Altai non-alcoholic balm: composition, instructions for use and useful properties

Altai non-alcoholic balm: composition, instructions for use and useful properties
Altai non-alcoholic balm: composition, instructions for use and useful properties

Gorno-Altai non-alcoholic balm is a biologically active food supplement. Such a tonic drink is an additional source of flavonoids and contains juices from berries and fruits, essential oils of various medicinal plants, a powdered substance from unossified deer horns, natural bee honey and other components. About what properties such a healing agent has, in what cases it is indicated for use, and whether it has contraindications is indicated below.

Composition, shape, packaging

Altai non-alcoholic balm goes on sale as an aqueous infusion, which is placed in dark-colored glass bottles (500 ml or 250 ml) packed in cardboard boxes.

The drink in question contains the following active ingredients: powder made from deer antlers, sea buckthorn juice, bird cherry juice, lingonberry leaves, apple juice, vegetable extractmixes, marigold flowers, pine nuts, black poplar buds, oregano, water pepper, bergenia, rosea rhodiola, mint, yarrow, fireweed, natural honey, calamus, burdock.

Balm without alcohol
Balm without alcohol

Altai non-alcoholic balm also contains auxiliary components such as sugar syrup and preservative sodium benzoate.

The main properties of the drink

Altai mountain non-alcoholic balm is a combined drink made from deer antlers and medicinal herbs. The tonic effect of such a remedy is associated with the content of useful substances in it, which have the following properties:

  • Maral antlers are a component that has a tonic effect on the human body. It promotes the stimulation of sexual function, as well as the rapid healing of wounds. These effects are associated with the content of mineral s alts, enzymes, complex organic compounds, vitamins and various amino acids in the powder. The antlers also contain iron, phosphorus, silicon, magnesium, potassium, calcium and sodium.
  • Pine nuts contained in non-alcoholic Altai balsam are rich in amino acids, fats, proteins and carbohydrates. Also, this product is a source of nitrogenous substances, lecithin, ash, glucose, moisture, sucrose, starch, fructose, fiber, pentosans and dextrins. Some amino acids are unique in their kind and have no analogues. They have an extremely beneficial effect on the human body.
Gorno Altai
Gorno Altai
  • Cowberry leaves have antimicrobial,anti-inflammatory, choleretic, astringent and immunomodulatory effect. Such a plant is actively used for kidney diseases and gout, as well as for softening and subsequent removal of s alts and stones.
  • Black poplar (as bud extract of said tree) has diuretic, antipyretic, anti-inflammatory, diaphoretic, analgesic, antimicrobial, antiviral, wound healing, antitumor, sedative, astringent and antipruritic properties.

Properties of other components

Non-alcoholic Altai herbal balm is not a drug. Such a drink can not replace the drug therapy of certain diseases. All the healing effects that occur during the use of this remedy are associated with the properties of the natural products that make up its composition.

  • Origanum is able to have a calming effect on the central nervous system. This plant has anti-inflammatory, choleretic, antibacterial and diuretic activity. Also, the use of oregano contributes to the normal functioning of the digestive tract, including increased intestinal motility.
  • Mint has a choleretic, antispasmodic, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, carminative and mild laxative effect. Such a plant exhibits local analgesic effects, and is also used to treat angina pectoris, migraine, cerebral vasospasm and pathological conditions of the digestive tract.
Balm in tea
Balm in tea
  • Badan is a plant with phytoncidalactivity. It exhibits pronounced astringent properties (due to the high content of tannins), and also causes compaction of tissue surfaces, which helps to reduce pain. The rhizomes and roots of bergenia contain arbutin, which has a pronounced antimicrobial effect. The extract of this substance is used in the treatment of bleeding, cervical erosion and fibroids.
  • Burdock (plant roots) contains stearic and palmitic acids, stigmasterol, systostearin, mineral s alts, vitamins, inulin, ascorbic acid, bitter and tannins.
  • Fireweed contains carotenoids, vitamin C, B vitamins, flavonoids, tannins, phytostyrenes, chlorophyll, pectin. Due to the presence of iron, copper and manganese in the plant, the normal functioning of metabolic processes and the hematopoietic system is ensured.
  • Yarrow exhibits antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal, wound healing and antiallergic properties.
  • Calendula has an antispasmodic effect. This plant contains ascorbic acid, carotenoids, carbohydrates, resins, organic acids, glycosides, bitter and mucous substances.
Anti stress
Anti stress
  • Air potentiates the excitability of the taste nerves, which causes increased secretion of (reflex) gastric juice, including hydrochloric acid. Also, this plant improves the biliary function of the liver and increases the tone of the gallbladder.
  • Water pepper in alternative medicine is used to stop bleeding andwound healing. This product is highly active in the treatment of skin diseases, varicose veins, dysentery, sand and stones in the bladder, ulcers of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Rhodiola rosea is a stimulant for physical and nervous fatigue. Such a product as part of the Altai non-alcoholic balm, reviews of which are predominantly positive, works well with tendencies to asthenia, neurosis, hypotension, asthenic conditions, VVD.

Indications for admission

In what cases are non-alcoholic Altai herbal balms used? It is rather problematic to show all the conditions in which the specified drink has a beneficial effect. Therefore, the instructions only say that the remedy in question should be taken with the aim of additional intake of essential oils, flavonoids, as well as organic and mineral substances into the patient's body.

Reception bans

Any variety of Altai non-alcoholic balm (male, female, firming, soothing, vitamin, anti-cold, anti-stress, etc.) is contraindicated for:

Men's balm
Men's balm
  • diabetes mellitus, severe atherosclerosis, cardiac disorders;
  • increased nervous excitability, high blood pressure, insomnia;
  • progressive systemic diseases, pregnancy, breastfeeding, individual hypersensitivity to components.

How to use

Under considerationthe drink is taken orally only during meals. The balm can be added to mineral water, tea or coffee. The recommended dosage for adults is 5 ml, twice a day. Duration of admission - 2-3 weeks. After a 30-day break, the course of application can be repeated.

Negative reactions

In most cases, the use of Altai balsam does not cause any side effects. However, in rare cases, such a drink can provoke the development of hypersensitivity reactions.

Important to know

Non-alcoholic Gorno-Altai balm is not a medicine.

The use of a tonic drink should only be started after consulting a doctor.

To drink tea
To drink tea

After opening, the product should only be stored in the refrigerator.

Balm does not contain alcohol.
