"Cialis" and alcohol: compatibility, mutually exclusive action, effects on the body when taken and possible consequences

"Cialis" and alcohol: compatibility, mutually exclusive action, effects on the body when taken and possible consequences
"Cialis" and alcohol: compatibility, mutually exclusive action, effects on the body when taken and possible consequences

Good potency for a man is one of the most important indicators of his sexual viability. In this regard, the occurrence of problems in the genital area forces many of the stronger sex to take drugs that eliminate all the symptoms of erectile dysfunction. One of these medicines is Cialis. Can this drug be taken with alcohol? This question is of interest to almost all men using such drugs. Indeed, for many people, sexual acts are performed precisely after drinking alcohol (for example, after drinking champagne or wine during a romantic meeting with a partner).

So is Cialis compatible with alcohol? You will find the answer to this question below.

General information

The drug in question refers to drugs that are prescribed to men for erectile problems and other sexual disorders. The active ingredient in this medication is tadalafil. Suchthe medicinal substance contributes to the rapid relaxation of the arteries of the male genital organ, which further leads to an improvement in its blood supply. As a result of such exposure, the stronger sex can observe a high-quality and fairly long-lasting erection.

Impaired erection
Impaired erection

According to most reviews, Cialis is a very good and fast-acting remedy that helps men return all the previously lost joys of sexual relations.

Pharmacodynamics of the drug

Whether Cialis can be taken with alcohol at the same time is indicated in the attached instructions. It also describes in detail the pharmacological action of this medication. The therapeutic effect of the drug in question is explained simply. In the process of sexual arousal, nitric oxide begins to be released in the body of a man. When taking Cialis, its active component, tadalafil, enters the systemic circulation. It is this substance that helps to relax blood vessels in smooth muscle tissues, as a result of which blood flow to the genitals increases significantly, causing an erection. It should be remembered that if a man does not have sexual arousal, then the effect of Cialis will not begin (that is, it will be useless).

Cialis tablet
Cialis tablet

Important to know

Many men suffering from erectile dysfunction are only interested in one thing - what is the compatibility of Cialis and alcohol? However, there are also such representatives of the stronger sex who seriously think about general security.this drug. Experts say that the mentioned medication is not capable of causing irreparable harm to the body of a man. Doctors report that in he althy patients, taking this drug almost never causes drops in blood pressure, and also does not change the frequency of myocardial contractions. In addition, as a result of numerous studies, it was found that Cialis does not in any way affect the qualitative characteristics of the seminal fluid of a man, spermatogenetic processes, and also does not change the level of androgens and does not affect the hormonal background. But can you take Cialis and alcohol at the same time?

Harm alcohol

Before talking about whether Cialis and alcohol are compatible, you should find out exactly how alcohol affects the male body.

Imponence treatment
Imponence treatment

It's no secret that ethanol is the main ingredient in alcoholic beverages. As you know, this is the strongest toxic component that adversely affects all organic structures. Alcohol, especially in large quantities, can poison the body, causing physiological and biochemical disorders in it. Paradoxically, knowing this fact, most people continue to abuse alcohol, especially in romantic meetings before probable sexual contact. To prevent the harmful effects of alcohol on the human body, experts do not tire of repeating that ethanol has a negative effect on male reproduction. What is it connected with? The doctors report thatthe influence of alcohol:

  • significantly reduced erectile capabilities of men;
  • significantly changing (for the worse) the quality of seminal fluid;
  • significantly weakens sexual desire, etc.

Cialis pills and excessive alcohol

To eliminate all of the above violations, quite a lot of male patients use the drug "Cialis". Thus, if both alcohol and the mentioned medication are consumed at the same time, they will act against each other, as a result of which a positive effect may not be seen.

Patient at the doctor
Patient at the doctor

False potency increase

It should be especially noted that some men experience noticeable erectile improvements after drinking alcohol. At the same time, a man feels increased arousal and a certain surge of sexual energy, which causes confidence in his attractiveness. However, this reaction of the body does not last long. After some time, a man's sexual activity fades significantly, and this is due to the toxic effects of alcohol, which reduces sperm fertility.

