Epilepsy is a neurological disease of a chronic nature, which manifests itself in the predisposition of the human body to the sudden development of convulsive seizures. The pathogenesis of this condition is based on paroxysmal discharges in the nerve cells of the brain.
General information
Epilepsy is characterized by typical recurrent seizures or disturbances of consciousness (somnambulism, twilight, trances). Also, this disease is characterized by the gradual development of personality changes and epileptic dementia. Sometimes such a disease provokes the appearance of psychoses that occur in an acute or chronic form. They may be accompanied by such affective disorders as, for example, fear, aggressiveness, melancholy, elevated ecstatic mood, delirium, hallucinations.
If the development of epileptic seizures is due to somatic pathology, then they speak of symptomatic epilepsy.
In medical practice, so-called temporal lobe epilepsy is often encountered. The convulsive focus in this condition is localizedexclusively in the temporal lobe of the brain.

Can epilepsy be cured? Epileptologists and neurologists are involved in the diagnosis and therapy of this disease. Experts say that it is not possible to completely eliminate such a pathology. However, there are quite a few drugs that can suppress neuropathic pain and improve the patient's quality of life. One of these medicines is "Katena" (300 mg). Instructions, reviews, analogues and other features of this tool are presented below.
Composition, packaging and release form
In what form does the drug "Katena" go on sale? Patient reviews report that such a remedy is found in pharmacies only in the form of capsules.
The dosage of the medication in question may vary. 100mg capsules (size 3) are white, 300mg (size 1) are yellow, and 400mg (size 0) are orange.
The contents of the drug is a white crystalline powder.
Capsules are placed in blisters and cardboard packs respectively.

What is the active ingredient in the medication "Katena"? Reviews of experts report that the high efficiency of this drug is directly related to its main active ingredient - gabapentin. Also, the composition of the agent in question includes such additional components as corn starch, talc and lactose monohydrate.
As for the capsule shell, it consists of gelatin, titaniumdioxide (E171) and yellow/red iron oxide dye.
Pharmacological action
How does an antiepileptic drug like Katena work? The reviews of specialists, as well as the attached instructions, contain information that the therapeutic efficacy of such a drug is due to the presence of gabapentin in it, that is, a substance that is similar in structure to the GABA neurotransmitter or the so-called gamma-aminobutyric acid. However, it should be noted that the mechanism of action of this drug is different from the effect of other drugs that interact with GABA receptors.

According to the instructions, gabapentin is able to bind to the α2-δ subunit of voltage-dependent calcium channels, as well as inhibit the flow of Ca ions, which is one of the causes of neuropathic pain.
Other properties
Why is Katena so popular? Reviews of doctors and patients report that taking this medication significantly improves the general condition of the patient. This is primarily due to the fact that with neuropathic pain, the active substance of the drug is able to reduce glutamate-dependent death of nerve cells, increase the synthesis of GABA, and also suppress the release of neurotransmitters belonging to the monoamine group.
At therapeutic doses, the agent in question does not bind to neurotransmitter receptors, including benzodiazepine, glutamate, N-methyl-D-aspartate, glycine, GABA and GABA receptors. Unlike drugs such as"Carbamazepine" and "Phenytoin", the drug "Katena" (reviews about it are presented below) does not interact with Na channels in any way.
Pharmacokinetic features
Is the active ingredient of Katena (300mg) absorbed? Instructions and reviews of experts claim that gabapentin is absorbed from the digestive tract.

After oral administration of capsules, the maximum concentration of the main active ingredient in the blood is reached after 3 hours. The absolute bioavailability of the drug is approximately 60%. Simultaneous food intake (including foods high in fat) does not have any effect on the pharmacokinetic properties of gabapentin.
The active ingredient of the drug does not bind to plasma proteins. In patients with epilepsy, its concentration in the cerebrospinal fluid is approximately 20% of those in plasma.
Gabapentin is excreted through the renal system. Signs of biological transformation of this component in the human body are not detected. Gabapentin is unable to induce oxidases involved in the metabolism of other drugs.
Removal of the drug is linear. Its half-life does not depend on the dosage taken and is about 5-7 hours.
Clearance of gabapentin is reduced in the elderly, as well as in patients with impaired renal function. The active substance of the drug is removed from the blood during hemodialysis. Plasma concentrations of gabapentin in children are similar to those in adults.

