"Elcar": release form, indications, instructions

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"Elcar": release form, indications, instructions
"Elcar": release form, indications, instructions

Video: "Elcar": release form, indications, instructions

Video: Chronic Cough in Children: causes, diagnosis & treatment I Dr Ankit Parakh, Child Pulmonologist 2025, January

What is a drug like "Elkar"? Forms of release of this medication, its pharmacological features, instructions for use, contraindications and indications for use, as well as adverse reactions are described below.

Means description, form, composition

In what form does Elcar medicine go on sale? There are several forms of release of this drug. Most often it is purchased in the form of an oral solution (drops). Such a drug is a clear, colorless or slightly colored liquid with a specific odor.

The active ingredient of the drug in question is levocarnitine (carnifit). It also contains the following auxiliary components: methyl parahydroxybenzoate, citric acid monohydrate, purified water and propyl parahydroxybenzoate.

The presented form of release of "Elkar" is sold in dark glass dropper bottles, which are packed in cardboard packs. Depending on the volume of the container, either a measuring spoon or a measuring cup is included with the preparation.

Medication "Elkar" in the form of injectionsolution is prescribed to patients only in special cases. Such a tool can be used for both intravenous and intramuscular administration.

Elcar ampoules
Elcar ampoules

The solution is placed in colorless glass ampoules with a ring or a break point. They are packed in a pack with partitions or placed in a blister pack made of polyvinyl chloride film. The active component of the injection liquid is also levocarnitine (carnifit). As for the excipient, only water for injection is used as it.

Pharmacological features of the drug

Oral and injection solutions "Elkar" are drugs intended for the correction of metabolic processes.

The active component of such funds is L-carnitine. According to experts, this is a natural substance that is directly related to B vitamins. Such an element takes an active part in metabolic processes. It is a carrier of long-chain fatty acids (including palmitic acid) across cell membranes from the cytoplasm to the mitochondria, where they then undergo beta-oxidation to form acetyl-CoA and ATP.

Other drug properties

Both presented forms of Elkar's release help to improve protein and fat metabolism, increase secretion and enzymatic activity of intestinal and gastric juices, improve food absorption, reduce excess body weight and reduce fat content in muscle tissues. Also, the use of this medication increaseshuman resistance to physical activity, reduces the degree of lactic acidosis, has a depressing effect on the formation of anaerobic glycolysis and keto acids, saves glycogen consumption and increases its reserves in such internal organs as the liver and muscles.


Both forms of Elcar release (oral and injectable solution) have lipolytic and anabolic effects. Being not a direct inhibitor of thyroid function, but a peripheral antagonist of thyroid hormones, such drugs normalize an increased basal metabolism in the presence of hyperthyroidism. They also contribute to a noticeable improvement in metabolism and energy supply to many tissues.

Pharmacokinetic features

After oral administration, the active component of Elcar is well absorbed in the intestine. Its maximum concentration in the blood is reached after three hours, and the therapeutic level of the drug is maintained for nine hours. Such a drug penetrates into the liver and myocardium, as well as into muscle tissues. It is excreted through the renal system (as acyl esters).

Intravenous injections "Elkar" are almost completely removed from the blood after three hours. This form of the drug also easily penetrates the myocardium, liver and (slightly slower) muscles.

Indications for use

In what cases can Elkar be used? The instruction for adults and children reports that such a remedy is used as part of combination therapy for:

Elcar drops
Elcar drops
  • diseases,that occur against the background of a lack of carnitine or its high loss (including myopathy, cardiomyopathy, mitochondrial diseases, hereditary pathologies with concomitant mitochondrial insufficiency);
  • intense psycho-emotional and physical activity (in order to increase endurance and performance, as well as reduce fatigue, including in the elderly);
  • complex treatment of chronic pancreatitis, accompanied by exocrine insufficiency, as well as chronic gastritis, accompanied by reduced secretory work;
  • rehabilitation after surgery, serious illnesses, injuries (in order to accelerate tissue regeneration);
  • complex treatment of skin diseases (including psoriasis, focal scleroderma, seborrheic eczema, discoid lupus erythematosus);
  • neurological manifestations in brain lesions of traumatic, vascular and toxic origin;
  • mild hyperthyroidism;
  • anorexia nervosa syndrome.

