Diakarb drug for intracranial pressure. "Diakarb": reviews

Diakarb drug for intracranial pressure. "Diakarb": reviews
Diakarb drug for intracranial pressure. "Diakarb": reviews

The drug "Diakarb" with intracranial pressure is usually used for hydrocephalus, as well as hypertensive-hydrocephalic syndrome. Such diseases are accompanied by severe headaches, excessive growth in the size of the skull or divergence of its sutures due to an increase in the volume of cerebrospinal fluid. It is this medicine that helps to cope with such a discrepancy in the body.

diacarb with intracranial pressure
diacarb with intracranial pressure

Composition, release form and analogues

The main active substance of the drug "Diakarb" is acetazolamide. Additionally, the composition of the drug includes the following components:

  • potato starch;
  • sodium starch glycolate;
  • talc.

Diacarb is usually produced as white, flat, round tablets.

Pharmacological properties

The main directions of action of the drug are diuretic and decongestant. Being a diuretic, the drug "Diakarb" for intracranialpressure exerts a diuretic effect through a process called carbonic anhydrase inhibition involved in the exchange of carbonic acid. In the tissues of the kidneys, this enzyme is inhibited by reducing the absorption of sodium and bicarbonate ions into the blood from the urine. Along with the use of Diakarb tablets in cases of excessive intracranial pressure, it is advisable to prescribe them for certain lung diseases, when pulmonary heart failure is observed. The main function of the drug as a whole is to retain water and sodium in the body, to prevent edema of various origins. By normalizing the water-s alt metabolism, the active ingredients of the drug do not lead to acid-base imbalance.

diacarb for newborns reviews
diacarb for newborns reviews

The duration of the tablets is 12 hours, while the maximum concentration in the blood plasma of the drug reaches 2 hours after oral administration. Penetrating through the placental barrier, due to the high degree of connection with blood proteins, the active substance is excreted through the kidneys during the day.

Indications for use of the drug

This drug is most often used in the treatment of increased intracranial and intraocular pressure. As a rule, in order to prevent the side effects of this drug, an additional remedy "Asparkam" is prescribed in parallel.

Self-prescribing and taking the drug "Diakarb" is categorically not recommended. There are safer, narrower means for this. How exactly in a particular situationthe medicine will work and whether it can help to effectively cope with the problem, only a specialist can determine.

Indications for the appointment of tablets "Diakarb" may be the following diseases:

  • mild or moderate edematous syndrome;
  • altitude sickness;
  • epilepsy (as an addition to complex treatment);
  • glaucoma;
  • some lung problems.


diacarb for babies reviews
diacarb for babies reviews

Categorically it is impossible to use Diacarb for treatment with increased intracranial pressure and in the following cases:

  • hypersensitivity to the components that make up the drug;
  • liver failure;
  • acidosis;
  • Addison's disease;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • breastfeeding;
  • pregnancy;
  • acute renal failure;
  • hypokalemia;
  • hypocorticism;
  • uremia.

Extremely careful you need to be with the appointment of this drug for edema of renal and hepatic nature. In addition, while taking large doses of acetylsalicylic acid, there may also be problems with drug compatibility.

Diacarb drug: side effects

In some cases, unpleasant symptoms associated withviolation of the dose of the reception or other doctor's prescription:

  • hypokalemia;
  • convulsions;
  • anorexia;
  • paresthesia;
  • itch;
  • muscle weakness;
  • urticaria;
  • skin hyperemia;
  • metabolic acidosis;
  • tinnitus;
  • myopia.
diacarb side effects
diacarb side effects

Especially often left in relation to Diakarb tablets, reviews contain information about the appearance of weakness in the muscles and cramps. Prolonged use of the drug sometimes leads to certain he alth problems, such as:

  • leucopenia;
  • nephrolithiasis;
  • disorientation;
  • glucosuria;
  • vomit;
  • drowsy;
  • hematuria;
  • allergy;
  • hemolytic anemia;
  • impaired sense of touch;
  • diarrhea;
  • nausea;
  • agranulocytosis.

Method of administration and dosage

When a patient is prescribed "Diakarb" (tablets), the instructions for the drug should be carefully studied directly by the patient. Along with the established regimen for the use of the drug, which the doctor selects depending on the type of disease, the individual characteristics of the body, the weight and age of the patient, questions may arise with hisstorage, pharmacological properties.

To relieve edematous syndrome, it is recommended to take the drug "Diakarb" daily at a dosage of 250-375 mg once a day. The maximum effect will be achieved 2-3 days after the start of treatment. After that, doctors advise taking a break for a day. In parallel with this, medications are usually prescribed to improve blood circulation, replenish potassium in the body, and a sparing diet that limits s alt intake.

diacarb reviews
diacarb reviews

Open-angle glaucoma is treated with this drug, also taken once every 24 hours at 250mg. Therapy for secondary glaucoma involves a dose of 250 mg every 4 hours. In the case of mountain sickness therapy, a dosage of 500-1000 mg per day is taken, approximately 1-2 days before climbing the mountains. Epilepsy is treated by taking Diacarb tablets, 250-500 mg per day, with a break after 3 days.

