Supplements and vitamins 2024, October

"Complivit super-energy with ginseng": reviews, composition, indications and contraindications

"Complivit super-energy with ginseng": reviews, composition, indications and contraindications

Vitamins "Complivit super-energy with ginseng" are recommended as a biologically active food supplement (BAA). The components included in the composition are able to increase physical and mental activity, adaptation. Taking dietary supplements reduces the risk of developing chronic fatigue

Products "Herbalife": "Schisandra"

Products "Herbalife": "Schisandra"

What is Herbalife's Schizandra Advands and Schizandra Plus? Let's talk about the advantages of drugs, the properties of their main ingredients, beneficial effects on the body, application. In conclusion - reviews of those who have tried this dietary supplement

"Sana-Sol" - vitamins for the whole family: composition, instructions for use, reviews

"Sana-Sol" - vitamins for the whole family: composition, instructions for use, reviews

"Sana-Sol" is a series of multivitamin complexes that are intended for various categories of people. Let's take a closer look at the preparations of this series

Vitamins "Ultra-D": reviews, instructions for use

Vitamins "Ultra-D": reviews, instructions for use

Nature very prudently gave a person everything necessary for a full and rich life. Vitamin D is also one of nature's gifts. Its role cannot be overestimated, not only in childhood, but also in adulthood

Balanced nutrition Energy Diet Smart: reviews of doctors, features and effect

Balanced nutrition Energy Diet Smart: reviews of doctors, features and effect

Nutrition Energy Diet Smart, reviews of which are more often positive than negative, is an innovative product in the he althy nutrition market, created using the most modern technologies. It has the optimal ratio of all components

Honey teddy hair: reviews, descriptions and rules for the use of vitamins for hair

Honey teddy hair: reviews, descriptions and rules for the use of vitamins for hair

Women are trying different ways to improve the condition of their hair, but no shampoos and balms will help if the body lacks nutrients and vitamins. One of the most effective complexes is Honey teddy hair. Reviews of these vitamins have already been left by thousands of women who managed to strengthen their hair

Energy drink "Adrenaline": composition, harm and benefits

Energy drink "Adrenaline": composition, harm and benefits

Austrian entrepreneur Dietrich Mateschitz after a visit to Asia came up with the idea to create a drink that competes with Pepsi. And then the inspiring Red Bull appeared on the market. Companies producing similar products responded by releasing their own variants: the fiery Burn, the Adrenaline Rush drink and others

Moringa - what is it? Useful properties, application

Moringa - what is it? Useful properties, application

Each person is adorned with well-groomed and beautiful skin. Quite often, to achieve an excellent result, it is required to perform various procedures, take drugs, and sometimes resort to surgery. But in nature there is a plant that allows you to make the skin beautiful. Moringa has this property. What it is? This is discussed in the article

Drug "Polyzym": reviews, application features and instructions

Drug "Polyzym": reviews, application features and instructions

For the proper functioning of the liver, as well as the correction of bile formation, the elimination of circulatory disorders and the normal restoration of tissue structure and the proper functioning of the body as a whole, the hepatoprotective agent "Polyzym" is used

Nutricomplex for hair and nails from "Oriflame": composition, instructions, reviews

Nutricomplex for hair and nails from "Oriflame": composition, instructions, reviews

An important component for a chic image of a desired woman is beautiful, he althy hair and nails. Sometimes you try your best to take care of them, but undesirable manifestations arise: nails exfoliate, hair breaks and falls out. If the body does not give them the necessary substances, no care will cope with this problem. In this case, we suggest using the Oriflame hair and nail nutricomplex from the Wellness series. This nanoproduct will definitely provide your body with

Do not believe the words and reviews, or How the average consumer found out whether it is worth spending money on Laktomarin

Do not believe the words and reviews, or How the average consumer found out whether it is worth spending money on Laktomarin

Overview of production technology, justification of the price and verification by an ordinary consumer of the consistency of reviews on Laktomarin with a reliable analysis of its composition and properties

Vitamins "Complivit Iron": reviews, composition

Vitamins "Complivit Iron": reviews, composition

Today there is a huge amount of vitamin-mineral complexes on the market. Each of them has its own composition and can only be assigned under certain circumstances to a specific person. Today we want to tell you about the Complivit Iron vitamins, which are most often prescribed at the initial stage of anemia

Fish oil "Amber drop". Description and use of the drug

Fish oil "Amber drop". Description and use of the drug

Fish oil "Amber drop" - a drug of animal origin and is used as a dietary supplement. This article provides introductory information about the beneficial properties and method of using a natural product

"Lecithin NSP" - an indispensable dietary supplement for modern man

"Lecithin NSP" - an indispensable dietary supplement for modern man

Lecithin is a substance that plays a huge role in maintaining the he alth of most human systems and organs. Stress, malnutrition, bad habits, lack of time for he althy sleep - all these factors provoke a deterioration in he alth

