Currently, a huge amount of information has appeared on the World Wide Web that there is a cure for cancer. But pharmaceutical companies flatly refuse this fact, fearing to lose huge profits. Allegedly, one Latin American company has been conducting research for many years, as a result of which it was proved that there is some kind of exotic fruit that completely destroys cancer cells in the body. This is guanabana. The opinions of doctors about this are completely different. Does guanabana really cure cancer?

Exotic plant
This short tree has several names: guanabana, graviola, soursop, soursop, annona. It grows in the subtropical latitudes of our planet. Widely known in Mexico, America, India and other countries located in this latitude.
The fruits of this tree appear not only on the branches, but also on the trunk. They are shaped likeelongated pear, only larger. They have a dark green color, on the surface - an imitation of spikes. The pulp of the fruit is juicy, sweet with sourness and very tasty.
Transportation of this fruit over long distances is very problematic, as the ripe fruit spoils within a few days. Usually unripe fruits are harvested, which successfully ripen in boxes. Now many companies offer to buy not only guanabana, but also various parts of this plant, which are no less useful.
This plant does well at home. It is grown in city apartments and greenhouses.

Useful properties of guanabana
Thanks to its unusual taste, this exotic fruit has won the hearts of many gourmets. Many delicious dishes, desserts, and drinks are prepared from this fruit. Numerous reviews of guanabana as an excellent ingredient for baking, ice cream and other culinary delights can be found on many sites. Guanabana leaves are used to make aromatic tea.

From seeds produce fragrant essential oil, which is widely used in soap making. It is also used in perfumery and cosmetic purposes.
In India, an infusion of the leaves of this plant is used to reduce fever, to combat diarrhea and dysentery.
Harm guanabana
Use the fruits of this plant with caution, avoiding eating the seeds. They are poisonous. Juice in contact with eyesguanabana seeds can cause blindness.
As delicious as guanabana is, nutritionist reviews are full of warnings about the undesirable use of fruits during pregnancy due to the high calcium content in this fruit.
In addition, according to Latin American scientists, excessive consumption of the fruits of this plant can lead to the development of Parkinson's disease.

Guanabana in medicine
For the human body, this fruit is very useful. It contains a huge amount of trace elements and vitamins that can help the work of internal organs. It also has a positive effect on the immune system.
Not only the fruits, but also the roots, leaves, bark and trunk of this tree are widely used in folk medicine. They treat helminthic diseases, obesity, nervous disorders. Guanabana pulp can lower blood sugar. In Indian countries, a mixture is made from the pulp of the fruit, leaves, bark and olive oil. The drug prepared in this way is widely used for external use in the treatment of arthritis and osteochondrosis.
Useful properties of the guanabana plant, the reviews of doctors confirm this, make it possible to use this plant for the treatment of many diseases along with pharmaceuticals.
Guanabana as a cure for cancer
One of the most valuable and useful qualities is the ability of this plant to cure cancer. It is believed that the cancer fruit guanabana is replete with phytonutrients that are incredibly toxic to cancer cells.intestines. Also, these substances can destroy breast, lung and prostate cancer. Based on this opinion, conclusions are drawn that guanabana cures cancer. Doctors' comments on this matter are absolutely opposite.

Expert Opinion
When information about the exotic fruit guanabana is found on the Internet, the list of its beneficial properties necessarily says that the fruits of this plant can cure twelve types of cancerous tumors. This is confirmed by the fact that one of the Latin American companies has been conducting research since the seventies of the last century and has proven the effectiveness of the treatment of cancer with guanabana fruits. But few people know that this is not a state organization. By its status, it is similar to our LLC - limited liability companies. Studies may have been carried out, but their results can in no way be considered reliable, since the goals of this organization are unknown.
Back in 2009, the US Food and Drug Administration spread information on the Internet that all drugs made from guabana did not pass the state accreditation. Their anti-cancer properties have not been proven. And websites and offices that distribute these supposedly medicines received special letters about illegal campaigning and sales. And so far, no legal studies of this fruit have been conducted in any of the countries, and their anti-cancer activity has not been proven.
Undoubtedly, there is a very useful guanaban fruit. Reviews of doctors-nutritionists who have won worldwide recognition confirm the benefits of this plant for the body as a food product. The world-famous nutritionist Bruno Reinard has repeatedly said in his works and public speeches that nutrition cannot be a panacea for cancer. Even if a person eats absolutely right, no one can guarantee that he will not get cancer.
In addition, this authoritative doctor says that no product and no anti-cancer diet can replace a full therapy.
After analyzing all of the above, we can conclude that guanabana is a fruit that does not cure cancer. Following the lead of scammers who convince of the opposite, a person loses precious time. Cancer goes into the stage of an incurable disease, and doctors become powerless to help the patient.