Most often people consider vitamins as an optional element in the daily diet. Many refer to drugs of this kind as a useful supplement in the autumn-spring period, so as not to get sick and maintain immunity. As drugs, they are not particularly perceived. At the same time, there are situations when certain diseases have a very strong effect on an organism that suffers from a deficiency of nutrients. This is especially true for pathologies associated with vascular function and a lack of vitamins B9, B6 and B12. In this case, vitamins turn into drugs, in particular, this applies to the Angiovit vitamins.
Angiovit drug
Not so long ago, deficiency of vitamins B9, B6 and B12 in the human body was treated with syringes with ampoules and very painful injections. If we say what Angiovit is, it is best to say that it is a painless solution to the problem of hypovitaminosis of elements from group B, along with pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin and folic acid.
All these elements affect the state of blood vessels in the human body. Restored while taking the drugmicrocirculation of the substances of their walls, including capillaries, are strengthened and become much more resistant to external influences and damage, helping to reduce the risk of blood clots.

According to reviews, "Angiovit" reduces the content of a substance called homocysteine in the blood. Its excessive amount in the body can lead to various pathologies of the heart or blood vessels, including myocardial infarction and stroke.
Pharmacological properties
The pharmacological effect of Angiovit vitamins is quite extensive, despite the fact that it contains only three vitamins. Vitamin B6 plays an important role in the transmission of nerve impulses, vitamin B9 takes an active part in the process of connecting DNA molecules, and vitamin B12 is necessary for the implementation of blood formation processes.
According to the instructions, "Angiovit" belongs to the category of multivitamin complexes, including only vitamins from group B. The drug has the ability to activate the main enzymes of methionine remethylation and transsulfuration in the body, that is, cystathion-B-synthetase and methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase. As a result of the activation process in the body, the metabolism of methionine is accelerated, which leads to a decrease in the concentration of homocysteine in the human blood.
Excess of this substance in the body can contribute to the development of atherosclerosis, arterial thrombosis or diabetic angiopathy. Also, hyperhomocysteinemia can cause chronic miscarriage and congenital pathologies.fetus. In addition, this phenomenon is associated with the occurrence in a person of a state of depression of various types, dementia (senile dementia) or Alzheimer's disease.
Such changes in the body can occur precisely because of a lack of three vitamins from group B. When the level of homocysteine is normalized with the help of vitamins that make up Angiovit, atherosclerosis and thrombosis stop progressing, coronary heart disease is much easier, and circulatory disorders in the brain and diabetic angiopathy become milder.
Composition and pharmacokinetics
The composition of "Angiovit" includes three useful substances:

- Vitamin B6 or pyridoxine hydrochloride 4mg.
- Vitamin B9, or folic acid, 5 mg.
- Vitamin B12 or cyanocobalamin 6mg.
Pharmacokinetics of the drug is expressed in the rapid absorption of useful substances that make up its composition.
Vitamin preparation "Angiovit" is indicated in the following cases:

- Prevention and treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels that are associated with a high level of the substance homocysteine in the blood, namely: angina of the second or third degree; myocardial infarction; ischemic stroke; sclerotic deviations in cerebral circulation; diabetic vascular lesions.
- Circulatory disorders (fetoplacental), that is, blood circulation between the placenta and the fetus at earlier orlate pregnancy.
- Hyperhomocysteinemia.
Form of release and dosage
The multivitamin preparation "Angiovit" is available in film-coated tablets. One package contains six sets of blister packs, ten pieces each.
According to the instructions, "Angiovit" is prescribed in a dosage of one tablet per day at any time of the day. You can take a vitamin preparation both during meals and after.

Course treatment is carried out for a period of three weeks to a month.
Side effects and contraindications
Vitamin preparation "Angiovit" rarely shows side effects. Side effects can be expressed in various kinds of allergic reactions, such as rashes or other similar.
The main contraindications, according to reviews of Angiovit, are hypersensitivity to the main components of the vitamin complex. Despite this, it is recommended to take it under the supervision of a doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the main treatment.
Depending on what Angiovit is prescribed for, you need to know the compatibility of other drugs with a vitamin complex. With the joint appointment of "Angiovit" and antacids (for example, "Maalox" or "Almagel"), it should be remembered that the absorption of vitamins in this case will be disturbed. Therefore, the time interval between taking medicines should be at least two hours.
Use during pregnancy and lactation
One of the first reasons why Angiovit is prescribed,is pregnancy. A vitamin preparation can be recommended at any time when diagnosing a deficiency of vitamins from group B.

