During diets, the body does not receive a large amount of vitamins and minerals. And they are so necessary for its normal functioning.
Weight loss harms the body
Many people don't even think about how dieting or fasting is harmful to he alth. Often the skin condition worsens, hair begins to fall out. In addition to the visible factors of poor he alth, a person who restricts himself in he althy foods for a long time begins to work worse in the digestive system. These people may develop headaches or heart problems. To avoid all this, you need to choose the right diet, in which, first of all, there will be a sufficient amount of vitamins, fiber and other useful trace elements. Even the most ardent adherents of a he althy diet will agree that pharmaceutical preparations must be taken additionally.
The need for vitamins
Before we start talking about which ones are needed, let's try to understand the question of what vitamins are for.

From a very young age, we are all taught that we absolutely need to use such drugs. But not many of us knowwhy do we even need them.
Even from the name itself, you can understand how important these same vitamins are for us. Vita means life in Latin. That is, we already understand that this is what everyone needs for life. In fact, the daily dose of vitamins is not so great. But if you do not use them in sufficient quantities, then even the most he althy person will have problems. He will feel weak, unwell, irritable. The lack of vitamins immediately affects the condition of the teeth. They begin to deteriorate, darken, hurt. A person who ignores the intake of nutrients often begins to complain of deteriorating he alth.
Vitamins are involved in almost all metabolic mechanisms of the body. Responsible for the work of many organs. Also, the immune system cannot function well without enough vitamins. The human body does not produce them, they come exclusively with food. But, unfortunately, many begin to use them only during illness. It must be remembered that vitamins are not medicines, but vital substances for the he alth of our body.
The lack of vitamins is especially bad for children. A growing body needs them much more than an adult. With the help of useful trace elements, the child better tolerates stress and the influence of the environment, which becomes more polluted every year.

But it is not enough to use just one, it is very important to choose the right complex of vitamins and minerals.
Required Items
Scientists have long identified the main groups of elements that should be present in the diet of every person. This is a group of vitamins B, vitamin A, C, D and, of course, E. The latter is responsible for the quality of our skin. There are twelve vitamins in total.
Many will say that using them every day is unrealistic. Because it's very expensive. Not everyone can afford to eat vegetables and fruits every day. But not everyone knows that vitamins are also found in meat, fish, nuts, dairy products, etc.

For example, people in Japan are much less likely to suffer from cardiovascular diseases, as they constantly eat fish and seafood.
Everyone should remember that during the heat treatment of food, vitamins are destroyed, and during conservation, too. Also, given the current environmental situation and the state of the soil on which fruits and vegetables are grown today, we can safely say that even their use will not save. Scientists have found that in order to get the required amount of vitamins per day, a person needs to eat about 50 kg of various foods.
Pharmacy preparations
From this it should be concluded that the body needs an additional complex of vitamins and minerals bought at the pharmacy.

These can be, for example, one-component groups. A multivitamin complex is also suitable. One-component groups contain only one vitamin. He is prescribed by a physiciancase of its acute shortage in the body. For prevention, it is better to use multivitamins. They also contain magnesium, calcium, iodine and many other useful substances.
Diet and he althy elements
We looked at what vitamins are for and in what quantities. Now imagine how little we receive every day. We also note that vitamins in a diet are especially necessary. Indeed, without them, our body simply cannot function normally.
When choosing this or that diet for yourself, try to calculate in advance what useful microelements will come from food. Then you will be able to understand what essential vitamins you need to add in addition to the diet.
During the diet, we limit ourselves not only in harmful and fatty foods, but also in all useful substances that support normal functioning. Based on this, consider what vitamins to drink when dieting.
Those who want to look slim and fit, in addition to dieting, regularly visit the gym and know that vitamin A is needed to build muscle mass.

Without it, the skin looks dull. Vitamin A is found in many vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, bell peppers). It's also a good idea to have peaches that are fresh in season.
Vitamin E is second in importance during the diet.
As already found out, it is responsible for the elasticity of our skin. This vitamin is found in almost all types of nuts and vegetable oils.
Further in importance, you cannote vitamin B1, which improves carbohydrate metabolism. Thanks to this element, blood sugar levels are stabilized. Therefore, this vitamin is added to various dietary supplements that are prescribed for weight loss.
You should always monitor the level of hemoglobin in your blood. Therefore, use vitamins B2, B12. This is especially important for vegetarians who consciously refuse to eat animal fats and proteins.
What vitamins are needed for a diet? For muscle recovery after training, B6 will be useful. And, of course, we must not forget about C. It is very important for maintaining our immune system, especially during diets and exercise.
Other He althy Diet Items
Magnesium is needed to speed up metabolic processes. A large amount of it is found in oatmeal, bran, beans.
Many believe that eating fatty fish is bad for their figure. But this is absolutely not true. Since OMEGA-3, which is part of them, helps to saturate the body faster. You won't feel hungry for long.
Good funds
Which good vitamins to choose when dieting? In order to decide which ones to eat, you should decide on what kind of diet you want to go on. If you are an adherent of vegetarianism, then it is very important to consider that animal proteins and fats are removed from the diet. And these elements are extremely important for the functioning of many organs. But on the other hand, with this diet, a sufficient amount of fiber and vitamin C enters the body. Additionally, you need to start takingvitamins of group B. It is advisable to drink fish oil separately. If you can not stand its smell, then buy it in a pharmacy in capsules.

If you have become a supporter of the protein diet, then remember that this is one of the toughest and most dangerous diets. With this system of nutrition, the use of vitamins is mandatory. Vitamin C deficiency can occur. And this will significantly weaken the immune system. Also include extra fiber.
With a low-fat diet, the body does not get enough fat. They are essential for he althy and supple skin. Therefore, fish oil and vitamin E must be added to food.
Strict diet
What vitamins are suitable for a strict diet? In this case, and what is even worse when fasting, the body needs “feeding” more than ever. Therefore, with these types of restrictions, it is necessary to add all possible vitamins, fats and amino acids.

You must remember that after any diet, the body remains depleted and begins to replenish the missing substances with double strength. This can cause you to start gaining the pounds you worked so hard to shed.
Summing up, we can say that no matter what diet, always make sure that there are foods on the table that are enriched not only with vitamins, but also with other useful trace elements.