Ichthyol ointment: reviews and analogues

Ichthyol ointment: reviews and analogues
Ichthyol ointment: reviews and analogues

Along with a wide variety of cutting-edge medicines in pharmacies, you can also find those that have been familiar to us since childhood. Due to their quality, they are also popular in modern medical practice. It is one of these medicines that is ichthyol ointment. You probably first heard about this miracle remedy from your mother or grandmother. In Soviet times, in all home first-aid kits, next to brilliant green, mustard plasters, Zvezdochka balm and streptocide, a small jar of Ichthyolka proudly flaunted. She was always at hand - in case a pimple popped up or a wound festered. How did this black ointment gain such confidence in itself, what are the indications for its use and how can I replace the “ichthyolka” if it was not in the pharmacy?


The active substance of the ointment is ichthyol (ichthammol). It is obtained by processing oil from oil shale, because the medicine has a specific smell of fuel oil. Do you know why ichthyol was named that way? In deep mountain deposits, miners oftenthere were the remains of ancient marine life, fish and mollusks. The creators of the new substance did not philosophize slyly and named the substance in their honor - ichthyol (from the other Greek "ichthyo" - "fish").

ointment ichthyol review
ointment ichthyol review

Ichthyol is added in a volume of 10 or 20% to vaseline, and thus a medicine is obtained - ichthyol ointment. Reviews of the medicinal properties of the mentioned substance were received back in the distant 1880s - it was then that it began to be used in medicine. At that time, ichthyol treated all possible skin diseases, gout, rheumatism, mastitis. The substance disinfected, relieved pain and inflammation. It was used for sprains, bruises, they were treated for female and male diseases, migraines, and even taken orally. Today, it is also included in a large number of medical and cosmetic preparations, and is also traditionally used to treat festering wounds.


Today, like many years ago, every pharmacy sells ichthyol ointment. What is this medicine used for? Ichthyol has excellent disinfectant, anti-inflammatory and disinfecting properties, as well as warms and relieves soreness. It is used for any skin problems: wounds, burns, eczema, streptoderma, erysipelas, promotes rapid healing of wounds and perfectly treats boils and purulent rashes. Ichthyol ointment is also effectively used for neuralgia, diseased joints and in the treatment of the pelvic organs. The properties of this drug are unique in their own way. Ichthyol does not penetrate into the blood, which means that it can be used even duringpregnancy and lactation. But for young children it is prescribed with caution.

ichthyol ointment price
ichthyol ointment price

For healing wounds

Perhaps the most common of all that Ichthyol ointment has ever received, reviews are those that speak of its indispensability in the treatment of purulent wounds, inflammations, frostbite, burns, boils and boils, trophic ulcers, etc. n. Ointment applied to the damaged area quickly penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin. There, it destroys the protein compounds of microflora, eliminating the very cause of inflammation. Ichthyol also activates the blood supply, and along with the blood, oxygen also enters the wound. The problem area is quickly cleared, tissue regeneration is activated. If you believe the reviews, after applying the "ichthyolka" from the wound there will not even be a hint of a scar. The method of application of ichthyol ointment for skin diseases is simple. It is necessary to apply a thin layer of medicine to the problem area, cover with a gauze cloth and fix with adhesive tape. Such a bandage should be changed every 2-3 hours and a fresh layer of the drug should be applied each time. It is not recommended to rub the ointment into the skin.

ichthyol ointment properties
ichthyol ointment properties

In the treatment of rheumatism or joint pain, the remedy is also applied in a small layer. Reviews say that the medicine relieves inflammation, swelling, pain and disperses stagnant blood. Ichthyol ointment is also good for boils.

In urology and gynecology

The ointment we are considering has proven itself well in the treatment of diseases of the pelvic organs: hemorrhoids, anal fissures, prostatitis. Doctors say that the drug will help the fair sex with a number of diseases: salpingitis, oophoritis, bacterial vaginosis, erosion, metritis and endometritis, colpitis and a host of other pathologies. For treatment, rectal or vaginal suppositories are used, which contain ichthyol, or tampons. To do this, glycerin and 20% ichthyol ointment are mixed in equal parts, and then the mixture is applied to a gauze swab. It is injected inside and left overnight. Ichthyol relieves pain, relieves swelling and inflammation, restores blood flow and heals mucous membranes.

what is ichthyol ointment used for?
what is ichthyol ointment used for?

