Echinacea is a plant from the Asteraceae family, which has long been famous for its healing properties. Based on the extract of this plant, pharmacological companies produce many drugs, as a rule, to increase the protective properties of the body and strengthen the nervous system. Instructions for use of echinacea syrup indicate that the drug can be used as part of complex therapy for the treatment of both adults and children. The article lists the main indications for the use of the remedy, describes the principle of its action, and also provides information from the reviews of patients who have tested the effect of the syrup on themselves.
Composition, release form, cost and conditions of purchase
Echinacea syrup is available without a prescription, bottled and packaged in 150 ml bottles. Country of origin - France. There are also echinacea syrups from other manufacturers, in somecases, they are additionally enriched with vitamin C, as stated in the instructions for use. Echinacea syrup for children can also be fortified with lecithin or herbal extracts - read the instructions before taking it. The composition of the drug includes the following active ingredients:
- vitamin B1, or thiamine, in a liquid soluble form has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the nervous system, makes the patient more calm, reduces psycho-emotional stress;
- vitamin B2, or riboflavin, has a beneficial effect on the entire body as a whole, promotes the regeneration of liver cells, strengthens the body's defenses;
- vitamin B6, or pyridoxine, also has a positive effect on the nervous system; in soluble form, it may not be fully absorbed in some patients;
- Echinacea tincture (Echinacea purpurea), which does not contain ethyl alcohol, increases and activates the immune system, resulting in a person becoming more alert, better sleep, less likely to become infected with viral and infectious diseases;
- sugar syrup, potassium sorbate, citric acid, purified water are used as auxiliary ingredients.

Echinacea spirit tincture
Echinacea alcohol tincture from the domestic pharmaceutical company Galenopharm is also popular with consumers. It does not contain vitamins, it is a common alcohol solution of a small amount of plant juice. It is inconvenient for children to give such a remedy.- because of the strong alcohol taste, babies refuse to take the tincture.
For children (and for adults too) it is better to choose not a tincture, but a syrup with echinacea. Instructions for use indicate that there are no age restrictions for taking and the syrup almost never causes side effects (unlike alcohol tincture).
How to store syrup so it doesn't go bad
The optimum storage temperature is between 2 and 8 degrees. It is better not to leave a bottle of syrup in the sun - this can lead to a decrease in its therapeutic properties. Instructions for use of phyto-syrup with echinacea indicate that it is optimal to store the product on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
The product must not be refrozen - when stored in a room with sub-zero temperatures, the product may freeze and eventually become unusable, lose its healing properties.

Indications for Echinacea Syrup
Instructions for use for echinacea syrup indicates that the drug has the following indications for use:
- high susceptibility to viral and infectious diseases;
- chronic fatigue, reduced vitality;
- decreased performance, sleep problems, neurological disorders (as part of complex therapy);
- infectious diseases of the urinary system (as part of complex therapy);
- herbal remedy is effective for alleviating the symptoms of respiratorydiseases;
- asthenic conditions and their prevention;
- failure after infectious diseases.
Indications for the use of echinacea syrup are different, but remember: this is a homeopathic remedy, so it will be most effective as part of complex therapy. If the patient suffers from an infectious disease, then using the syrup alone will not go away. Parallel antibiotic therapy will be required.
Instructions for use for echinacea syrup for children states that self-medication is not recommended. If there is a suspicion of the development of serious infectious pathologies, then it is impossible to treat a child with syrup alone. It is necessary to establish an accurate diagnosis with the help of a qualified physician and use his advice on further treatment.

Echinacea syrup with various additives
Syrups with blueberries, vitamin C, B vitamins are on sale. Of course, this option is preferable to the usual standard alcohol infusion with echinacea.
For example, instructions for use for syrup with blueberries, echinacea and rose hips indicate that the drug not only has a positive effect on the body's defenses, but also strengthens vision, promotes recovery after experienced infectious processes in the kidneys and bladder. Such a complex effect helps both adults and children recover faster.
Echinacea & Vitamin C Syrup helps you recover fasterand restore former working capacity to adults, children and adolescents during the recovery period from inflammatory and infectious diseases.

Contraindications for use
Since the syrup with echinacea (instruction for use confirms this fact) is a mild remedy of plant origin, there are practically no contraindications to its use.
The main contraindication is the presence of allergic reactions to any of the components of the syrup. In this case, the patient may be disturbed by skin itching, various kinds of rashes - urticaria, dermatitis, eczema.
Patients with diabetes should pay attention to the composition - the presence of sugar in it can lead to changes in blood composition.
Drug interactions with other medicines
When taken simultaneously with tranquilizers or sedatives, their sedative effect may be reduced. Echinacea syrup (instructions for use by adults confirm this fact) has a slight activating effect. As a result, the desired sedative effect of tranquilizers can be significantly reduced.
Simultaneous administration with antiviral drugs does not increase the load on viruses or internal organs. Moreover, most therapists prescribe syrup to patients in conjunction with antiviral or antibacterial drugs.

Combination with alcoholic beverages
Instructions for use and reviews of echinacea syrup indicate that taking it with alcoholic beverages does not lead to an increase in hangover or other unpleasant consequences.
Of course, against the background of regular use of alcoholic beverages, not only internal organs suffer, but also the immune system and the nervous system. The syrup in this case will help restore the body's defenses and increase resistance to disease. But only to achieve such a therapeutic result, the patient must learn to deny himself the regular intake of certain doses of alcoholic beverages, then the effect of herbal preparations will be fully revealed.
Alcohol tincture with echinacea is not recommended for people who have ever suffered or are suffering from manifestations of chronic alcoholism. Since the product contains ethyl alcohol, taking it can provoke a painful craving for the resumption of their habits in a sick person.

Echinacea Syrup Reviews
Indications for the use of the drug are quite different. Feedback on use is also mixed - in some cases, the tool has a significant effect, but there are also many negative reviews.
Much depends on the initial state of the patient's immunity. If he is completely "killed" by chronic stress and autoimmune diseases, then it is required to take not only syrup, but also more serious drugs with immunomodulatory effects. In this regard, you can find negative reviews about the syrup withechinacea - people expect a significant and quick effect from it. But this herbal remedy has a cumulative effect, and you should not expect instant changes in well-being from it.
Judging by the reviews, the effect is noticeable around the second or third week of taking it: it becomes easier for a person to wake up, he is not disturbed by the symptoms of respiratory and viral diseases even during the period when the epidemic reigns and organizations are quarantined.

Reviews on the use of syrup for children
Parents are familiar with the anxiety that their child will once again become infected with a viral catarrhal disease, in connection with which they will have to go to the therapist and apply for sick leave. Instructions for use for echinacea syrup for children 3 years old indicate that the remedy is excellent as a prevention of such conditions.
Reviews from parents of babies who regularly "caught" viruses are positive. After the start of taking the syrup, immunity became much better and there was no need to issue sick leave once a quarter. The child becomes more active, more fun, shows interest in the learning process, actively communicates with peers.

How to support immunity: advice from doctors
In order to constantly maintain the body's defenses in good shape, it is enough to follow simple rules:
- Follow nutrition: every day, the body should receive both proteins, and fats, and carbohydrates in sufficientquantity.
- Adults should completely or minimize the use of alcoholic beverages, stop smoking.
- Children and adults should maintain moderate physical activity - walking in the fresh air, jogging, attending sports sections (but do not overwork - regular excessive physical overstrain, on the contrary, depresses the immune system).
- Take dietary supplements, such as syrups with vitamins, plant extracts (echinacea, eleutherococcus).
- Minimize moments of heightened psycho-emotional overstrain.