Supplements and vitamins 2024, October

Vitamins of group B in ampoules - names and instructions for use

Vitamins of group B in ampoules - names and instructions for use

Among the variety of vitamins and trace elements in pharmacology, group B substances stand apart. These are thiamine, riboflavin, cyanocobalamin, pyridoxine, biotin, nicotinic and folic acids. Pharmacology recognizes these substances not just as biologically active, but classifies them as drugs with a medicinal effect. The names of B vitamins in ampoules are different: you can find them in this article, as well as learn about the principles of their action, contraindications and side effects from taking

Succinic acid for a child: indications for use, benefits and side effects

Succinic acid for a child: indications for use, benefits and side effects

Amber is a unique stone that has long attracted the attention of people. Warm, as if glowing from the inside, it is different from all other gems. For a long time people argued about the nature of its origin

Vitamin E for a child: purpose, action, composition, dosage, indications and contraindications

Vitamin E for a child: purpose, action, composition, dosage, indications and contraindications

Most people have heard or know that vitamin E is good for the human body. This is the main antioxidant that enters the body with food and affects the immune system. Is it good for kids? In the article we will tell you if a child needs vitamin E and in what quantities, what are its properties and are there any contraindications

Protein for weight loss for girls: feedback on the results of the application

Protein for weight loss for girls: feedback on the results of the application

Slimming and the gym are inseparable. If you want to have a good figure, then you definitely need to increase physical activity. Today it is becoming fashionable to go to gyms. You can regularly see advertising banners that depict slender girls. Almost everyone has a protein shaker in their hands. Protein is sometimes perceived as a magic tool that in itself promotes weight loss

Vitamins "Alphabet": types, instructions for use, composition and customer reviews

Vitamins "Alphabet": types, instructions for use, composition and customer reviews

The multivitamin complex "Alfavit" is designed to maintain the he alth and performance of the whole family. A balanced combination of vitamins allows the body to fully absorb each of them

"Relaxen (scutellaria and hops)": reviews, instructions for use

"Relaxen (scutellaria and hops)": reviews, instructions for use

Many medicinal plants are used to make products such as dietary supplements. They are used as an additional component of traditional methods of treatment for many diseases or he alth disorders. One of these dietary supplements is "Relaxen (scutellaria and hops)". Reviews about it, instructions for use will be discussed in the article

Vitamin E: name, description, instructions for use

Vitamin E: name, description, instructions for use

Without a daily intake of vitamins, it makes no sense to count on excellent he alth and even just good he alth. From these substances, as if from bricks, our body is built, and if one of the bricks is missing, the wall can collapse. So is human he alth - with a deficiency of at least one vitamin, serious diseases can develop. Let's talk about vitamin E (another name is tocopherol) and its role in the human body

"Normolife": reviews of doctors and customers

"Normolife": reviews of doctors and customers

Many people of mature age have an increase in blood pressure, especially in men. This is one of the main reasons for the development of diseases of the cardiovascular system. Despite this, people are usually very suspicious of blood pressure medications and refuse to use them, even though they know that antihypertensive therapy can prolong life for many years

"Nutridrink Compact Protein": instructions for use, reviews of doctors

"Nutridrink Compact Protein": instructions for use, reviews of doctors

Nutridrink Compact Protein is a high-calorie and mega protein drink. Produced ready for use. It is intended for specialized nutrition of adults. "Nutridrink Compact Protein" in the instructions for use and in the reviews of doctors is called the ideal drink for patients who have undergone surgery, suffering from anorexia or cancer. Delicious dietary product suitable for anyone who needs nutritional support for the body

"Laktofiltrum" for cleansing the body: reviews, instructions for use, analogues

"Laktofiltrum" for cleansing the body: reviews, instructions for use, analogues

"Laktofiltrum" is a drug of combined form, which includes both a prebiotic and a sorbent. The first promotes the reproduction of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, and the second absorbs all the toxic substances that were produced by the body in the process of life and came from outside. Both substances are active in the lumen of the colon

"Lysoprim Lor": reviews, instructions for use

"Lysoprim Lor": reviews, instructions for use

Pharmaceutical product "Lysoprim Lor" is not a drug. This is a biologically active food supplement, which is an additional source of vitamin B6 and inulin, which also contains lysozyme in its basis. More information about this tool, as well as how to take it correctly and about the reviews for "Lysoprim Lor" will be discussed below

"Illusan", a natural natural complex: reviews, instructions

"Illusan", a natural natural complex: reviews, instructions

"Illusan" is a natural natural complex, reviews of which do not allow you to pass by and not pay special attention to the drug. Despite the fact that this remedy has not yet been registered as a medicine or an official pharmacy dietary supplement, some have already managed to feel its effect on themselves and share their experience of using

