Lecithin is a phospholipid substance that is vital for the human body. Under the action of enzymes, it can be split into 3 components:
- fatty acids;
- choline;
- glycero-phosphoric acid.
Functions that lecithin performs
The benefits and harms of this substance have not been fully understood for a long time, but now we can say with full confidence that it performs the following important functions:
- acts as a building material used by
- is a vehicle for delivering nutrients to cells.

I am the body to restore the structure of damaged cells;
Scientists have found a direct relationship between mental retardation in children and a deficiency of lecithin in their body.
What foods contain lecithin?
The benefits of lecithin prompted pharmaceutical companies to start producing special food supplements that can effectively deal with the lack of this substance. They are directly accessible andavailable without a prescription at any pharmacy.

But don't forget that the best lecithin is the one that comes from natural foods. Its main sources are:
- eggs;
- nuts;
- legumes;
- caviar;
- meat offal;
- cabbage.
To maintain he alth, it is necessary that all of the above products are regularly present in the diet.
Lecithin: benefits and harms
Human immunity directly depends on the amount of antibodies and phagocytes, for the production of which lecithin is responsible. It also reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood, thereby reducing the likelihood of developing atherosclerosis.

Highlighting this issue, it should be noted that the body's natural filter is our liver, 65% consists of this substance. From it, she receives bile, which is involved in the metabolic process.
Brain activity and memory processes also depend on the level of lecithin, as it is involved in the transmission of nerve impulses. The lack of this substance can lead to chronic fatigue, irritability and insomnia.
The use of additional doses of lecithin is widely practiced during the rehabilitation period after lung surgery and in the treatment of tuberculosis. This is explained by the fact that phospholipid substances protect the lung tissue from damage and restore its surface layer, which consists of a sulfactant.
Regarding industrial qualitieslecithin, it is an excellent natural emulsifier and antioxidant. It is used to extend the shelf life of products and improve their consistency. Lecithin is widely used in the production of chocolate, ice cream, icing, pasta and bakery products, mayonnaise and margarine. Marking E476 and E322 means that lecithin is present in the composition.
Benefits and harms rarely occur separately, and this case is no exception. The thing is that in industry most often this substance is obtained from genetically modified soybeans. Excessive consumption of products containing this substance by children under 3 years of age can lead to allergic reactions and thyroid problems.
At the same time, soy lecithin, the benefits and harms of which will be the subject of scientific discussions for many more years, has the lowest production costs and therefore it is not so easy to find an alternative to it.