Clear the skin of the face

People who constantly suffer from rashes and acne on the face will also benefit from ichthyol ointment. What this remedy is used for is easy to guess - to eliminate acne. And how to use it correctly in this case?

The drug is an antiseptic and perfectly fights skin infections, therefore it will be effective for a wide variety of pustular formations, acne (including deep subcutaneous), eczema, comedones. If you have a pimple on your skin, apply a little on its surface and leave it for a couple of hours. Ichthyol ointment draws out pus from the deep layers of the skin quickly enough. But if the abscess has not broken through, or it is large, then you can use the remedy in the form of a compress for the night. Usually one or two treatments are sufficient. If the wound is freed from pus, then it is no longer necessary to apply ichthyol ointment.

ichthyol ointment draws
ichthyol ointment draws


There are certain limitations in the application. So, it is unacceptable to use ointments based on ichthyol simultaneously with other means (in the same zone). Especially if they contain alkaloids, s alts of heavy metals or iodine. Not recommended for use by persons under 12 years of age. You should also wash your hands thoroughly after handling the drug to prevent it from getting inside. In some cases, individual intolerance may occur. If this happens, then therapy should be stopped.

Side effects

For decades, ichthyol ointment has already been well studied and tested by millions of people. Reviews almost always talk about the effectiveness of the drug. But, as experts note, in extremely rare cases, the patient may develop an allergic reaction. This mainly occurs with uncontrolled and frequent use of the drug. The skin appears red, itchy, rash, or hives. The problem is solved by drug withdrawal. If the ointment is accidentally swallowed, then it is necessary to wash the stomach and take an enterosorbent.

ichthyol ointment for abscesses
ichthyol ointment for abscesses

Cost and release form

Another big plus is the cost of the drug. Ichthyol ointment, the price of which ranges from 15 to 40 rubles (many times cheaper than other remedies designed to deal with the same problems), is available at any pharmacy without a prescription.

The drug may contain 10 or 20% ichthyol and is available in tubes, small glass or plastic jars. Keep"Ichthyolka" should be in a cool, dark place. Shelf life - 5 years.


What to do if the drug we are considering is not in the pharmacy? Today, there are a number of products that have the same properties as ichthyol ointment.

how to use ichthyol ointment
how to use ichthyol ointment

Their price, by the way, varies within the same limits. Below we list the most famous and popular medicines.

Vishnevsky's ointment - it contains tar, castor oil and xeroform. The action is similar to ichthyol ointment. It treats trophic and varicose ulcers, is used for psoriasis, bedsores, frostbite and burns, lymphadenitis. Excellent antiseptic drug, effective for boils, abscesses, abscesses, carbuncles.

"Fukortsin". The active substance is fuchsin. Disinfectant and antiseptic preparation. It is prescribed for infectious and fungal lesions of the skin and mucous membranes. Active in the treatment of eczema, mixed and oily seborrhea.

Methylene blue is an antiseptic. It is used for washing wounds and affected cavities. Effective in the treatment of many skin rashes (boils, pyoderma), folliculitis, burns.

There are more expensive analogues. For example:

"Ilon" - disinfects and stops inflammatory processes. Used for boils, abscesses, carbuncles, hydradenitis and other diseases.

"Carboderm" - active substance - urea. The drug is prescribed only for adults. It has proven itself in the treatment of many diseases, evensuch serious ones as ichthyosis, psoriasis, eczema, seborrhea and others.

"Sangviritrin" - is prescribed for long-term non-healing wounds, with infectious and fungal lesions of the mucous membranes and skin. Used in gynecology, dentistry, surgery. Suitable for newborn babies.

"Ekteritsid" - a solution designed to treat complex infected wounds. It will help with burns, purulent inflammatory processes, trophic ulcers. Used for disinfection in meningococcal infections.
