Dietary supplements "Biafishenol": "Fish oil (omega 3)". Reviews, composition, instructions for use

Dietary supplements "Biafishenol": "Fish oil (omega 3)". Reviews, composition, instructions for use
Dietary supplements "Biafishenol": "Fish oil (omega 3)". Reviews, composition, instructions for use

Few of those who happened to grow up during the Soviet era, do not remember the taste of fish oil. Tireless mothers and grandmothers punctually fed the children an oily liquid with a pronounced taste of fish, not forgetting to remind them of the benefits of this action. And, as usual, they were not wrong. Today, the benefits of fish oil, or rather, the substances it contains, have been proven by medical science.

biafishenol fish oil omega 3 reviews
biafishenol fish oil omega 3 reviews

Benefits of fish oil

Vitamins A and D turn fish oil into a real fighter for human he alth! Thanks to them, the reproduction of skin cells and mucous membranes improves. They are indispensable for the beauty and he alth of hair and nails. Vitamin D not only counteracts a high level of nervous excitability, but also prevents convulsions and tremors from becoming uninvited guests. The same component serves as the best prevention of such a formidable disease in children as rickets. Without the help of this vitamin, calcium and phosphorus will not be able to be absorbed by cells. This active substance is a real natural storehouse of polyunsaturated fatty acids of the omega-3 group. They will become a reliable barrier in the development of cardiovascular, improve blood circulation, reduce thrombosis, have a beneficial effect on the work of the pericardium and epicardium, reduce the amount of bad cholesterol and help to avoid atherosclerosis and arrhythmia. Fish oil has been proven to increase levels of serotonin (the happy hormone) when taken. Of course, it cannot be called a panacea, but it is certain that the fight against depression or apathy with the help of fish oil will be much more effective than without it. And what could be better in a life like a constant deadline?

biafishenol fish oil omega 3 reviews instructions
biafishenol fish oil omega 3 reviews instructions

What's new?

Science does not stand still, and with the help of progressive manufacturers of drugs and dietary supplements, this tasteless, but such a he althy natural cocktail of vitamins has been replaced by fish oil "Biafishenol" in capsules. The use of this dosage form is much more pleasant, and now even children can easily cope with it - after all, swallowing a gelatin capsule is not difficult at all! From the line of dietary supplements "Biafishenol" "Omega-3 fish oil" (reviews indicate that the use of the drug does not bring even a slight feeling of discomfort) in golden capsules even children are happy to use!

Why in capsules?

Manufacturers pursued two main goals. Firstly, the unpleasant smell and taste of fish oil is now imperceptible. Secondly, polyunsaturated acids oxidize very quickly when exposed to air. Now the harmful effect of oxygen on Omega-3 and Omega-6 is excluded: the gelatin capsule prevents this valuable substance from spoiling, andthis makes fish oil "Biafishenol" in capsules a reliable and faithful assistant for people leading a he althy lifestyle.

bad biafishenol fish oil food with omega
bad biafishenol fish oil food with omega

What's inside?

The composition of the dietary supplement "Biafishenol" "Fish oil food" with Omega, like everything ingenious, is simple - there is nothing inside but salmon fish oil! But what is contained in the latter, you can talk for a long time. Fish oil is a cocktail of glycerides, and its main component is acids: oleic (its content varies within 70%), the second in terms of specific gravity is palmitic, as well as valuable polyunsaturated acids Omega-3 and Omega-6. And it is this natural mix that is optimal for human consumption for the purpose of prevention and treatment!

biafishenol instructions for use
biafishenol instructions for use

Who should drink

The doctor may recommend the use of "Biafishenol" as a biologically active food supplement. It is an excellent source of Omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, vitamins A and D.

Fish oil is an effective prophylactic against rickets in children. Vitamin D contained in this product will ensure normal bone growth, strengthen the baby's immune system and prevent muscle weakness. And the child will have a he althy spine and excellent posture!

The joints of an adult throughout life need fats, because with a lack of these substances, the joints lose their elasticity, which leads to tissue rupture. In addition, these fats arejoint lubrication, they cover the contact surfaces of the joints and, due to the fact that they increase slip, reduce their wear. It has long been noted that people living in close proximity to the sea, eating a large amount of sea fish, rarely suffer from joint pain, arthritis, and arthrosis. If the doctor has already prescribed the patient treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs or antibiotics, the use of fish oil in combination with drugs will give a more tangible effect.

Fish oil can be safely called a dietary supplement for female beauty. Its ingredients help hair to be strong and thick, skin to be glowing and he althy, and nails to be shiny and strong.