Indications for capsules
In what cases can a patient be prescribed a drug such as "Katena" (300 mg)? Instructions and reviews report that the following conditions are indications for the use of the mentioned medicine:
- neuropathic pain in adults;
- convulsions partial (including conditions with secondary generalization) in adolescents from 12 years of age and adults (as monotherapy);
- partial convulsions (including conditions with secondary generalization) in children from 3 years of age and adults (as an additional drug as part of complex treatment).
Contraindications for taking capsules
When should I not take Catena? Instructions and reviews report that such a medication is strictly contraindicated in children under 3 years of age. It is also forbidden to take when observing a patient with high sensitivity to the components of the drug.
With extreme caution, the drug is prescribed to people with kidney failure.
Katena preparation: instructions for use
Reviews of experts and instructions for use report that the drug in question is a highly effective and popular antiepileptic drug. It is acceptable to take it inside, regardless of the meal. Reduce the dosage, cancel the medication, or replace it with an alternative medicine should be gradually over the course of a week.

For neuropathic pain, the initial daily dose of the drug (in adults)should be 900 mg (in three divided doses). If the effect obtained is insufficient, then the dosage is gradually increased.
Maximum daily dose of Catena is 3600 mg.
The time interval between taking capsules should not be more than 12 hours, as there is a high risk of recurrence of seizures.
With the development of partial seizures in children aged 3-12 years, the drug is prescribed in an initial dose of 10-15 mg / kg (divided into 3 doses). Within 3 days, the dosage is gradually increased (to the most effective).
What else do you need to know before you start taking Catena? The reviews of experts say that it is not necessary to control the concentration of this medication during treatment. The medication in question can be used in combination with other anticonvulsant drugs.
Side effects
What are the side effects of the drug "Katena" (300 mg)? Reviews report that after taking this drug, the development of the following conditions (one or more at the same time) is quite possible:
- amnesia, leukopenia, rhinitis, ataxia, pneumonia, confusion, bone fractures, incoordination, cough, depression, pharyngitis;
- thrombocytopenic purpura, dizziness, diarrhea, dysarthria, low white blood cells, irritability, arthralgia, nystagmus, myalgia;
- drowsiness, urinary incontinence, impaired thinking, vasodilation, tremor, urinary tract infection, convulsions, pruritus, amblyopia, skin maceration, diplopia, rash;
- hyperkinesia,acne, increased/weakened/absence of reflexes, arterial hypertension, paresthesia, Stevens-Johnson syndrome, anxiety, impotence, hostility, erythema multiforme, gait disturbance, back pain;
- Teeth discoloration, fatigue, increased appetite, facial swelling, dry mouth, asthenia, nausea, weight gain, vomiting, accidental injury, flatulence;
- anorexia, peripheral edema, gingivitis, influenza-like syndrome, abdominal pain, blood glucose fluctuations, viral infection, otitis media, pancreatitis, asthenia, abnormal liver function tests, general malaise.
Drug Interactions
Can I take Katen capsules with other medicines? Reviews of experts indicate that while taking this drug with antacids, the absorption of gabapentin from the digestive tract is reduced.
When used in parallel with Felbamate, an increase in the half-life of the latter is likely.
Important to know
Abrupt discontinuation of anticonvulsants in people with partial seizures provokes the development of convulsive status. Therefore, if it is necessary to reduce the dose, discontinue gabapentin, or replace it with an alternative drug, this should be done gradually over one week.
Katena capsules are not an effective treatment for absence seizures.
Parallel use of the mentioned drug with other anticonvulsant drugs often caused falsepositive results of the test, which was carried out to determine the protein in the urine. Therefore, it is recommended to use a more specific sulfosalicylic acid precipitation method during treatment.
People with impaired kidney function, as well as those on hemodialysis, need to adjust the dosing regimen.
Elderly patients may also need to adjust the dosing regimen of the drug, as this category of patients is likely to reduce renal clearance.
The safety and efficacy of epilepsy therapy with Catena in young patients, as well as in children under 12 years of age, have not been established.
During treatment with this drug, alcohol is prohibited.
Drug "Katena": reviews of doctors and patients, analogues
Analogues of the drug in question are: Eplirontin, Gabagamma, Gabapentin, Neurontin, Tebantin, Konvalis, Egipentin.

According to experts, the medication "Katena" is a fairly effective antiepileptic drug, which is especially popular with those who regularly suffer from convulsions and seizures with epiplepsy. As for the patients, they fully support the opinion of the doctors.
However, among the positive reviews, there are often negative messages. According to most patients, the main drawback of the remedy in question is its overpriced cost (compared to similar medicines). Experts say that the drug, activethe substance of which is gabapentin, has much fewer contraindications for taking, as well as side effects that manifest themselves from the nervous system.