Maxler Vita Women: reviews, composition, instructions for use. Complex of vitamins and minerals for active women

Maxler Vita Women: reviews, composition, instructions for use. Complex of vitamins and minerals for active women

Dietary supplements (biologically active supplements) have firmly entered our lives. They are not a cure and cannot cure a disease. Their main task is to restore, saturate the body with useful microelements and vitamins. Sports women actively use dietary supplements. Especially if they are engaged in professional sports or bodybuilding

What are steroids: description, types, application, effectiveness and reviews

What are steroids: description, types, application, effectiveness and reviews

Probably no topic is more controversial than the use of steroids to gain muscle mass. Someone is sure that this seriously affects the state of he alth. Others say that modern drugs are completely safe, while others generally think that these are illegal drugs. What are steroids, what are their types and effectiveness? Let's consider together

Drug "Osteomed": reviews, instructions for use

Drug "Osteomed": reviews, instructions for use

Osteoporosis is a disease that causes brittle bones due to a lack of calcium in the body. With the help of the drug "Osteomed" the deficiency of missing substances is replenished. This bioactive food supplement copes with the task better than analogues, because it contains drone brood - a component that normalizes the patient's hormonal background

E-400 vitamin: instructions for use, reviews. NOW Foods Natural Vitamin E Capsules

E-400 vitamin: instructions for use, reviews. NOW Foods Natural Vitamin E Capsules

The human body is not always able to get the necessary nutrients through the daily diet. There is a large selection of biological supplements that can replenish the missing supply of nutrients. Sometimes the attending physician may consider it necessary to prescribe vitamin E-400

Dietary supplement "He alth Rhythms": reviews

Dietary supplement "He alth Rhythms": reviews

In this work we will talk about dietary supplements called "Rhythms of He alth". How is it used and why is it needed? You can learn about all this by reading the article. Surely everyone knows what biorhythms are. You can say this - the biological rhythm serves as a kind of organization of the biological system. They are necessary for the correct and most effective functioning of all organs of living beings

Creatine "Maxler" (Maxler Creatine): how to take, reviews. Sports nutrition

Creatine "Maxler" (Maxler Creatine): how to take, reviews. Sports nutrition

If you want to quickly gain muscle mass, you can not do without creatine. What is it, how and in what quantities to use? Answers to these, and not only, questions in the article

Bioadditive "Pari Evalar" as an aid in the fight against alcohol and drug addiction

Bioadditive "Pari Evalar" as an aid in the fight against alcohol and drug addiction

Medicinal herbs are actively used in modern medicine. BAA "Pari Evalar" helps to get rid of alcohol and drug addiction, but only if the person himself seeks to lead a he althy lifestyle

Vitamins for muscles: which ones are better? Building, strengthening and repairing muscles

Vitamins for muscles: which ones are better? Building, strengthening and repairing muscles

Vitamins and minerals our body needs every day. Moreover, the higher the load, the stronger this need. Today we want to tell you about the necessary vitamins for muscle growth, strengthening and recovery

"Bion 3": analogues and instructions for use

"Bion 3": analogues and instructions for use

The attending physician prescribes a course of treatment, always based on the individual indicators of each patient, as well as the results of the examination (blood tests, urine tests). Based on this, the doctor selects the drug that best meets the needs of the patient at that moment

Natural Immune Vitamin Blends

Natural Immune Vitamin Blends

At home, you can prepare delicious and he althy vitamin mixtures for immunity. Their significant advantage will be the absence of contraindications, with the exception of an allergy to one of the components of the mixture, some diseases of the kidneys and liver. We must not forget only that this method is preventive, not therapeutic. That is, it will only help to avoid infection, and when the first symptoms of the disease appear, you should immediately consult a doctor

What is good vitamin E (instructions for use) in capsules

What is good vitamin E (instructions for use) in capsules

In addition to its antioxidant action, vitamin E has a number of therapeutic and preventive properties, which means you should know how to take vitamin E capsules correctly

Medication "Immuno plus multi-tabs" - a rich vitamin complex

Medication "Immuno plus multi-tabs" - a rich vitamin complex

Vitamins "Multi-tabs immuno plus" is a valuable complex that effectively strengthens the immune system, restores the body's natural defenses, especially after the use of antibiotics and other drugs

Additional source of vitamins "Complivit Selenium"

Additional source of vitamins "Complivit Selenium"

The drug "Complivit Selenium" acts as an additional source of various trace elements and vitamins, as well as selenium. The therapeutic effect of this remedy is directly due to the beneficial properties of the components that are present in its composition. At the same time, the compatibility of all substances contained in the preparation "Complivit Selenium" is provided with a special technology