"Biafishenol" is often prescribed by therapists and pediatricians to improve the recovery process of the body after infections, to patients with weakened immune systems, as well as to prevent various diseases.

review fish oil food biopharm biafishenol
review fish oil food biopharm biafishenol

How to apply

"Biafishenol" "Omega-3 fish oil" reviews, instructions for use recommend drinking a daily course. The daily dose (in capsules) for an adult and a child over 14 years of age should be:

  • At a dosage of 0.3 g - 10 pcs. per day.
  • At a dosage of 0.4 g - 8 pcs. per day.
  • At a dosage of 0.45 g - 7 pcs. per day.

Duration of admission should not exceed 30 days. After that, you need to take a break. Preventive treatment is carried out in courses, but no more than 2-3 times during the year.

"Biafishenol": instructions forapplication for children

Children under three years of age are not recommended to use dietary supplements unless otherwise prescribed by a doctor. The dose of the drug taken depends on the age of the baby. Children from 3 to 6 years of age are recommended 4 capsules per day. Children over 6 years old - 8 capsules per day. "Biafishenol" "Omega-3 Fish Oil" (reviews about the drug are extremely positive), it is better to take it with meals. This will help avoid allergic reactions.

biafishenol fish oil capsules
biafishenol fish oil capsules

Contraindications. Talk to your doctor

What should I watch out for when taking Biafishenol Fish Oil Omega-3 D3? The instruction warns that you should not use the drug with reduced blood clotting, hemophilia, pregnancy, during periods of exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases. Caution should be used if the phenomenon of hypersensitivity to the components of "Biafishenol" has previously been observed. That's what clinical studies and customer reviews say: fish oil food ("Biopharm") "Biafishenol", if the recommended dose is exceeded, can cause a decrease in blood clotting, diarrhea, exacerbation of chronic pancreatitis and cholecystitis. It is better to discuss the feasibility and safety of using the drug with your doctor.

"Biafishenol" "Omega-3 fish oil". Reviews are positive

Many who take the drug report an improvement in their he alth. It is also noticed that "Biafishenol" helps with problems with the reproductive system, promotes the burning of subcutaneous fat, and reduces inflammation.

In treatmentdiseases of the musculoskeletal system, fish oil "Biafishenol" has proven itself well in combination with anti-inflammatory drugs and antibiotics. Patient feedback indicates that the process of recovery or remission came faster.

Many teenagers taking "Biafishenol" noted a decrease in inflamed areas of the skin of the face with acne or acne. The drug is also very positively characterized in the treatment of purulent wounds and abscesses.

Women over 50 have noticed the beneficial effect of dietary supplements on the skin - it becomes less dry even in winter, when its condition is negatively affected by the effect of dry air in the conditions of operation of heating appliances and a decrease in humidity in homes.

fish oil biafishenol reviews
fish oil biafishenol reviews

Improvement of the psycho-emotional state was noted by the majority of those taking the dietary supplement. There was an improvement in mood, especially in the autumn and winter periods, an increase in physical activity and the ability to endure stressful situations.

Additional components of "Biafishenol" - flax, wild rose, valerian, motherwort, sea buckthorn - are also noted with laudatory reviews. This allows dietary supplements to bring even more benefits by increasing the amount of polyunsaturated acids, vitamins and other active substances.

Animal lovers have experimented and used "Biafishenol" even in the treatment of their four-legged pets. According to subjective assessments, wounds in dogs healed faster, skin and hair recovered more quickly.

Menof reproductive age noted an improvement in spermogram results and an increase in endurance during prolonged physical exertion.

Among the positive qualities of the additive, reviews note the ease of use and the optimal size of the capsules. Swallowing fish oil is now easy, even for children.

Parents of schoolchildren see their children improve memory retention and increase daily activity. The process of falling asleep and the quality of sleep also have positive feedback.

Negative drug reviews

Due to the fact that Biafishenol has practically no contraindications and no cases of its overdose have been established, the number of critical reviews about it is minimal. But still, in fairness, it should be noted that they meet. Taking "Biafishenol" "Omega-3 Fish Oil" (reviews also indicate such a reaction), people noted the appearance of heartburn and discomfort in the stomach. This is one of the most common occurrences when taking a dietary supplement on an empty stomach. Skin allergic reactions have also been noted. Most often, negative reviews are due to incorrect intake of dietary supplements, because the instructions indicate that the drug should be taken with food. Also, in the annotation to the dietary supplement, individual intolerance to the components of "Biafishenol" is stipulated.


Biafishenol "Omega-3 Fish Oil" has a shelf life of 2 years for both children and adults. It must be stored in a dark place, protected from direct sunlight - they are detrimental tomany vitamins and polyunsaturated acids. The drug must be protected from the influence of low and high temperatures, optimal storage in the refrigerator. Even in light of the fact that there have been no cases of overdose, it is better to keep Biafishenol out of the reach of children.