Treatment of newborns

Quite often, situations when a baby sleeps poorly and little, cries angrily day and night, are perceived by young parents as the norm. It seems to them that any newborn just has to be restless. However, such signs do not always indicate the good he alth of the baby. Pediatricians say that an overly restless and constantly crying child is a serious reason for taking emergency measures. Such signs in the behavior of the infant may indicate the presence of increased intracranial pressure. Usually such a diagnosis is made to the children of those mothers who had a difficult pregnancy, toxicosis was present, and the birth was difficult andlengthy.

This pathology is usually the result of insufficient oxygen supply to the fetus, as a result of which the brain cells cannot function normally. It is because of this that the fluid that surrounds the children's brain is produced in large quantities and puts pressure on it. The result is a headache, poor sleep, moodiness and excessive tearfulness.

For an accurate diagnosis, the doctor collects an anamnesis, which includes detailed information about how the pregnancy went and the birth itself. Be sure to perform a careful visual examination of the newborn to determine muscle tone and tomography of the brain. In case of confirmation of the disease, it is recommended to urgently begin treatment. The drug "Diakarb" with intracranial pressure becomes simply irreplaceable. Since it is a diuretic, it quickly helps to reduce the production of cerebrospinal fluid in the brain of a newborn.

If treatment with Diakarb is planned, patient reviews cannot be the only source of information. Such a medicine is not prescribed on its own, and therefore if the neurologist nevertheless established a disappointing diagnosis for the baby, you should strictly follow the doctor's instructions in everything. Only the results of special studies can allow the doctor to determine the treatment regimen and set the dosage. The high efficiency of therapy gives pediatricians every reason to prescribe the drug "Diakarb", the side effects of which, however, can adversely affect the he alth of the baby. The diuretic property of this drug leads toexcessive leaching along with water from the body of potassium, which it needs for normal heart function. It is for this reason that the regimen for taking this medication involves the simultaneous use of Asparkam.

The doctor individually prescribes the medicine "Diakarb" to a small patient. Instructions for use, reviews and regimen should be carefully studied by the mother or father of a sick child. To prescribe the dosage and method of treatment, the doctor only needs to know the exact weight of the baby and the amount of accumulated cerebrospinal fluid. The specific sequence of taking tablets and a clear dosage are also determined taking into account the general well-being of a small patient. As for taking the additional medicine "Asparkam", its order will also be clearly described by the doctor. In practice, a newborn is usually prescribed to give this remedy in the amount of 0.25 tablets 3 times a day, while the main medication is taken once a day for ¼. The indicated norms do not necessarily indicate that the doctor will prescribe just such a dosage - each case of the disease requires an individual approach to the patient.

Side effects from both drugs, such as diarrhea, pruritus, vomiting and nausea, convulsions, are a reason for urgent hospitalization of a newborn. In addition, severe thirst, a sharp decrease in blood pressure, flushing of the skin of the face, weakness in the muscles, and severe lethargy of the child can become a consequence of taking Asparkam tablets. If any of these signs appear, doctors recommend not to waste time and contact the medicalinstitution. If the drug is taken for more than 5 days (namely, this period is the maximum for such young children), metabolic acidosis may occur.

Cases of overdose of the drug "Diakarb" in practice are rare. But when there are signs of disorders of the central nervous system, the medication should be stopped immediately and go to the hospital to control the acid-base balance of the body.

diakarb and asparkam baby reviews
diakarb and asparkam baby reviews

Moms should not be afraid of side effects, because if the doctor insists on the need for such treatment, then there are good reasons for this. The effectiveness of the drug "Diakarb" has been scientifically proven, so it will not be difficult to solve the problem with the he alth of the baby in just the next few months. As a result, the child will calm down, get rid of the excruciating headache, discomfort and will give joyful emotions to his parents. By the age of one, usually in the family they already forget about such a terrible diagnosis at first glance, which was made by a neurologist in the first weeks of a baby’s life. Do not forget that a problem with intracranial pressure not resolved at an early age can cause a serious lag in the development of a child, painful migraines, and the formation of a complex character.

"Diakarb" - how to take a child?

Depending on the age of the child, you need to distribute the daily dosage:

  • 4 to 12 months - 50mg;
  • 2 to 3 years - 50-125mg;
  • 4 to 18 years - 125-500 mg.

Giving the drug "Diakarb" to children instructions for use advises no more than 15 mg per kilogram of weight per day, but the indicated dose must be proportionally distributed throughout the day. The total dosage of medication for a child should not exceed 750 mg per day. When this drug is combined with anticonvulsants, the rate of its intake by a child per day at the initial stage of treatment is 250 mg. According to the doctor's prescription, the Diakarba regimen may change, and the dosage will gradually increase. It should be noted that in the treatment of any disease, when a pill is accidentally missed, it is impossible to increase the next dose in time.

