made a huge breakthrough in psychiatry and made it possible to significantly improve the prognosis for a favorable outcome in patients with depressive disorders, and also significantly reduced the number of suicides associated with these conditions.
Traditionally, with neurotic and psychosomatic disorders, pharmacotherapy with medicinal plants is used. Often these are sedatives, which include: peppermint, valerian, motherwort,peony, melissa. Compared to conventional drugs, these drugs are quite effective and have few side effects. However, they are all powerless in depression.

The only plant with antidepressant properties is St. John's wort and its derivatives, which are prescribed for minor mental disorders and neurotic reactions. To date, St. John's wort is included in the composition of various medicines. Among them, the German-made drug Doppelherz Nervotonik proved to be excellent.

What is the drug and how does it work
This remedy is of natural origin, has antidepressant and sedative effects. St. John's wort extract has a beneficial effect on the state of the autonomic and central nervous system, which, in turn, helps to improve mood, increase physical and mental activity, as well as normalize sleep.
"Doppelhertz Nervotonik" does not cause sedation and drowsiness. For this reason, doctors recommend the drug to those who have psychovegetative disorders associated with smoking cessation.
Also, the drug helps to relieve psycho-emotional stress, has a beneficial effect on general well-being in case of neurotic disorders, depressive states of mild and moderate severity, with feelings of anxiety, restlessness and asthenia. The drug enables the nervous system to withstand the negative effects of various externalfactors.

St. John's wort extract - the best natural antidepressant
St. John's wort occupies a leading position among medicinal plants. Its beneficial properties are still not fully understood. An infusion of dried St. John's wort flowers helps to cope with many diseases, in particular, the stomach, liver, heart and female genital area.
An excellent therapeutic result was shown by the use of the plant for chronic fatigue, depressive and neurological diseases, as well as sleep problems. The positive effect of the use of St. John's wort as an antidepressant is associated with the unusual composition of the medicinal plant. The main active ingredients are flavonoids, tocopherols (antioxidants), vitamins and tannins.
Increased interest in natural preparations based on St. John's wort in the field of psychotherapy is associated with a number of factors:
• an increase in the number of depressive conditions in people of different ages;
• high therapeutic effect associated with the use of drugs that contain this plant;
• affordable cost of herbal antidepressants;
• low percentage of side effects (unlike synthetic drugs).

Indications for use
"Doppelherz Nervotonik" is recommended to take in case of:
• psycho-vegetative disorders accompanied by apathy, asthenia and low mood;
• being in a state of anxiety and worry;
•mild to moderate depression;
• neurotic reactions.
Method of administration and dosage
The drug is taken orally 3 times a day, 20 ml after meals and before going to bed. Duration of admission is 6-8 weeks. If necessary, the course of treatment can be repeated. If at the end of therapy it was not possible to achieve improvement, you should consult a doctor.

The drug is made in the form of a brown-reddish elixir and is bottled in dark glass bottles with a capacity of 250 ml. Slight sedimentation and cloudiness may occur when stored in liquid, which is considered normal.
"Doppelgertz" composition is quite simple. It is based on an active substance - a liquid extract obtained from St. John's wort in the amount of 2.084 g per 100 ml. The additional components are liqueur wine and cherry liqueur concentrate. The size of the last component is 573 mg per 100 ml. Liquor wine is present at a dosage of 101.543 g per 100 ml of herbal remedy.
Side effects
When using the drug, it is necessary to take into account the presence of some side effects. These are rare but can still occur:
• allergic reactions;
• indigestion (dyspepsia);
• photosensitivity (mostly seen in people with fair skin).
Also, men should not get too carried away with the drug, since the active substances tend to accumulate inbody, which can adversely affect potency.

Contraindications and special instructions
The drug is not recommended for the following diseases and conditions:
• photosensitivity, if a history of medications containing St. John's wort was used;
• hypersensitivity to active ingredients;
• severe depression;
• children under the age of 12.
Doppelherz Nervotonik is not to be taken during pregnancy and lactation. In addition, the drug is used with caution in diseases of the brain, liver, alcoholism and traumatic brain injuries.
Special Instructions
Due to the fact that the herbal remedy contains 18 vol. ethanol, during the period of therapy, you should refuse to drive a car and work with moving mechanisms. Fair-skinned patients are advised to refrain from prolonged exposure to the sun and visits to the solarium.

Based on the main active substance - St. John's wort, the pharmacological industry offers a number of different substitute drugs. Among them, the most famous are "Deprim", "Gelarium Hypericum", "Herbion Hypericum", "St. John's wort", "Negrustin", "Neuroplant" and others.
"Doppelhertz Nervotonik" (elixir) reviews are mostly positive. Those who have had to use this tool,noted an improvement in well-being and relief of the condition with manifestations of depression. In addition, they managed to survive stress more easily, feelings of anxiety and anxiety disappeared, manifestations of nervousness and irritability decreased.
The only thing that confuses consumers is the high price of the drug, since at least three bottles of the drug are needed for a course of treatment.
Side effects were rare among users.
"Doppelhertz": a series of drugs
In addition to Doppelherz Nervotonik, the manufacturer offers several more types of dietary supplements.

Among them, "Doppelhertz ginseng", "Vitalotonic", "Energotonic", "Venotonic", "Immunotonic" have proven themselves well. All these drugs are used to treat and prevent various conditions and diseases. The most popular today is Doppelhertz Ginseng.
Unlike "Nervotonic", it is taken as a general tonic and psychostimulant. This drug promotes concentration, reduces lethargy and drowsiness, and also helps to overcome fatigue. In addition, it increases the body's resistance to stressful situations and adverse environmental effects, increases physical and mental activity, and has a positive effect on the nervous and cardiovascular systems.