Also, the drug in question is actively used in sports medicine, with great physical exertion and intense training, with the aim of:

  • improving the coordination of movements and speed-strength indicators;
  • prevention of post-workout syndrome (that is, to speed up recovery processes immediately after physical exertion);
  • fat mass reduction and muscle gain;
  • acceleration of muscle regeneration in traumatic injuries.
Elkar medicine
Elkar medicine

In pediatrics, Elkar is used for children in drops. The instruction informs that such a drug for babies under three years old can only be given under the supervision of a specialist. This remedy is usually given to children:

  • low weight gain;
  • with a sluggish sucking reflex;
  • with reduced muscle tone;
  • for nursing premature newborn babies, as well as those who have undergone asphyxia or birth trauma;
  • with insufficient development of mental and motor functions;
  • with stunted growth and development.

Contraindications for use

In what cases it is impossible to use the oral drug "Elkar" (in drops)? The only contraindication to the use of this form of medication is the individual intolerance of its substances. As for the medication for intramuscular and intravenous administration, the following conditions are prohibited for its use: pregnancy, individual intolerance, breastfeeding.

Dosage drops for adults

How to take Elcar for adult patients? Such a drug should be taken orally half an hour before meals, pre-diluted with water.

Drink the solution
Drink the solution

With psycho-emotional and prolonged physical exertion, the solution is prescribed at a dosage of 750 mg to 2.25 g three times a day.

During rehabilitation after injuries, surgical interventions and diseases, as well as for anorexia nervosa, the medication is taken 1.5 g twice a day for 2months.

In the treatment of chronic gastritis and pancreatitis, the drug is recommended to use 375 mg twice a day for 1-1.5 months.

For the treatment of skin diseases - 750 mg once for 2-4 weeks.

For brain damage - 750 mg per day for 3-5 days.

With mild hyperthyroidism - 250 mg 2 or 3 times a day. The course of therapy is 20 days.

In conditions accompanied by a deficiency of carnitine, the drug is prescribed at a dosage of 50-100 mg per kg of body weight (2 or 3 times a day for 3-4 months).

Prescribing drops to children

For babies, the Elkar solution is added to sweet dishes (compote, jelly, juices).

The dosage regimen of such a drug for children is set individually (single dosage from 100 mg to 300 mg).

Elkar drug
Elkar drug

How to use the injection solution

The drug "Elkar" is administered intramuscularly or intravenously (stream or drip slowly). Before IV administration, the solution is mixed with 100-200 ml of a solvent (5% dextrose or 0.9% sodium chloride).

Side effects

When taking Elcar orally, a patient (from the digestive system) may experience such negative effects as gastralgia and dyspepsia. Myasthenia gravis and allergic reactions are also possible in people with uremia.

As for the injection solution, when it is administered, allergic reactions and muscle weakness may also develop. With a rapid infusion of the drug, pain is likely to occur along the vein,which usually resolves after the infusion rate is reduced.

Interaction with other medicines

Before using the agent in question, you should not only consult a specialist, but also read the attached instructions. The latter states that the simultaneous use of glucocorticosteroids can cause the accumulation of drugs in tissues (except the liver). It should also be noted that taking other anabolics can enhance the effect of Elkar.

Overdose cases

When taking an excessive amount of Elkar drops, patients may experience symptoms such as dyspeptic and myasthenic disorders. To eliminate such conditions, gastric lavage is required, as well as the intake of activated charcoal.

There have been no cases of overdose with the injectable form of the drug in question until today.

Give an injection
Give an injection

Medication "Elkar": reviews of adults and doctors

Reviews of specialists about this drug contain information that it has a positive effect on metabolism. Such a tool allows you to normalize the work of the digestive tract, and also serves as a good restorative medicine after suffering serious illnesses, during a decrease in efficiency, during a period of blues, mental and physical fatigue.

As for patients, the main advantage of the drug in question is that they can easily get rid of excess weight with it. However, reviews regarding weight loss are very controversial.character. Someone claims that it would be impossible to achieve good results without Elkar, while someone, on the contrary, reports a zero effect.

Also, the positive aspects of the mentioned funds include its affordable price. In Russian pharmacies, the drug "Elkar" in drops can be purchased for 300-320 rubles, and in injection form - for 450-500 rubles.