The use of this drug for children should occur under the strict supervision of a physician. Entering the prescription group of drugs, this remedy can be dangerous for a child of any age, and therefore it is better to be treated in a hospital setting, where attention and control over the patient's condition is guaranteed. In practice, Diacarb tablets are often prescribed by neurologists for home treatment of children in the absence of a serious condition.

Parents need to be very attentive to the child taking this medicine, as adverse reactions may occur from the body. In the case of using the drug "Diakarb" for children, the instruction warns that the baby may experience convulsions, vomiting, muscle weakness, nausea, and allergy manifestations. Long-term use of the drug sometimes leads to a decrease in the level of leukocytes in the blood or even hemolytic anemia.

To increase the effectiveness of these pills and prevent adverse reactions, doctors simultaneously prescribe additional funds to small patients. In practice, the preparations "Diakarb" and "Asparkam" are often used in infants - the reviews of practicing pediatricians about such complex treatment speak of its exceptional effectiveness. This principle of appointment is usually used for a long course of therapy in order to reduce the excretion of potassium from the child's body (it is lost due to the high consumption of sodium ions). The importance of this microelement in the life of a child is difficult to overestimate: potassium is necessary for all cells to ensure proper metabolism. However, its main task is to participate in the development of the heart muscle (myocardium), which also requires the presence in the body of a sufficient amount of magnesium involved in carbohydrate metabolism and energy supply to cells.

Thus, if long-term treatment with Diakarb is necessary, side effects will be minimized by compensating for them with Asparkam, namely, by replenishing the loss of potassium ions and increasing blood alkalinity. The active ingredients of this medicine will ensure the supply of potassium and energy to the body, as well as ensure its proper functioning, bringing the alkalinity of the blood to an optimal state.

The dosage of the medicine is selected individually for each baby based on the results of the tests and a thorough examination. The dosage of the drug "Diakarb", reviews and instructions for which indicate the need to take into account the weight and age of the child, usuallyis at least 50 mg per day. It is necessary to give the child a daily dose for 1-2 times, breaking it into equal parts.

Features of admission for newborns and infants

Quite often they use the drug "Diakarb" for newborns - parents' reviews on this topic contain a lot of information about the high effectiveness of the drug in the fight against complex childhood diseases. Babies up to a year are prescribed these pills for epilepsy. In case of divergence of the sutures of the skull and its excessive increase, this remedy also helps very well. An excellent result is shown by the drug "Diakarb" for infants - the reviews of many pediatricians indicate the prevalence of such a treatment regimen.

The appointment of this medicine for babies is made exclusively by a pediatrician, after a careful examination by a number of specialists (neurologist, surgeon, ENT, ophthalmologist). It is undoubtedly much safer to treat such a small child in a hospital environment where constant monitoring is carried out. This is exactly what doctors advise parents of babies, insisting on placing the baby in a hospital for a full course of therapy. However, in real life, some mothers prefer to use Diakarb tablets for newborns on their own - reviews of such home treatment indicate that parents do not always want to go to the hospital with their child.

The doctor always warns parents about the significant risk of such behavior, explains the possible consequences of uncontrolled medication. While at home, the baby should receive this remedy for no more than 5 daysin a row, after which you must definitely come for an examination to the pediatrician, as well as pass all the necessary tests. After all, along with high efficiency in treatment, Diakarb also has side effects, and quite serious ones.

Patient testimonials

Opinions about the effectiveness of treatment with Diakarb are very different. Some people say that this medicine helps to quickly cope with their problem and is well tolerated by the body, others complain about the presence of significant side effects.

If we talk about the use of the drug "Diacarb" for babies, the reviews on this topic are extremely positive. Many doctors talk about this remedy as the only possible effective treatment option for certain children's he alth problems. In general, about the results of treatment with Diakarb, the patient reviews contain satisfied statements and words of gratitude to the doctors who made a competent appointment.

diacarb for children reviews
diacarb for children reviews

This medicine is available with a prescription from a doctor. That is why it is imperative to undergo an examination with a pediatrician with a child, pass a series of laboratory tests and receive recommendations on the appropriateness of treatment with this particular drug. If parents have received an appointment and plan to use Diakarb tablets for children, the reviews in our material may be useful to them. This remedy is effective, but you should carefully consider the doctor's recommendations.

Many women are wondering if Diacarb tablets can be taken withintracranial pressure during pregnancy. Experts unanimously give an unequivocal answer to this question: it is absolutely impossible to do this! Obstetricians and gynecologists especially insist on the dangers of such therapy, explaining their position by the high risk of negative consequences for the development of the fetus. According to the instructions, patient reviews and doctors' recommendations regarding the appointment and administration of Diakarb, it is also impossible for women to be treated with this remedy during breastfeeding.