Quercetin - what is it? Instructions for use of tablets

Quercetin - what is it? Instructions for use of tablets

Many wonder what it is - quercetin? This substance belongs to the group of vitamins P and is considered an aglycone of flavonoid plant glycosides, including rutin. In this material we will talk about this substance and the drug based on it

Evening cocktail "Herbalife": reviews of doctors

Evening cocktail "Herbalife": reviews of doctors

What associations does the Herbalife evening cocktail evoke in consumers? Reviews are very contradictory. This drug has both fans and fierce opponents. The lack of consensus is largely due to the fact that buyers purchased the product without first consulting a nutritionist

Vitamins for teenagers "Vitrum Teenager": reviews, composition, instructions for use

Vitamins for teenagers "Vitrum Teenager": reviews, composition, instructions for use

To ensure the vital activity of the body, each person needs vitamins and microelements. Pharmaceutical companies offer their drugs based on age, location, and other factors. Children and adolescents deserve special attention, because their body is only developing and growing. In the article, we will consider vitamins for the second group "Vitrum Teenager", reviews about them, composition and method of application

The best vitamins for osteochondrosis: reviews and recommendations

The best vitamins for osteochondrosis: reviews and recommendations

Most often, older people suffer from osteochondrosis. Recently, however, cases of the incidence of this disease among young people not older than 25 years have become more frequent. This is due to the modern sedentary "office" lifestyle and spending most of the time in front of a computer monitor. It is this pastime that adversely affects the intervertebral space

Vitamins "Pikovit Forte 7+": reviews, composition, instructions for use

Vitamins "Pikovit Forte 7+": reviews, composition, instructions for use

The days when a person independently grew wheat, vegetables, fruits for himself and his family, bred livestock and poultry have long sunk into oblivion. The modern rhythm of life dictates its conditions. Nowadays it is quite difficult to maintain a balanced diet. And the quality of products in modern stores leaves much to be desired

Vitamins "Univit Kids": instructions for use, composition, reviews

Vitamins "Univit Kids": instructions for use, composition, reviews

Many parents are of the opinion that in winter and spring, the child's body needs additional sources of vitamins. Of course, fruits and vegetables are a definite benefit, but only if they are not grown in greenhouses. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to pharmaceutical preparations designed taking into account age-related needs

Vitamins essential for hair and nails

Vitamins essential for hair and nails

Hair become dull, and nails exfoliate? Your diet does not contain enough vitamins that are useful for them. Review your diet according to the recommendations below

The indispensable drug "Folacin" during pregnancy

The indispensable drug "Folacin" during pregnancy

The drug "Folacin" during pregnancy should be used without fail, because it is folic acid that regulates many processes in the body and prevents the appearance of various fetal malformations

"Vitrum Beauty": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

"Vitrum Beauty": instructions for use, composition, analogues and reviews

"Vitrum Beauty" is a medicinal multivitamin product that contains B vitamins, ascorbic acid, cholecalciferol, useful amino acids and other microelements important for the functioning of the body. All these components help to increase the formation of fibrillar protein (collagen), and also contribute to the regeneration and improvement of the skin, hair and nails

What is the composition of the hematogen?

What is the composition of the hematogen?

People often don't think about what the hematogen is made of. But when buying it for a child, think about it: you bought a hematogen in a pharmacy. This is a medicinal product. It also has instructions for use. Can it be harmful? What is it made of and for what purpose?

Fish oil capsules: benefits and contraindications, reviews

Fish oil capsules: benefits and contraindications, reviews

In the modern world, various pharmaceutical companies have been producing and selling this drug in capsules for a long time. Pharmacy customer reviews often say that this is a fairly convenient form of release

Good vitamins for hair, nails and skin: formulations, reviews

Good vitamins for hair, nails and skin: formulations, reviews

To maintain her beauty and preserve youth, a girl needs not only a good mood and emotions. Vitamin and mineral complexes remain indispensable in this matter. With their lack, problems such as hair loss, dry lips, peeling of the skin and brittle nails occur

The best vitamins for fatigue and drowsiness: reviews

The best vitamins for fatigue and drowsiness: reviews

Chronic fatigue, exposure to stress, constant insomnia, increased irritability. Are these manifestations symptoms of the disease? Most often, this is simply an indicator of poor nutrition, a deficiency of vitamins and trace elements in the diet

Coenzyme Q10: reviews, instructions for use, analogues

Coenzyme Q10: reviews, instructions for use, analogues

The article describes in detail the importance of coenzyme Q10 in the human body, where it is contained and what positive and negative effects it can have. In addition, the main effects of preparations containing this element on certain parts of the human body are determined: hair, skin, general he alth

Glutamine: reviews, release form, instructions for use and contraindications

Glutamine: reviews, release form, instructions for use and contraindications

As follows from the reviews, glutamine is quite widespread among athletes. To meet demand, many manufacturers produce special sports nutrition rich in this amino acid. Reviews about its effect on the human body are different, but mostly positive