"Cialis" with alcohol: is it possible or not?

As studies show, the compatibility of the mentioned drug with alcoholic beverages is possible. It is this fact that makes Cialis a drug of great popularity. However, experts do not cease to remind that alcohol with such a medicine should be consumed only in moderate doses. Only in this case, ethanol will notnegative impact on the therapeutic effect of the drug in question. If the representative of the stronger sex is not able to control his craving for alcoholic beverages, then it is better for him to forget about taking Cialis. Otherwise, the patient risks experiencing serious side effects.

Cialis tablets
Cialis tablets

Probable Consequences

Few people know, but it turns out that you can take Cialis with alcohol. According to experts, the mentioned medication is one of the most powerful drugs designed to improve the sexual performance of men. This remedy is especially popular due to its acceptable combination with small doses of alcoholic beverages. Many men have found out from personal experience that even with the combination of alcohol and Cialis, the latter copes with its therapeutic task in the best way. However, it should be noted that the absence of any effect on the effectiveness of the said drug does not exclude the absence of a harmful effect of the mixture on the body. With numerous combinations of ethanol and Cialis, the consequences can be unpredictable. The most terrible scenarios in such cases can be ischemic attacks, as well as sudden death.

Negative effects

What negative effects can occur when Cialis is combined with alcohol? Reviews of men who simultaneously take such a drug with a large amount of alcoholic beverages indicate the appearance of the following adverse reactions:

romantic dinner
romantic dinner
  • noticeable rushes of blood to the head;
  • muscle pain;
  • pressure surges (extremely rare);
  • dizziness and severe headaches;
  • signs of shortness of breath;
  • dyspeptic disorders;
  • tachycardia symptoms;
  • palpitations;
  • urticaria;
  • pathologically prolonged erection;
  • fainting.

In the event that any side effects develop due to the combination of alcohol with Cialis, doctors recommend using a lighter version of this medicine called Cialis Soft. The action of this tool is softer. Against the background of its reception, negative phenomena occur extremely rarely.

It should be remembered that all of the above side effects on the drug develop infrequently, however, when it is combined with alcoholic beverages, the likelihood of their development increases many times.

Method of taking the drug "Cialis"

The instructions say that Cialis should be taken one tablet once a day (half an hour - an hour before sexual contact). As practice shows, the therapeutic effect of the drug begins to appear approximately 30 minutes after ingestion. At the same time, its duration is about 36 hours.

Alcohol and pills
Alcohol and pills

Features of combining a drug with alcohol

If a man does not exclude the combination of alcohol with Cialis tablets, then it is better to first discuss this issue with a specialist who will prescribe the necessary dosage that does not cause negative effects.

If alcoholused in small quantities and infrequently, the patient should not have problems.

In extremely rare cases, the combination of Cialis with alcohol can lead to the complete absence of the therapeutic effect of the drug.

Small doses of alcoholic beverages are allowed before and after taking the medication. However, they should be minimal. Only in this case the probability of developing adverse reactions is close to zero.

Reviews, permissible dosage of alcohol

According to reports of experts, the therapeutic efficacy of the drug in question does not depend on the intake of alcoholic beverages, as well as fatty foods. However, this applies to those cases where alcohol was taken in small quantities.

Also, experts remind that both substances (ethanol and Cialis tablets) have a systemic effect. That is, they both expand the vascular walls, helping to reduce blood pressure. Therefore, mixing such components is best avoided.

According to doctors, it is permissible to take vodka with the mentioned medicine in the amount of 0.1 l, wine - 0.2 l, and beer - 0.5 l. As practice shows, the indicated doses of alcohol usually do not lead to unforeseen consequences. However, it is impossible to guarantee the absence of any negative effects with such a "cocktail".