Vitamins "Dopel hertz" - an effective remedy for the heart

Vitamins "Dopel hertz" - an effective remedy for the heart

Indications for use: Doppel Hertz Omega is used to treat hyperlipidemia, atherosclerosis, to compensate for the deficiency of tocopherol and polyunsaturated fatty acids. This drug is a vitamin for the heart. "Doppel Hertz" with calcium and magnesium should be taken with high physical and mental stress, poor unbalanced nutrition, bad habits (abuse of alcohol, tobacco), as well as for the prevention of cardiovascular pathologies and atherosclerosis

Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C: where is it found the most

Ascorbic acid, or vitamin C: where is it found the most

Vitamins are organic substances that perform an auxiliary function in relation to hormones and enzymes. They are involved in almost all processes occurring in our body. Lack of a particular vitamin in the diet can be detrimental to he alth

Which vitamins are the best: the opinion of experts and consumers

Which vitamins are the best: the opinion of experts and consumers

A lot has been said and written about the benefits of vitamins. No one disputes the fact that they are necessary to maintain the body in the off-season, in the winter, when their share in the human diet falls. They are needed during rehabilitation, after an illness, and in many other situations. However, the question remains about which vitamins are the best, which of them should be paid attention to and taken without fear. In this case, you need to study consumer reviews and consult a doctor

Instructions for use "Supradin Kids" - dietary supplement for children

Instructions for use "Supradin Kids" - dietary supplement for children

Instructions for use "Supradin Kids" characterizes as a biological additive with a pronounced tonic effect. At the heart of this remedy is a specially balanced complex of various vitamins and useful microelements necessary for the child's body for normal growth and functioning

Benefits of apples for the body: the amazing properties of a familiar fruit

Benefits of apples for the body: the amazing properties of a familiar fruit

Apple - at first glance, a fruit that is unpretentious and familiar to our man, familiar since childhood. Do you know what benefits lie in these delicious juicy fruits?

Biological additive "Special Dragee Merz"

Biological additive "Special Dragee Merz"

Combined drug called "Merz Special Dragee" is a complex that contains a unique combination of dietary supplements, vitamins and iron necessary for the normal functioning of the body

Instructions for the use of "Retinol acetate" - a dermatoprotective agent

Instructions for the use of "Retinol acetate" - a dermatoprotective agent

Instructions for use "Retinol acetate" defines this drug as a dermatoprotective agent that effectively inhibits keratinization, activates skin regeneration and prevents the development of hyperkeratosis. In addition, this drug stimulates the division of epithelial cells and has a pronounced tonic effect

What vitamins do we need for vitality and energy

What vitamins do we need for vitality and energy

If you know the feeling of constant fatigue and apathy, you constantly want to sleep, you don’t even have the strength for everyday activities, then most likely your body lacks vitamins

Dietary supplement for children "ImmunoBears": instructions for use

Dietary supplement for children "ImmunoBears": instructions for use

The "ImmunoMishki" preparation is characterized by the instruction as a dietary supplement, which is included in the pharmacological group of vitamin-like substances and coenzymes. Regular use of this tool allows you to reliably strengthen children's immunity, protect the baby's body from a variety of viral and colds, as well as ensure a speedy recovery and recovery of the body after an illness

Dietary supplement "Femibion": instructions for use

Dietary supplement "Femibion": instructions for use

The instruction presents the drug "Femibion" as a dietary supplement, specially designed for women who are planning a pregnancy or already pregnant. Regular intake of this complex provides the necessary level of mineral substances and beneficial trace elements in the body. In addition, thanks to the use of the biological additive "Femibion", the nutritional status of a pregnant woman is effectively corrected

Vitamins for hair: reviews and reviews of popular drugs

Vitamins for hair: reviews and reviews of popular drugs

Pharmaceutical companies offer a huge amount of vitamins to improve the condition of the hair. But not every remedy is actually effective. Therefore, when choosing, it is important to evaluate the drug according to several criteria and find the right one for you

Vitamins for our he alth: composition of Complivit, dosage, indications and contraindications for use

Vitamins for our he alth: composition of Complivit, dosage, indications and contraindications for use

One of the most effective and popular vitamin complexes in Russia is Complivit. For many years Pharmstandard has been producing small-sized film-coated tablets. This allows even children to take them without difficulty, without experiencing any inconvenience

Vitamin complex "Pentovit": indications for use, composition, dosage and reviews of the drug

Vitamin complex "Pentovit": indications for use, composition, dosage and reviews of the drug

Doctors and nutritionists recommend taking a multivitamin all year round to maintain immunity, and also as an aid in the fight against many diseases. In this article, we will consider the Pentovit complex: indications for the use of the drug, its composition, the required dosage, as well as reviews about it