The best vitamins for men - rating, application features and reviews

The best vitamins for men - rating, application features and reviews

Complex pharmaceutical products containing vitamins for men are a source of useful compounds indispensable for the proper functioning of the body. Such substances are equally important in case of their shortage in the body, and, if necessary, the prevention of beriberi. An increased need for vitamins occurs for a variety of reasons - an unbalanced diet, too much stress, the influence of stress factors, individual physiological characteristics

Vitamins for women "Vitrum Beauty": instructions for use

Vitamins for women "Vitrum Beauty": instructions for use

The "Vitrum Beauty" instruction supplied with the kit characterizes it as a complex of various useful microelements, amino acids and minerals, the proportions of which are specially balanced taking into account all the needs of the female body. Regular intake of this remedy has a pronounced metabolic and multivitamin effect. In addition, the active ingredients that make up this drug are an integral part of various enzymatic systems

Dietary supplement "Selenium-Active": instructions for use

Dietary supplement "Selenium-Active": instructions for use

The instruction for use characterizes the Selenium-Active preparation as a dietary supplement that compensates for the lack of one of the most important components of the body's antioxidant defense. In addition, taking this remedy normalizes the functioning of the digestive tract, cardiovascular and immune systems

Vitamin and mineral preparation for women "Cyclovit": instructions for use

Vitamin and mineral preparation for women "Cyclovit": instructions for use

The Cyclovita complex is described by the instruction as a two-phase vitamin-mineral remedy, which is specially designed for women suffering from menstrual irregularities. At the same time, this balanced drug should be taken strictly in accordance with certain phases. Means "Cyclovit 1" is used from the first to the fourteenth day of the menstrual cycle, and dragee "Cyclovit 2" - from the fifteenth to the twenty-eighth day

Vitamin-mineral complex "Berocca": instructions for use

Vitamin-mineral complex "Berocca": instructions for use

The drug "Berocca" instructions for use is presented as a vitamin-mineral complex, which is specially designed to compensate for the deficiency of microelements of groups B and C, as well as magnesium and calcium in the human body. Regular intake of this remedy allows you to normalize the state of the nervous system and the work of the heart, effectively stimulate the process of tissue regeneration and stabilize metabolic processes

Fish oil capsules (instruction, benefits, action)

Fish oil capsules (instruction, benefits, action)

Everyone knows that a number of products most positively affect the processes in the human body. One such essential ingredient is fish oil. In capsules (instruction attached) or in liquid form - you can choose any option

Multivitamin preparation "Selmevit": instructions for use

Multivitamin preparation "Selmevit": instructions for use

The preparation "Selmevit" instructions for use is presented as a multivitamin remedy, the action of which is primarily due to the properties of minerals, vitamins and a variety of useful trace elements that make up its composition. Regular intake of this complex allows you to normalize lipid metabolism and the process of blood coagulation, restore the body after increased nervous and physical stress, and also activate its defenses

Vitamin-mineral preparation "Special Dragee Merz": instructions for use

Vitamin-mineral preparation "Special Dragee Merz": instructions for use

The instruction characterizes the complex called "Merz Special Dragee" as a vitamin and mineral preparation designed to protect hair, skin and nails from the effects of increased stress and stress. The composition of this product includes a unique combination of useful microelements, which are selected in such a ratio as to most effectively support all biological processes occurring in the body at the required level

Vitamin and mineral complex "Selmevit": consumer reviews

Vitamin and mineral complex "Selmevit": consumer reviews

We bring to your attention a balanced vitamin and mineral complex called "Selmevit". Consumer reviews speak of its high efficiency. Due to the presence of 11 vitamins and 9 minerals, which are perfectly matched, the drug is quickly absorbed and has an antioxidant effect

"Biomax"-vitamins: reviews and main characteristics

"Biomax"-vitamins: reviews and main characteristics

People very often choose "Biomax"-vitamins. Reviews indicate that patients experience a surge of strength and energy even while taking them

Prebiotics are the only remedy when there is no breast milk

Prebiotics are the only remedy when there is no breast milk

Prebiotics are special food ingredients. They are not digested in the small intestine, their action is directed to the microflora of the large intestine. They stimulate its growth and increase biological activity

International "Coral Club". Reviews, drugs, dietary supplements

International "Coral Club". Reviews, drugs, dietary supplements

There are many companies involved in the distribution of certain goods. One of the most popular is the direct sales company Coral Club. Feedback on the work of distributors and the products themselves can be found on numerous forums. During the time that the company is on the market, you can find completely different opinions

The drug "Duovit" for women: reviews, composition, price

The drug "Duovit" for women: reviews, composition, price

Stress, anxiety, malnutrition and an accelerated pace of life contribute to the development of fatigue, lethargy and weakness in women. Against the background of these reasons, anemia, osteoporosis develops, hair becomes brittle and dull, and the skin wilts. How to avoid these consequences?