The lack of these elements provokes the occurrence of various congenital deformities and malformations in the fetus, increases the risk of a lag in the already born child in mental or physical development. Also, a lack of folic acid, pyridoxine or cyanocobalamin leads to the appearance of anemia in the mother, which can further lead to underdevelopment of the embryo or a decrease in the viability of the fetus.
Deficiency of B vitamins is especially dangerous for a pregnant woman with the risk of hyperhomocysteinemia, which can not only negatively affect the he alth of the mother and child, but also provoke a woman's chronic inability to bear a child.
Drug Interactions
The instructions for "Angiovit" indicate the features of the combination of a vitamin preparation with other drugs and therapeutic agents. For example, the simultaneous administration of contraceptives (oral) and certain types of cytostatics reduces the effectiveness of the drug, and the simultaneous administration of diuretics enhances the effect of vitamins.
Folic acid reduces the therapeutic effect of Phenytoin, and taking analgesics for a long time, anticonvulsants (including Carbamazepine and Phenytoin), estrogens or oral contraceptives, on the contrary, negatively affects the absorption of folic acid by the body. Antacids also have a negative effect on acid.(including magnesium and aluminum preparations), Colestyramine and sulfonamides (including Sulfasalazine).
The effect of taking vitamin B9 is reduced by such drugs: Methotrexate, Pyrimethamine, Triamterene, Trimethoprim, which reduce the chemical reactions of dihydrofolate reductase in the body.

Pyridoxine hydrochloride has an amplifying effect on diuretics and a weakening effect on levodopa. In turn, isonicotin hydrazide, Penicillamine, Cycloserine and estrogen-containing oral contraceptives weaken the effect of taking vitamin B6.
Pyridoxine hydrochloride, which is part of Angiovit, according to reviews, interacts well with cardiac glycosides, increasing the synthesis of contracting proteins in the myocardium, and also increases the body's resistance to hypoxia with the help of asparkam and glutamic acid.
When taking cyanocobalamin with aminoglycosides, salicylates, antiepileptic drugs, colchicine or potassium preparations, the absorption of vitamin B12 is reduced. Cyanocobalamin does not combine well with thiamine, provoking the appearance of allergic-type reactions from vitamin B12. A combination of cyanocobalamin and drugs that increase blood clotting can also have a negative effect on well-being.
"Angiovit": analogues
Angiovit vitamin preparation has no analogues in the structure of active substances, since the composition of the preparation includes a rare combination of vitamins.
According to the pharmacological group, several drugs have a similar set of elements, therefore, toanalogues of "Angiovit" include the following multivitamin complexes:

- Antioxycaps with iodine;
- Alvitil;
- Beviplex;
- Aerovit;
- Vectrum Junior;
- Benfolipen;
- "Vetoron for kids";
- Vetoron;
- Vibovit Junior;
- "Vibovit Baby";
- "Vitamult";
- Vitabex;
- "Vitasharm";
- "Vitacitrol";
- Gendevit;
- "Hexavit";
- "Dekamevit";
- "Heptavit";
- "K altsevita";
- "Jungle";
- Macrovit;
- Combilipen Tabs;
- "Multivita plus;
- "Multi tabs";
- "Neurogamma";
- "Neurotrat forte";
- Neuromultivit;
- "Pentovit";
- "Pikovit forte";
- "Pikovit";
- "Multivitamin Blend";
- "Watering for children";
- "Revit";
- "Pregnavit F";
- "Revitalize";
- "Sana Sol";
- "Rikawit";
- "Stressstabils 500";
- "Stress Formula 600";
- "Triovit Cardio";
- Tetravit;
- "Foliber";
- "Undevit";
- Unigamma.
"Angiovit": reviews
There are practically no negative reviews regarding the Angiovit drug, with the exception of stories about the combination of a vitamin complex with incompatible drugs.

In most cases, the course of taking the drug allows you to get rid of the deficiency of B vitamins in the body. This affects the overallhe alth status and helps to alleviate the course of diseases caused by deficiency.
The Angiovit vitamin complex, despite the small number of its constituent elements, improves the patient's well-being and alleviates the symptoms of already existing diseases.